charzhino's Replies

Why are all the people in American Psycho white!!!11? Because, like Friends, American Psycho is set in the 80s/90s where NY was white dominated. I love Nolan but I agree 100%. The levels of pretentious complex plotting is way beyond passing it off as clever and subversive like Inception/Interstellar was. Tenet is a self-indulgent movie in the similar vain that Tarintinos Once upon a time in Hollywood is. Both are movies that are Nolan/Tarintino amped up to max level in a bad way. No. There are cases being found by Chinese scientists who did autopsies that the virus scars the lung tissue very badly, and they postulate that there is a chance it could do the same to even those who survive and cause irreverisble lung damage in the long term. I think so. The fact it was so in your face and trying to piss off fans of the original is what made it cringey woke. The director coming out and talking nonsense was the nail in the coffin. Now we've seen that retreaded with Captain Marvel, Terminator, Charlies Angels and so on. The problem aint having female leads, its how you market you're movie and appeal to fans. Look at Alien vs Predator way back in 2004 when it cast a black woman as the lead. No one cared because a big deal wasn't made out of it with over marketing a ''strong powerful female'' and how the AvP series needs to get rid of toxic masculinity. Or silly articles like ''move over Arnie, its time for a woman to beat the monsters'' Its slow paced and the general movie going audience will find it boring but I loved it, gave it 10/10. I hadn't watched the trailer which Looking back on it now does give some misleading impressions on the content of the film. If your a fan of mystery-sci fi with emphasis on character and subtlety, then I'm sure you will enjoy this Franco is a very versatile actor, in both serious and non-serious roles. His range is fantastic and have no problem with him being in this film. Looking forward to it too. They need a solid outing to make up for Apocalypse. It sucks big time! I see imdb is losing traffic to its site though. The only incentive I have to return there is to rate a film to add to my voting history so in a few years I can surprise myself that I rated a particular film a 9 or 10. But right now I have no desire in even opening up the site in hope that if their falling numbers continue, they might have some restorative action plan.