GladyRuth's Replies

I can. That's why I rarely come here anymore. I miss the IMDb boards. Lots of folks there with indepth comments and discussions. Clearly they too have stopped coming here. Yes, you're right. What was I open mind on Moviechat. Huuuge LOL You're very welcome. And refreshing to see an open mind on this board!! What an ignorant comment. You and the worried investors need to educate yourselves on the stock market and how it works. Why is it when a liberal attacks a conservative and the conservative comes back with a reasonable response the conversation ends??? Are you people really not able to carry on a civil discussion? Or if my response did clear up your issues wouldn’t it be nice if you’d at least come back with a “thanks, appreciate your clarifying that”. Your link is dead. All legitimate questions. I’d be asking the same. Over the years he has asked me to translate medical, housing letters and food stamp allowances into spanish (via google). With those documents comes all the details I mentioned. All the commotion of the workers/ambulance I see when I’m at home before and after I GO TO WORK. Also to further validate the taxpaper is paying his rent: the apartment house is 100% subsidized and again, the documents he has given me show him to be 100% subsidized. As I’m sure some of you know, not all the residents in that type of facility are 100% subsidized. He is. All medical workers are required to wear tags on cords around their necks….very easy to see. Friends/family: one couple (man/woman) visit him 1 or 2 times/year. Unless all the others come WHEN I AM AT WORK there are none. And I am around most weekends all day. And you are so right. He is DOING NOTHING other than draining the taxpayers wallets. Is there anything else I can clarify for you? I appreciate your humor and passion in coming to his defense. Google or any other seach engine is your friend ;o) And those left that could expose them value their lives and those of their family and friends :o/ Yes!! They both had multiple health issues. It was just one thing after another. And understanding that 80% of illnesses are self-induced it was very hard for me to show empathy after awhile because they had no interest in helping themselves. We eventually parted ways. Thanks! That's the song but not the Budweiser commercial. That's when I tear up. Isn't it a lovely song? [url][/url] Ha, figured out how to post the link....tinyurl doesn't work but the direct one does!! Let Her Go by Passenger. But only in the Budweiser commercial. Letting that puppy stay with his buddy the horse....oh my, that's when I tear up. You can find it on YouTube. Tried to post the link but it doesn't work. Jaws I totally agree. But it seems that's just the way things are now. I have people ask me for info. I spend time putting it together and emailing it. Do they bother to say 'gee, thanks' or at least let me know they received. Noooooo. Less than 10% bother. When I ask next time I see them, they'll say 'oh yes I think I did'. And they are asking me. It's not unsolicited info. I wish often that I had not been raised to be respectful and responsible. It would be so much easier. I'm curious to know why you say that. To me there was closure. She could have gone either way. Done with her vengeance or continue, no longer able to be normal after such an awful experience. I had that thought too being a carrier myself. But it happened so fast and was so incredibly violent. He went after both of them at the same time....well it looked like that to me. Do you see a space in there that if one of them had a gun it could have been used on him? I always run those scenarios through my mind in movies like this imagining if I were in that situation. [quote]"I'd much rather live next door to someone who crossed a desert to become an American than an American who wouldn't cross the street to help a foreigner. "[/quote] Me too. However more and more those people are rare. I live next door to a cuban. He's been in this country for decades. Never bothered to learn English and for the last 14 years hasn't worked at all. I suspect he never has. Now he is sucking up the tax payers money because he gave himself COPD. He has everything paid for....everything. He might pay for his cigarettes....yes, he's still smoking. And I see the people servicing him bring in cigarettes for him too. Along with trays of food, clean laundry with a woman that comes in 5 days a week and cleans his apartment. Over the past month a woman comes in and stays 4 hours....home day care is what they call it. He's also carted off to the hospital in an ambulance 1 to 2 times/month and is usually back in 3 hours because the evaluation doesn't qualify him to stay. Many times he is brought back in the ambulance. Do I get a thank you note for going to work every day to pay his bills?? Ha! And how warm and fuzzy do I feel when I send in my estimated taxes every month :o/ Exactly and I'll say it again, brilliant!!! Well at least he's the POTUS unlike O and H who really need to figure out how to get another life now that they are no longer public servants.