samoanjoes's Replies

A few scenes did seem a little off. Um.... why is the user above "Hollywood Reporter" without a post number beside and no possible way to click on their account? I didn't know it. Thanks. A lot of it looked like perspective to me. I prefer it over the 1959 version. The sets were great. I didn't even know this was based on real events. That's just, like, your opinion, man. "Tmdb isn't anymore flasher than imdb. It's just that Travis cares about how his site looks, being fair and not allowing bullying or trolling. The owner here only cares about making money." Saying it isn't any flashier is subjective. Who are you to tell me what I think of the look of the site? And I like how you say we're spreading rumours about tmdb and then say the owner here is only interested in making money as if you have some proof. Also, I never said the moderators there ARE assholes, I said I HEARD they were. The hunour is not for everyone. You have to accept the utter ridiculousness of it. Similar, but not good: Ten Little Indians (1974) You took the words out of my mouth. It's trying way too hard to look slick. I hear the moderators there are assholes and strict. Also, I hate the look of that site. The colour scheme is too flashy and changes with different movie pages you're on, the navigation is strange (a separate tab to go to the discussions), too much spacing in threads. The ONLY way I would go to that site, is if this one went down for some reason and there were no half-decent alternatives. Everyone has a preference. It would sell to those that seek it. Anyway, I think "feminist icons" would do something like that. No. He was only interested in putting blonde, big breasted, surgery-infested women in his magazines. Most of the women are white too. How quick do you think he would have been to put Gabourey Sidibe on the cover. Kate Winslet. The issue I had was her lack of "caring". At the dinner scene where she told her three friends about being raped, she had a "pay no mind, it's not a big deal" attitude toward it. But she was also a sex crazed woman who didn't like being raped, but was also in the mood to have sex with anyone without it being as the result of her rape. It's funny, if you didn't watch the movie and someone read your post, it would sound like you're stretching in certain areas. You're right though, with the exception of the son being the most cringe-worthy character ever. I've seen worse. Everything else is pretty spot on. You're obviously a bad speller. It's "you're", not "your". I love boobs but the question you asked was :" do you not mind she is flat chested?" The answer is no I don't. Have they seen that face? When I see a woman for the first time, the first thing that attracts me is face. The second is personality because no one likes a jerk. I hate stuff like this. If they decided to make an all male "The Babysitters Club", I would think that is stupid, too. If they were to remake Ocean's Eleven (it's pointless since this one is already a remake), why not just have a few women in there? It seems too obvious to just do the exact opposite. Let's do an all white "Barbershop" while we're at it.