Catbookss's Replies

How many own the rights to the material on torrents? My understanding is that, in general, it's pirating. Old movies and TV shows may (or may not) be in the public domain and therefore be legal to download, but many of them aren't, as the copyright has been legally transferred. As I understand it, Jim has put the archives of a number of posts/threads of boards online, which was a very smart idea, as far as I'm concerned, to make other IMDb refugees comfortable (legally), whereas torrents are an entirely different animal due to who actually owns the IP and is therefore able to legally distribute it. AFAIK, it's an American tradition as well. Lots of American shows also have a Christmas (and Thanksgiving) show. Personally, I'm not all that fond of them, and Mad Men didn't overdo it, as some shows, that shoehorn it in. Thomasina, I hope to see you, as well as many other thoughtful and intelligent MM board posters, here. I'd read the post from the ex-IMDb employee on other boards, so I knew it wasn't he and that Ex_Kav had just reposted and quoted it on IMDb. Incredibly petty for IMDb to not only delete that thread, but Ex_Kav's second post about what IMDb's Mad Men board has meant to him. She's great, isn't she? I love how her character evolved over time. The background to my name is long and not at all interesting. I'm responding to you because you, and a couple others here, have a lot to do with why I've chosen this site to register on and stick around for. I've lurked for a few days, and ultimately decided this is most likely my IMDb replacement. My name is the same here as it was there, with the intent of others recognizing me, even if they chose to register with a different name. I didn't know one was able to read most of the reply in the email notification. What a great improvement over IMDb! I always used the email notifications, but am glad to hear there are also on-site notifications for those who don't want the email. I don't use torrents, and as far as I know, they're illegal, so I didn't comment on that aspect of your wish list for this site. <> I second that. If i have to choose, I'd far prefer being shown sex over violence. Too often the two are linked, and are written/shown primarily for ratings = gratuitous. I avoid films/TV shows that I know to be violent. Unless it's integral to the show/film, in which case I can tolerate it. What we don't need, culturally, societally, is for violence (or gratuitous sexuality, for that matter) is to become the norm that we're numbed to for the sake of ratings or shock value. I'm with you on #s 1 and 2, and the ability to jump to the most recent posts in a thread, as well as an ignore button, but the rest doesn't much matter to me, except for the ability to search posts (which IMDb never had and was annoying). I care about the ability to quote other posts, as well as making URLs clickable in an easy way, and formatting (italics, bold, etc). Don't care all that much about avatars, or a like/dislike button, or the rest. Avatars would be nice so we can more easily recognize one another and reform our former community … so perhaps I do care about that, ha ha. But not a like/dislike button or the rest of what you mentioned in your Additional Improvements section. I was really p!ssed off that they had the temerity to give only two weeks' notice, but to *then* destroy the boards earlier than they'd said, was the very.last.straw. I went back late afternoon to copy info from several PMs that I needed, and everything was GONE. I just signed up here, after having looking at all of the alternatives I'm aware of. I like this place best. Probably will also sign up for TMDb, and PreviouslyTV, and thus far have only seen a few people whose names I recognize (either here or the other two sites), which makes me very sad. I feel a real loss for not having any way to communicate with the many virtual friends I've met and discussed things with over the years on the IMDb boards, and can only hope they make their way here, as I did. Many thanks to Jim for taking on the daunting task of creating this site, including the previously existing threads from a good number of the top IMDb boards (film and TV), which has made me feel more at home and I'm sure I'm not alone on that. MUCH better than starting with blank slates on the forums. I'm with many others who will avoid IMDb, and Amazon. You don't just destroy a significant long-time community this way without a backlash.