NukeDude's Replies

I also think it was very symbolic at the end when <spoiler>he was in the Oval Office, being dragged from the Resolute Desk and hanging on to it for dear life. In fact, he would not have been in the Oval Office; he would have been in the atomic bomb-proof deep bunker.</spoiler> "Don't call me Shirley." Meanwhile, your guy is a pedo who loved showering with Ashley. ka-boom! That's because most liberal Democrat Socialists and leftists are effectively brain-dead, emotion-driven, ignorant, hypocritical, arrogant, fact-lacking, idiots who have no critical or logical thinking skills. I was enjoying Reacher...until now. No mas. Since you're commenting like the Fashion Police, I'd like to comment like the Use of the English Language Police on your lack of writing, syntax, and grammar skills. <blockquote>the vast majority of Trump voters are ignorant of history.</blockquote> The vast majority of Biden voters can't even spell "history." Diversity "checkbox"? Perhaps...but, we probably have a good idea who will win. It's a visual allegory. Agreed. Androgyny is the current fad and as far as I'm concerned, it can't come to an end fast enough. The competition from Helios came far after her original motivation to share with the Soviets. "...There's really not any good reason to disagree with basic human rights." The definition of "basic human rights" is not finite and has been debated for centuries. During that time, many would "agree to disagree" and the disagreeing parties walked away without dismissive virtue-signaling, arrogant labeling, or negative judgment. But...I understand...sometimes, people like you just can't help themselves. You can throw internet insults all day long. I don't have to defend myself or my opinions to anyone and I really don't give a shit if you have a different opinion. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Let's just say I respect your beliefs and opinions and hope you respect mine. I'm not here to justify anything to anyone...nor do I expect to change anyone's mind. Have a nice day. It's all about normalizing aberrant behavior. This, and other methods of normalizing (like Drag Queen Story Hour, drag shows at kindergartens, trans "acceptance", etc.) are infecting society. If you can't see that, you are blind. People who type in ALL CAPS, ALL THE TIME, like you are so afraid of NOT BEING HEARD that they try to compensate for their intellectual shortcomings. Grow up, for God's sake. I really dislike movies that push a societal agenda, especially to kids. It boils down to propaganda. We're better than that...or, at least we <b>were</b>.