vicky_lc2001's Replies

Tyrone Power was taught fencing by his mother at the age of 7. I never read the book but just googled and apparently he was named in the book. Why do people assume it's Maguire? Aside from everything the other posters have mentioned, the actor Daniel Bruhl is only 2 years older than the actress playing Langshu. Plus as a woman's college, the girls were most likely late teens-early 20s, only a few years younger than Rosen. Weren't there three personalities shown really named : Eve White Eve Black, and Jane? Did you want made up names to be used so it wouldn't look '"basic"? Christian Bale Elizabeth Taylor Mickey Rooney Elijah Wood Sean Astin Ethan Hawke Ethan Embry Kirsten Dunst I can't stand The View. Not only that but Guinan was also more approachable, more Intuitive of people, and seemed more successful in helping the crew. I don't get why Troi needs to be on the bridge and state the obvious. I get what the OP means, the last time I saw TNG was when I was 7-13 years old and rewatching the first 2 seasons was a chore unlike the other ST shows. But season 3 onwards is definitely an improvement. Have you seen Buffy? It is a very good show and far better than GG. Why are you so biased against it? What you say about serialized shows not being as rewatchable as episodic shows is true. I love serialized shows and ds9 is my favorite ST but when I want to unwind and watch a fun ep, I'll watch the other ST shows. I've rewatched VOY and ENT repeatedly but have only seen the entire DS9 3/4x. Thank you for sharing such an insightful and interesting post. If you like a more serialized ST show, you might like DS9. People will tend to be more protective of their own children, especially when cornered to choose between her own kid or another's. Me too. What a stupid comment, if everyone refused to have children then the human race would be extinct. The assumption made was that everyone should be on birth control whether you want to have kids or not. The pastor killed himself to save the child, it's no different from a soldier/cop going in the line of fire for others. Idk how I feel about the guy that lived but I loved that he got away with it. He was very smart and had me fooled until he and the pregnant lady gave each other a signal to vote for the bearded blond. And he won by sheer manipulation and cunning. This is a very good reason for the hate of fanboys and non-fanboys alike: [url][/url] also: [url][/url] According to Stewart, he will be very different. So after 20 years, I doubt he will be leading a new Enterprise on a exploration mission. He will most likely be on a different profession, perhaps retired or an ambassador like Spock, but it won't be like TNG was. Redford aged badly though but because he has bad skin that ages quickly because he's a natural red head. But it's a give or take because at 82 he still has all his hair and has more natural hair color than I do. My first white hair was when I was 13. Redheads don't grey like others and they have the thickest hair of all hair colors.