pepetoony's Replies

Who's talking about Biden?? I was talking about Trump and his delusions. I knew the guy was a con man all the way back during The Celebrity Apprentice. It was clear something shady was going on with the way all of the "charity donations" always had to be made out to Trump, Inc. Someone seriously needs to go back and revisit that. At the very least, he was funneling all of the donations through his organization so that he could claim the tax write-off for himself. Then when he'd finally 'anoint' a winner, Trump would try and take credit for their ENTIRE career--as if none of these celebrities had ever earned any success on their own. He especially did this with Arsenio Hall. Trump spoke as if Arsenio would be absolutely nothing if it wasn't for him (Trump). What a little man, always trying to take credit for others' success while blaming everyone else for his failures. Trump thinks he's fucking Kim Jong-un and that we're all retarded enough to believe his lies. He loves the uneducated! Wait, why would Trump need a teleprompter!? He used to criticize Obama for using one! Surely he wouldn't be a hypocrite, would he?? Hey, give her a break--she ate five almonds! This movie definitely shit the bed as soon as the killings began. It could've been an excellent thriller without jumping the shark like that. I'm gonna need you to go ahead and eat me. That can stay along with his entire CD collection. I like his taste! He can just vacate and I'll move right in. He has daddy's small hands! I would give my left nut to have Patrick's apartment. I wouldn't change a single thing. It's timeless IMO. I believe Bateman really did kill Paul Allen and then went down a dark rabbit hole in his mind after that. If you pay attention, the streets of NYC look "normal" up until the point he kills Paul. They're populated with the hustle and bustle you'd expect in NYC. After Paul is murdered, the city streets become completely desolate and devoid of any city life which makes everything feel surreal. It's not until Patrick has his mental breakdown on the payphone with his assistant Jean towards the end of the movie that we again see "normal" NYC life resume in the background. This is when Patrick emerges from his mental rabbit hole IMO. Okay maybe you wouldn't bottom for him but c'mon--surely you'd fellate that 10/10 stud! Handjob? Oh my stars! Umm...I think you missed the point. This movie is making fun of pretentiousness. I just attempted to watch this thing for the first time. Finally gave up just after the 1-hr mark. The characters in the kitchen are so incredibly annoying, obnoxious and grating. I couldn't take the non-stop yelling for one more minute. I'm fucking done. Kings don't shart themselves and wear diapers. --Kim Jung-un Judy got taken to the Sizzler How many times have you seen it now? Update? I was confused at the end because...where'd the Broadway audience suddenly go?? Same! I even had to look them both up online to see if they were father/son IRL.