MovieChat Forums > Spies Like Us (1985) Discussion > Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

This film contains a scene that I think ranks as one of the most annoying and unfunny ever in the history of cinema. The one were CC and DA land in the medical corps camp and pretend to be doctors, and they meet all the other doctors in a tent and do a full round of introductions, along the lines of "doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor" etc - it seems to go on forever.


I see you don't watch much 3 Stooges old films? Its called the "doctor sketch" from old Vaudeville days. Many comedians used it in their films.


It was a pretty short scene how could it possibly be that irritating.

...Annd Doctor.


Well, the pay off is comedy gold = "We're not doctors!!"

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I think it was supposed to spoof the Monty Python Bruce Bruce Bruce etc. skit, where it's a bunch of Aussies all named Bruce, introducing the new guy (who gets renamed Bruce to avoid confusion). Note that the first doctor was Terry Gilliam of Monty Python fame.

This thread has been going over six years and nobody else has thought of that?


I know people (from Cleveland) who still introduce themselves , as 'Doctor?", "Doctor?", "Doctor",, and it's still funny!


This topic comes up on 7 years old now, nice. When it comes to homages, in-jokes, and satire, when someone doesn't get it they usually really dislike it. Too bad OP, you're missing out on a lot out there!

Also think mbrian is missing a lot too, so someone isn't enjoying a bit of great entertainment. Don't see the need to attack them for it. The appreciation of good comedy shouldn't be hurt by someone else's lack of it.

Ooh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. "I'm my own grandpa!"


Great Scene

And Doctor !!

Forza Inter!


Not my favourite scene but enjoyable. If it had run a little longer, it might have got annoying, but it ended at just the right time.

Monday Tuesday Blankety Blanks, Wednesday Thursday Blankety Blanks....forget it


If that's not funny, then I'm glad i'm not sick!


I love this scene!

Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor!!

What´s not to love?

And BTW, 8 year old thread!!!! CONGRATS!!
