BlackMass's Posts

He rejected Epstein's "friendship". Hawking was a Jeffrey Epstein buddy. A paedophile and a grotesque one to boot. Revealed as a Jeffrey Epstein buddy! Can we finally stop pretending he wasn't a pedo? . How long until the sexual assault allegations emerge from nowhere? How can liberals idolize this low-IQ race grifter? He point-blank REFUSES to debate lmao! Reminder of 'Seona Dancing', Ricky's 80s new wave band. Could ANYTHING make you reconsider your Trump vote at this point? Do you remember Kamala, the obese "Ugandan Giant" from 80s WWF wrestling? I don't mean to be niggardly, but... Could Trump actually be God? Trailer declares white people "the most dangerous animals on earth"... Timothy Chalamet is the perfect poster boy for the woke west. Is it safe to say that any anime fan over the age of 16 is a pedophile? Forced "writer's lines" usually get criticised. But not when they're espousing woke values? Why are conservatives like Walsh so hostile to people who don't want children? Why is he hated? Out-of-touch, attention-seeking, rich kid libtard who despises her working class audience. Disgusting pleb who died due to her own promiscuity. Disgusting racist claims that working with a mostly white staff is making him mentally ill.