Londonbridge115's Replies

Bro. PLEASE gtf off of my post with that weak response. You obviously aren’t any of the groups he’s insulting so you obviously can’t relate. This is a message board about the MOVIE Black Panther. I am WELL aware of what an opinion is, and stereotyping black people and calling them “lazy assholes” on THIS BOARD is indeed trolling. Now take your ignorant comments somewhere else. Have a nice day. No. YOU don’t know what it means. Let’s take a look at what the internet’s definition of “troll” is: “In Internet slang, a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.” ...have you looked at this guy’s posts? He spends most of his time trying to disrespect black people, Mexicans, AND women. If you don’t think this is trolling then you are most likely one too. You really just sit at your computer all day and troll? You don’t have ANYTHING else to do?! Why are you shocked? The movie wasn’t great for the action, it was great for the story. And as a white guy, the story and message just wasn’t for you. Everything doesn’t revolve around white men. Couldn’t understand anything he said? He was speaking a different language... I just got out of infinity war. Honestly I enjoyed BP more. 10/10 LMAO! He just changed the title of the thread!! Best trolling I’ve seen in years. Black Panther and Winter Solider are both my top two favorite of the MCU. Both are excellent films, but Black Panther takes the crown for me. The feels I got from Black Panther definitely pushed it over the edge. This is awesome! So well deserved. Where are you checking your stats btw? Edit: nvm, found it! I totally agree! I stated that there’s more to the film but for the purposes of this post I wanted to highlight that Killmonger represented the people of the African diaspora. Despite Killmonger being the “ villain” of the movie he truly was my favorite character due to how complex and relatable his views were. ...not in the slightest. But do whatever makes you feel better. Lol Judging by your post history on this site you appear to always need to have the last word in an argument that you are losing. Let your next post be your last. Wow, I didn’t get that from the movie at all. Ryan Coogler, the director or the movie is a black guy who grew up in Oakland, CA. I wouldn’t label him anti-liberal, lol. Didn’t think this movie had anything to do with black lives matter either, can you expand on what you thought they made fun of? And again, the end credits kind of left me with the notion that they were opening up their boarders to share with the world. How so? The quote “But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” Felt like a pretty clear jab at him to be honest. Did you stay after the credits? Lol. Alright bro. It’s clear you are incapable of having an intelligent and clear argument. I’m actually bored with you now. Have a good day. Yeah, it’s about that too. It’s also about everything that I’ve just explained. No, I understand that perfectly. But when the director of the movie blatantly explains what his movie is about, there’s no arguing that. It’s your choice whether you want to listen to it or not. Have you guys READ or watched any of the sources I’ve posted? I totally agree with everything you said. Also is it sad that I’m not surprised you aren’t American? Our conversation and your responses were too civil. Lol! You, sir, are the only person on this thread that seems clearly triggered. And you STILL aren’t making any sense. But yeah, continue to hide your misunderstanding of the issue by cursing and calling me names, LOL. Very mature and intelligent response dude. ...I’m a woman by the way. PS. It’s spelled “oppression”. Learn to spell before you make a piss-poor attempt to insult someone. I see. I guess it differs from person to person but I definitely have an issue with it.