Shredder's Replies

LOL Stay Tuned Next Week for another Edition, Part 3: The Mystical Orb Horatio made it to the shore, weak, thirsty and barely any life left in his body. He began to crawl up the shore further away from the ocean. Other men ran up to him, in shock of seeing a ghastly crew of walking dead seamen sink and be swallowed by the Stygian Deep, came to help the poor and feeble sailor. Horatio, back on his feet, and feeling safe for the first time in weeks, thanked god for his mercy and expressed joy of breaking free of that wicked curse and wretched wife that took away his innocence. Now he is free of that curse, and his nightmare wife and back on to the adventure of gold, and riches beyond imagination. One after one, by the dark of the moon, the sailors dropped down dead. Two hundred and fifty men, with no life nor groan. With every thump, a lifeless lump, they cursed Horatio with their eye. And Horatio, stricken by grief, and a prisoner of Life, wish he just die. He was tormented by the sight of his shipmates littering the deck of his ship, staring back with their last expression still on their face. Horatio begged for mercy and forgiveness from Life and wish it all away. Then, the curse began to be lifted. The sun rose to the top of the sky and the clouds parted, shining a beacon of hope onto the ship. His crew, began to rise, their lifeless eyes stared into the void as they began to steer the ship towards the north. Two hundred and fifty walking dead men, moved about in synchrony, as if the ship and crew were one. The ship sailed to a Port in the West Indies and finally, the first time in weeks, Horatio saw the sight of land. He cried with joy, knowing this terrible journey has finally ended. But upon seeing the beautiful island, there was one final punishment for he was not ready for. The ship, stuck in a whirlpool, began to circle to the abyss. Known as The Stygian Deep, the abyss has swallowed ships whole with her crew and all. Horatio, knowing what his fate would be, took a chance and made a dash for the shore. The ship sank and a laugh could be heard. The Stygian Deep is a merciless soul who took joy in swallowing seamen whole. But Horatio broke free, and he was one seaman that wouldn’t end up in the Deep bowels of the Stygian. To each their own, right? If they're not bothering anyone, then why bother making a fuss about it. I don't know if you're American, but I hate it when I hear someone go on about patriotism and then completely forget the ideals of the this country with regards to Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Stay Tuned next week for Part 2: The Curse of the Mariner. @texasjack and Catbooks, I didn't know that feature existed. It's a pretty cool move on Jim's part. Oh yeah, I check email addresses too before I click on a link from one. Like Paypal, noticed a couple emails from paypalemail, which was a red flag that it was not the real paypal and therefore, I wasn't clicking on any link. Wait, what is this? Is this really a news report posted on MC like a Google news suggestion? I clicked the user CNN and nothing. This. Is. Awesome. Jim opted to post ads as threads, nice marketing move, Jim. Why do people respond with like a vague emoji that doesn't really say what you're thinking? And why not reply with any substance, rather than just wasting a post that expresses nothing at all? First time I got burned on a message board, was when someone used my username which was also my email, to Google trace it to another account, which eventually led them to my facebook, and then posted my picture all over the board. The most embarrassing one they found, was one with me with my shirt off. The picture wasn't bad, it was just the fact that they exposed me as the kind of guy that took my looks with vanity, and hence, had a lot of post workout, shirtless pictures. Um.....hence why I asked the question. I've always wondered what "click bait" links provide? My IP? Big deal, they'll know my regional location, which I've posted anyways. It doesn't narrow me down. And any info on my device is guarded by my anti-spyware and virus softwares. So what exactly does someone get out of these types of links? And is anyone here really smart enough to "hack" anyone here? It takes a certain level of intelligence as well as computational logic to be able to pull something like that off. Yeah, private message service are always useful even if you barely use it. I hardly used it to message strangers, but every now and then, you want to make sure you get a direct line with them, rather than hope they see your thread or post directed to them. And also, sometimes you just want to tell someone something that you don't want to say in public. So there are uses, even if you seldom use it. Well, isn't this a big FU to their employees. They're not firing them to cut costs or because their budget can't afford them. They ARE ALL BEING REPLACED. It's basically, we're revamping our staff with new, cooler people, you guys can GTFO. Shitty execs. As far as the other poster who said that they don't offer anything for NFL fans that aren't Cowboys or Patriot fans, I feel the same way for MLB fans who don't care about the Yankees. I remember once, I watched a game where Granderson jumped over the wall and caught ball to stop a 2 run home run. I thought for sure they would have that as the play of the day on ESPN. NOPE. One play from that game, and then 11 fucking plays for the Yankees, where most of them were just hitters getting singles. I was like WTF??? It's basically bullshit. The teams with the most money, get the most coverage. SO yeah, FUCK ESPN. Are you now just repeating yourself to get the last reply? If so, carry on. I won't be replying anymore. Stupid people make my head hurt. Nope. Just get annoyed with stupid people. Don't be stupid, I won't be annoyed. Savy? Read in between the lines. If you can't because you lack a certain level of intelligence, do me a favor, and jump off a bridge. At the very least, don't procreate. Bye. Do you have reading issues? The OP and I already had this discussion, where he explained himself. If you don't bother reading that, then shut the fuck up. You're an idiot, and annoying. Just fucking read the whole thread, dummy.