Ricknot's Replies

Sounds kind of like Eaten Alive! From 1980. Could it be one of the Matt Helm movies? Starred Dean Martin as spy Matt Helm. Very campy fun. I agree, I think it’s in this vein. Very frustrating. How about this one??? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072067/?ref_=tt_urv Could it be Buckaroo Banzai https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086856/? I like your optimism. When and not if. The thing which resonates the most with me is the women looking at a picture of the leader as a radical. So effing familiar. You’re killing me, Smalls. I think I have it!!! Foxfire a very early Angelina Jolie movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116353/ I want to thank you for driving me crazy. Everything you are saying seems very familiar to me but I cannot think of it to save my ass. Driving me nuts dude so thanks so much. No, bad writing has ruined the show. It’s the same thing every week. Lucifer figures out something about himself, makes it all about him and treats people like he is Sheldon Cooper and not the devil. Maybe the writing stems from the number of episodes but to me it has become way to formulaic. Thanks!! Well, Ricknot, that would be Ólöf Arnalds. What’s my Prize baby? Ya know, I agree! Watched it yesterday and thought it was a good (but not great) movie. Much better than a lot of the super hyped movies out there. i think the problem stems from comparisons to other blockbusters and the 1999 version which is really a completely different take. Frankly, I was not going to watch this based on the number of people I have heard say it was a boring piece of dreck. However my son told me I should watch it as he truly enjoyed it. I have to say I am confused as to the number of the people who didn't like this film. I found it beautifully filmed and paced, with wonderful performances and a story which made sense and more importantly made me think. I turned it off after the credits and my final thought was that this was a very good film, bordering on great. Guess I am in the minority and I can say i am happy to be anywhere (or any time?) where I watched this movie. Yes, I agree it is not as good in layout and usability. It is the closest in terms of the number of people using it. It doesn't do much good to have a site like this with discussions and have no one discussing anything. The only other one that is close is the movie database. Www.themoviedb.com I agree with much of what you said and think the movie was flawed from the opening premise. And I found the ending objectionable on a number of fronts. The main reason is a fact I don't see many brining up. Nick set the bomb in Clydes cell. No judge, jury or trial. Just did to Clyde what he preached the whole movie was wrong in taking justice in his own hands. At one point he said to Clyde something like "do you think your wife and daughter would want you killing people?". Wonder if after the recital he turned himself in for murder?