MovieChat Forums > Spies Like Us (1985) Discussion > Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

This film contains a scene that I think ranks as one of the most annoying and unfunny ever in the history of cinema. The one were CC and DA land in the medical corps camp and pretend to be doctors, and they meet all the other doctors in a tent and do a full round of introductions, along the lines of "doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor" etc - it seems to go on forever.


'"doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor" etc - it seems to go on forever.'

Yes, and what's not funny about that? Have you never been to a conference of doctors where, in the process of introductions there's a long series of "doctor, doctor, doctor..."? I have, and this scene depicterd the humor in such an event. I've seen it happen in real life and it's funny as hell.


"Yes, and what's not funny about that? "

Illogical question. Negations do not need explanations, only positives do. "Why are you not jetskiing in the Alps?" does not need an explanation, because you can't be everywhere at once, doing everything possible all the time (though I am not sure if it's even possible to 'jetski' in the Alps). Only what you are actually doing, requires an explanation, like "Why are you driving my car towards that tree?", for example.

The same goes for funniness. Things are "not funny" BY DEFAULT. That needs no explanation - that's just the way it is. Your question is the same as "What's not funny about that table lamp?". You can't really answer it very well, because the question itself is illogical - it doesn't make sense to ask it - it's like a broken question, that can never be answered.

The lamp is 'not funny' by default. The only honest answer would be: "Everything!". Though linguistically, it would become something odd, because now the statement would be: "Everything is not funny about that table lamp", implying that something IS funny about the table lamp in question.

The word "nothing" isn't any better - it would screw things again, because it would bring a double negative to the original question. The statement would now be: "Nothing is not funny about that lamp". Which would twist the meaning again, etc. I could go on, but I hope you get the point. This question CAN NOT BE ANSWERED, BECAUSE THE QUESTION ITSELF IS ILLOGICAL (or broken, if you will).

If something IS funny, then there has to be something that is funny about it. That is what requires explanation.

So, WHAT exactly is funny about repeating one word for a small eternity?

It's just repetition. I didn't hate the scene or anything, but I find it funny that so many people are flaming and defending a scene that consists of repeating a word multiple times. If that's humor, then why don't all the stand-up comedians simply repeat a word for an hour and leave followed by huge applause?

Why don't sitcoms simply repeat one word for 20 minutes between commercial breaks? Wouldn't that make it very easy for comedians and humor-makers?

Why would any other kind of 'real humor' even be needed, if THAT is what's funny?

No, it's not a funny scene. It's "slightly amusing at first" at best, and even that lasts for a very short time. Then it becomes irritating.

The premise is still promising - a bunch of people following etiquette blindly.

A similar scene appeared in "Seinfeld", but it had more variety, it was shorter, and it actually 'delivered'. George and Jerry were in a bar (I think this was the episode where George was wearing that Ski-lift pass or something), and one of the girls was named "Stacy". They each 'introduced' each other to each other, individually - and it kept going a bit even after that, in a natural progression.

I didn't find even that scene all -that- funny, but I agree with the original poster, that the 'doctor'-scene was a bit drawn out, and not actually very funny. I didn't mind it, it was slightly amusing, as I said, but it could have been a bit shorter and had more variety, and I did get a little bit impatient during that scene, seeing how utterly predictable it was going to be. And then it still kept going and going and going..

But I guess apes are easily amused - and IMDb is certainly proof that human beings on this planet are extremely rare. No wonder awful crap gets so much praise these days.. what can one expect, when the audiences are endlessly amused by endless repetition of one word!


Jesus, avortac has been at this for a long ass time.


I guess you haven'r seen the Hangover III trailer where that bearded moron starts to shreik.


You thought that was irritating? Really?! Have you never seen an Ellen Page movie?


elliot page


I think the most annoying scene is where everyone decides to "go out with a bang" - with people they don't even know. Ridiculous and obviously written by a man (considering the women are attractive while the men are not).


1. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight.I haven't watched this movie in awhile and I never knew that Ray Harryhausen was in it.
2. The more you know about comedy, the better this scene gets.
3. I seem to recall MASH -the movie- having s similar scene when Hawkeye and Duke arrive and are introduced around.
4. This has to be the best thread on IMDB.
5. Carry on.


4. This has to be the best thread on IMDB.

Possibly, or the saddest when you realize only four or five other posters beside yourself seem to get the point of the whole Doctor Doctor Doctor bit.

I was going to resist bumping this thread until I noticed your:
5. Carry on.

I'm too lazy to search it out but I believe this Doctor Doctor Doctor trope has also been done in one of the campy Gerald Thomas Carry On films as well as MASH, Frasier, The Muppets (I think), as well as numerous other sitcoms. As you say:
2. The more you know about comedy, the better this scene gets.

Indeed, so much in Spies Like Us was an homage to film makers and their craft.

They managed to do a send-up of so many film scene stand-bys:

-the bullet riddled getaway vehicle with both occupants unharmed.
-the horse opera chase scene with the overhanging branch.
-They Shoot (at) Horses Don't They? Luckily all bullets miss the horses.
-the stop-motion satellite animations.
-the cheesy death ray moving slow enough to be tracked by the camera.
-that alpine hairpin road seen in countless movies.
-tumbleweed rolls by the screen at a deserted location.
-the Get Smart elevator drop into a secret HQ bunker.
-goofy heroes survive army basic training obstacle course.
-the hard nosed/no-nonsense soldier, Rhombus (don't call him Square).
-a real POTUS makes a (sort of) minor cameo.
-black-clad ninjas with swords who politely wait to be beaten in turn.
-just put on a hat and coat to blend in with the natives.
-gorgeous women make excellent undercover field operatives in faraway lands.
-top level hardware is defeated by a rock and a hair-clip.
-save the day at the last second by reversing the polarity/numerical sequence.
-the sun always shines on tv(film) even at opposites hemispheres in real time.
- "East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet." ...unless we inject sex, drugs (vodka) and Rock 'N' Roll (or Soul/Blues music) into the dynamic, then both sides become instant pals and ...roll credits.

They meant to do it! The entire film was on purpose. If it's not the OP's idea of funny, then there's no point in five pages of people trading insults really. I'm just glad some of us got the gags.

Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.




The Doctor bit is the best thing in the film.

Its that man again!!


Aaaaaaand doctor!

Just watched the new "Vacation" today and I can't tell you how much I miss the 80's...


The saddest part is that that is the funniest scene in the entire movie.


Yep it went on too long.
