urrutiap's Replies

well there's the problem there too. lazy British folk back then would actually get off their asses for a female actor and kiss her ass because she was in Ridley sott's Alien movie. Favoritism if you ask me well from what I heard, Ed Harris turned into a crying baby big pussy out in traffic where he claimed it was due to the underwater training. what a puss well those British dipshits back then in 1986-1987 were assholes screwing with James Cameron. Cameron's way of thinking is similar to Jim Henson and Kubrick. they want scenes to look right and look good a certain way. the frikkin British at that time were still kissing Ridley Scott's ass. that and they underestimated James Cameron where they thought he was a nobody. Have they not heard about Terminator or even Piranha at all? the movie doesn't have to fucking make sense for you. accept it.' Plus Adam's into old Harry Belafonte jamaican type music. You even pay attention to the movie in the beginning when Adam was fiddling around with his town model? the radio was playing old timey music I think it was fine. after all, Monster Squad Dracula had enough of the crap he had deal with from the boys throughout the movie sure it was a bit crude to call a little girl a bitch but Dracula at that point in the end of the movie he's pissed off Rambo III does on come on tv these days on TBS etc. Even on streaming apps for consoles. Plutotv shows the old Rambo movies alot recently what the fuck, man? what makes you think the weird Romy and Michelle movie is a "chick flick" you think guys aren't allowed to watch weird movies like Romy and Michelle? the movie gets funnier when the father's old tired butt demon comes out to try to fight Milo. Absurd moment in the movie you do realize that people get some extra meat on their bones from being pregnant etc. Ever thought about that? well for a higher up demon like Pinhead to try to get the upper hand by attacking an angel from Heaven, he thought he could get away with it but that ticked off God. God was pretty much like, you hurt one of my heaven soldiers even though she had an attitude, he had to step in and punish Pinhead for what Pinhead did No. Spoilers for old movies is stupid. You Millsey should have already seen the fucking movie a long time ago by now just like the rest of us. bite me. the movie is old. Pretty sure EVERYONE has seen the movie already dozens of times before. they just did a fifth God's Not Dead last year in 2023 but it got delayed due to the stupid strikes. the movie comes out in theaters etc sometime this year. Murray, David Keith has been in tons of movies. He ain't a one hit wonder. Indian in the Cupboard Major League II Officer and a Gentleman Affleck Daredevil Invasion of Privacy Firestarter The Rose The Curse Heartbreak Hotel U 571 Behind Enemy Lines you're a fucking idiot. David Keith has been in a lot of movies during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s pretty much these days you can get the DVD for the movie off of Walmart online I happen to like all live action Hellboy movies even though I never read the original Dark Horse comic book. Hellboy 2019 I just watched on Netflix tonight and its pretty good. Other people just have a major hard on for fat mexican directors and think Ron Perlman is the bomb I doubt you even watched the damn movie. its a school disguised as a dancing school meanwhile its a place for witches. Do you understand that at all? what's your frikkin problem anyway? fuck you, buzzkill Debbie downer dipstick