She was good in primal fear also but damn she's aged horribly It's a seem so far fetched they went through all that trouble for a little jail time But I still enjoy itI guess not as much as before I know but this seasons been so bad that this episode stood out tonight's episode is longest 1 I remember 8 mg of suBoxone in and I feel like this movie's getting better I couldn't have said it better I agree with all your points and u nailed shymalon to a T Oh I get it it used to be a good show but now it's just a garbage show that just has drawn out scenes because of retarded people who will suck Gilligans dick no matter what because he is the best is writer ever LMAOOOOO I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this show for what it is now.thank god BB never went down this road Lmao I didnt even know that either Agree it's like their just shooting scenes to fill in airtime nothing interesting about the show anymore. I'm very diappointed Yes Mike's granddaughter looks way older now