aavfreak's Replies

I don't like sand. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. This isn't bad thought, but just because the you would stop to get out and fight doesn't they would stop to get out and fight. You'd essentially be a sitting duck as they remained mobile, moving fast all around you and coming from all directions. At least while they're moving, the marauders couldn't coordinate attacks or concentrate their firepower. It's even stupider than that. It <i>does</i> have the effects of alcohol, but the intoxication can be "willed" away, so you can sober up at will. It also doesn't have any negative side effects, i.e. hangover. This was not a romance. It was a TAD hookup. That's all. Nothing more. The admiral's daughter was obviously more of a life long relationship, albeit flawed. Your premise is faulty. The original statement is "To boldly go where no <b>man</b> has gone before." The phrase was modified for Star Trek: The Next Generation to be "to boldly go where no one has gone before," to be inclusive of females, who were in the original series as well. However, within context, they are still referencing humans, earthlings. There are many times they go where no human has gone before. Alright, so here's how I always imagined it. All of the objects in the holodeck are projected light held in place by an energy field. This provides an environment that is indistinguishable from the real world. All the objects feel like the real thing. This would include the ground as well. Since the ground is a projected object, just like anything else in the scene, it doesn't have to remain static in relation to the physical room. As you walk in any given direction, the ground/floor moves beneath you keeping you centered in the room. This is a treadmill of sorts, but not as though the physical floor of the room is moving, but rather the virtual floor/ground created by the holodeck. No no no. Those are the best of the best of the best. SIR! Yes. My kids love Beetlejuice (ages 14 - 25) and they are excited for this. We don't go to the movies often, but they've asked to go for this. It worked for Top Gun: Maverick I could go for Aliens with dinosaurs. Hey Top, what's the op? There are some juicy islanders' daughters that we have to rescue from their virginity. Haha. Dumb ass islanders. Hey, who's Snow White. Some kind of expert. Apparently she saw a dinosaur once. Whoopie fuckin' doo. I never even knew this site had profile pics. What's the point of them if they're not visible anywhere except when you click on someone's profile? 🤣 It was my honor to serve. Same to you. *salute* I get it. It's only a matter of personal experience for me. I was stuck on deployment in 1997 and just got done with standing post on the 4th holiday. When I went to the one place that was open, Independence Day was playing on their big screen. It has fit ever since. It has MEN and WOMEN. And the WOMEN have babies. Toxic far right ideology. 2 Angry 2 Drive It's Jaws and Independence Day for me. Yes, that was literally in my post <blockquote>I understand he was raised as an American in his backstory,</blockquote> They've always been a breakfast item in my house when I was growing up and for my kids when they were in school. It seems that most movies today are planned with the idea of a trilogy in mind from the start. So, there's nothing to really get excited about. It's just expected. Jesus, avortac has been at this for a long ass time. Thanks for this. That's the gist of my point early on in this thread. <blockquote>For non explicit content, it almost has to be done that way. A good sensual handjob is more of a massage and not much movement away from the explicit area. When they're just showing from the elbows up, it works better on screen with that frantic jerking motion.</blockquote>