MovieChat Forums > ace2 > Replies

ace2's Replies

Of course some blacks come off as idiots as well... clearly. He executive produced the Transformers films... let's not let him off the hook for that. If he was a true fan as he claims, he clearly sold out for the money on that one. But at some point you just have to throw your hands up and take the cash. Give the people what they want. He is probably disgusted at the state of action adventure and sci-fi of today and has tapped out. The movie star guaranteed a box office draw regardless of the quality of the movie. While those that are grandfathered in, can still do so - this is impossible going forward. Too many movies and distribution platforms, too many celebrities and competing mediums for entertainment. IP and special effects crowding out the movie star in bringing in box office. Also increasing international competition/viewers are reshaping the industry. Movie stars are increasingly becoming commodities and the primary focus of being a good actor is often taking a back seat to being some type of influencer, or secondary career (comedian, singer, producer). Also if anyone were to save movie stars picking her is a bit of a stretch. Out of that list maybe Chalamet, but I would be shocked if any of the others are still a factor in 10 years. What does your opinion of him being ugly have to do with anything?? He is a comedian not a model. Let's challenge the thinking on gift cards, because I am beginning to second guess them. I assume its because buying an actual gift is more work plus she might not like what you pick, yet cash is just too direct and uncaring? But let's get down do the nitty gritty. Would she really be offended if she received some CRISP $100 bills straight from the US mint??? Put them in a fancy envelope if you must. Despite what she might say.. in that moment would she really accuse you of not caring? Is a gift card that much better in that regard? Plus cash is less work for both of you and offers more flexibility in usability. Completely agree. The last two specials have been significantly below his usual quality. I am not offended by his content but whereas the controversy used to be a sidenote, it is now a defining characteristic he seems to be leaning on to sell his shows. You can tell the charisma and talent is still in there, but he is no longer hungry and is definitely just mailing it in now. Given the money Netflix is throwing him I don't blame him. However in my opinion he has gotten too self indulgent and it is ruining his legacy. No big name stars is the only reason I can think of for not releasing this. Streaming disrupted a lot of the process even after COVID. However I am shocked that even to this day this can only be streamed on Hulu. I still haven't decided if the #2 spot should to to Prey or Predators. It was a welcome surprise -- I had lost hope after The Predator. How, when? If he knew that I imagine that would be an unbelievable amount of pressure to seal the deal. All these shows are fantasy. Any group of struggling young people living in a gigantic Manhattan apartment particularly if they do not come from a rich family would never happen. Yet you would see it all the time. I don't know if its legit but I read somewhere that most cross dressers are actually straight. Don't know if I buy this - maybe bi at best. Also whenever a celebrity engages in "erratic" behavior I take it with a grain of salt, as they are encouraged to push the limits to express themselves artistically along with having to maintain media interest. Things that are not encouraged in most other spheres of life. Good deal or ripoff... I will say that no matter how good my home system is, nothing replaces the theater experience. Primarily if your significant other is the type that gets up every 5 minutes, then proceeds to ask about plot points. At least this infuriating annoyance is prevented in a theater setting. Just like surveys and marketing calls they overplayed their hand. Where once I would feel guilty about giving zero tips, they pushed me to the edge and now I am perfectly comfortable with it. Unless of course a server is involved... but pick up only? Hell no. I am already paying $6 for a cup of coffee, what more do you want? You must have missed a good part of the plot going to the bathroom at that rate. Those large drinks are ridiculously HUGE, LOL. Courtesy aside, I'd be curious if this could turn a kid into some sort of psychopath. Probably a stretch but at that age they can't tell reality from fiction - they might think the events of SAW are normal behavior. There was just a six year old who shot a teacher because she took his phone away. As an example, that University recruiting speech seemed clearly satire to me.... "the change agent that you are"? That seemed deliberately over the top. Also, no reputable college is going to have a major to prepare you to be in a reality TV show. Let alone celebrate alumni that do that. Kind of.. but also clearly satire of exactly that. i was surprised by Seth as well, I thought he was in writer/producer mode full time now. You would expect Offerman/Davidson/Rogen to be in a comedy... which this kind of was. In the whole movie... THIS is the thing that you just can't believe? This is so backwards to me. Sex is natural, and actually required, whereas killing and maiming people is against the law. However parents are more worried about protecting their kids from sexual content. Strange. To be clear if you choose to bring your 12 year old to an R rated movie, I don't care. Some can handle it, all should be grown enough to tell the difference between movies and reality. I am talking specifically about a kid under five at a horror/slasher movie. That's insane to me. I am not an expert but I would think this could cause some long term trauma to a developing brain. These are probably the kids that grow up to be psychopaths.