SherlockJunior's Replies

Great review , I mostly agree. Pierce Brosnan was riveting, het put so much boiled energy in his performance. He really seemed frustrated and despared. Jackie Chan was very good as a silent counterpiece. His acting was very understated. I'd give it 8/10 because of those performances. ps: Edge of Darkness is also underrated another high impact political thriller with an excellent role from Mel Gibson Any news yet on the Blu Ray? I recently bought a Spanish version via Amazon but it was a fake, just a bad DVD blow up. Very dark and fuzzy. That is an interesting idea of course, the copying from one cell is indeed it's most dangerous aspect. Would cells be able to escape if they drop a bomb on him? Ah great, thanks for the short review , will watch it for sure :) Awesome, love to see some spoilerfree setphotos and stuff, but guess we'll have to wait! Probably the most inventive in terms of camerawork and editing. And a perfect mix between horror, suspense, gore and comedy. Me too! I think is catching on and lots of IMDB message board folks will find it. What I noticed myself is that now I tend to check first IMDB for some general info on the movie and than in another tab check the message board here on on topic: havent seen kong Skull Island yet but I hope it is fasted paced than the Peter Jackson vehicle. Yes its so beautiful , layered and has so much to offer. Excitement, tension, poetry, drama, action, creatures, beautiful people, horrible people, fantasy wow The only thing I was thinking about the ending was this. In a world with armies, big bombs and other kinds of weapons. Would this creature be a real apocalyptic thread? We didnt see it grow bigger than it's final form (although it looked strange and messy in the end in the pod) and we didnt see it reproduce. Ok maybe it would kill a thousand people before it would gain attention of the world. But is it indestructable? on ISS they fought it with fire and stuff. Any thoughts? What are the chances of the being and or of humans?