MovieChat Forums > jk90us > Replies

jk90us's Replies

Not according to studios these days. To them, white ain’t right. I couldn’t name a single film she’s in though I know I’ve seen her in stuff. She’s a very bland actress. Leaves no impression on me. Too many to name these days. Zendaya, Timothy Chalamet and Tom Holland top the list. I agree about Blunt. I enjoyed Spy a lot more than I thought I would. Who’d have thunk she and Statham would make a fun pair? 7/10. I don’t like all her projects (hated Heat and her WTF puppet movie) but I like her. And she’s a good actress. Sadly she had those odd looking, flat athlete boobs. 🫤 It’s like when women become athletes, nature says, “Okay, you no longer classify as female so you won’t need the breasts.” bony maronie is what Tonya’s hubbie called banging her. Thankfully it worked. Now, let’s kick out Biden too and start over. More like a customized, souped-up tug boat considering what the ship was originally designed for. <blockquote>you do not punish someone for having big boobs</blockquote> Based on the androgynous, flat chested actresses we see in movies these days, apparently studios don’t agree. They did the Police Squad series and the Naked Gun and Top Secret movies instead. No. This one has a few funny parts but overall it’s a weak follow up to the excellent first one. It’s called a parody. Me too. If she was naked. It changed in the 70s and 80s. We loved nudity in horror films. And it’s always been a minor group of prudes with too much influence that push against nudity. American guys love our boobs. You did with your post. You asked a question. I answered it. Raper also sounds like rapper which is even worse. Hell, they’re pretty much the same thing. After metoo and BLM which led to the current wokesploitation trend. Not Cher. Never found her attractive. Michelle was the prettiest but Susan had a fantastic body back in the day — and she was willing to show it. Lazenby was awful. Connery and Brosnan were the only great Bonds. Even without expressing emotional range they had a hell of a lot of charisma and charm. They won’t cast an American.