Jules0489's Replies

They might not know about it. I googled "forums like IMDB" to find this one. lol. There is also a slight possibility that IMDB wasn't as active as we thought. Maybe everyone just had three or four sock accounts? I'm kidding. I think other boards will pick up when the seasons start and people start wanting to talk about shows again. Agreed! Although really slow, it's relatively peaceful so far. I think the trolls on the Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, and Marvel/DC boards were mostly to blame for the closure, and so far they appear to be migrating towards other boards for the most part. I'm just going to say it. I still want Klaus and Caroline together. No matter how the shows end, my headcanon will always be that they somehow find their way to each other in about a century or so and live happily ever after traveling the world. lol Hayley and Elijah belong together. I liked Klaus with Cami, but I don't like him with Hayley. You and I are probably in the vast minority, but I've never cared for Hayley either. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way when she was first introduced on TVD and I've never really warmed up to her. I guess I hold grudges for a long time. lol. It doesn't help that I'm still bitter over Cami dying. Why do the women I ship Klaus with always seem to not work out?? First Caroline and now Cami. Uhh. I'm from IMDB, although I didn't post very often. Are these boards active or are they just a copy of the IMDB boards? I don't see many new conversations outside of the ones that were moved from IMDB. I think the endgame pairings will somehow be Damon/Elene, Stefan/Caroline, and Bonnie/Enzo. I don't see Matt being Elena's endgame at all. The only wildcard being that Julie Plec said there would "soft of" be a Klaus/Caroline moment. Not sure what that means other than perhaps a hint that Stefan and Caroline won't be together or one of them dies and Klaus attends the funeral. Either way, Klaus being mentioned may spell doom or Stefan and/or the relationship. I think creating The Originals spinoff messed with a lot of things, particularly Caroline's storyline. It was obvious (at least to me) that they were building a slow burn relationship between her and Klaus that was abruptly stopped when they decided to do the spin off. I guess they had them sleep together so they could still put them together if the spinoff wasn't successful, but since it was, it was just left as a wtf moment in Caroline's development. Steroline just seemed forced from the beginning. It just seemed like they didn't know what to do with Caroline and Stefan after Tyler and Klaus left and Damon and Elena got together, so they put them together. The books have a similar storyline, so I can see them playing with that. I don't think they will make any permanent changes since it would affect The Originals as well. I can see them doing an Alternate Reality episode with his theme and then everything goes back to normal at the end. I prefer Asylum. I was never a big fan of Freakshow and didn't even watch the entire season. It was visually appealing, but the storylines weren't great. It lost a lot of steam for me after a certain character was killed off too early. That being said, I prefer Murder House, Coven, and Hotel over both Asylum and Freakshow. That's a pretty unpopular opinion, but I thought Asylum was too political soapboxy against religion. All of the seasons have some political tone to it, but Asylum was the worst in that regard. I'm not even religious, and I thought it was a bit much. Like a few others, I found this place after being displaced by IMDB. I like this board because it's similar to their format, but it's so dead that I don't know how long I will stay. Hopefully more people will find it. IMDB had the best message board format even though it was technically outdated. I enjoyed the simplicity of it. I'm a big Stephen King fan and have made it my personal mission to read as many of is novels as I can. I read Salem's Lot several years ago and it is still one of my favorite vampire stories. I most recently read 11/22/63 and Mr. Mercades. 11/22/63 was brilliant. It was one of the best of his novels written in the last ten years. I highly recommend it. Mr. Mercades took a few chapters for me to get into, but I also ended up really enjoying it and plan to read the sequel, Finders Keepers next. I also really liked Desperation. That is one of his lesser known titles but very good and unique. Needful Things is also one of my favorites.