jcdugger's Replies

That has nothing to do with what I was even talking about. You must have missed this section... I guess Alison's wrong here too! Everybody is wrong but you it appears!... And this is from Variety's Alison Herman, who actually likes the new season: “The six-episode season also takes a notably different approach to the supernatural, a background motif of past installments that here becomes a central theme.” -- Exactly. It's now a central theme...it was never that before. This is X-Files. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/true-detective-creator-nic-pizzolatto-disses-season-4-issa-lopez-responds-1235895329/ Ok, I guess you're right and both myself and the actual friggin' writer of Season 1 was wrong! My bad. Can't disagree with your assessment on Reagan. I was just referring to the disease that Bruce Willis also has. Had nothing to do with Reagan as a President, where I agree he was awful. I was just sharing an anecdote about the disease. I keep hearing this about Season 1. Just plain wrong. Finding the killer had nothing to do with ghosts or spirits or black magic or demonic powers...it was good old fashioned detective work. For adults. Not X-Files-ish. Like the original writer just said in an interview...the supernatural stuff was in the background of season 1, and it didn't have anything to do with catching the killer. It was just a demented serial killer who was leaving various clues...the overall plot and ending had nothing to do with ghosts or spirits. He even, rightfully, mentioned that the supernatural callback to Season 1 (in Season 4) was "so stupid". My sentiments exactly. And this is from Variety's Alison Herman, who actually likes the new season: “The six-episode season also takes a notably different approach to the supernatural, a background motif of past installments that here becomes a central theme.” -- Exactly. It's now a central theme...it was never that before. This is X-Files. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/true-detective-creator-nic-pizzolatto-disses-season-4-issa-lopez-responds-1235895329/ And what do u mean we haven't seen ghosts in Season 4? I can't recall the characters names so I'll substitute... Cop: How did u know where to look for the bodies? Jennifer: George told me. Cop: But George is dead. Jennifer: I know. So definitely Jennifer seen a ghost! And, heck, they even showed George, as a ghost, in the episode!! Jennifer seen him and so did we, the audience. This doesn't feel like True Detective. Also heard one about Ronald Reagan. They were at some sort of White House event near the end of his days and they briefly left the former President by himself in a room that had a fish tank located in it. When his wife Nancy walked back into the room, his suit sleeve/arm was soaking wet and he was holding something. She opened his hand and he had a fish tank ornament that was of the White House...he said something to the effect of "I know this is important to my life but I don't know why." Man, what a terrible disease. Couldn't even remember he was President. Unreal. You're so dumb, it would take two of you to get any dumber! Uh, yeah, the your browsing history is recorded by your computer and you can look up exactly when you went to a particular site or article. It's been used in court cases many, many times already. Any other bright comments, Professor?? You guys comparing this movie to No Country actually made me watch this movie today! :) I'm not sure I had heard of it until today. Pretty good movie, 8/10. I do see the similarities that were discussed but I'm not sure I would have ever put those two movies together on my own. Definitely better ending here over No Country. But I gave No Country a 10/10. Thanks for the suggestion, had a good time watching it. The filmmakers were just cutting back and forth and back to 1) Them on the way to the dumpsters, skipping along happily; 2) Them inside the dumpsters, still happy but less so; 3) On the way home...hands full, they were just in dumpsters, thrill has worn off, not as happy. (It's harder to sing and dance and skip when your hands are full and you just got out of a dumpster is all.) Edit to add (from the article) "Phil's actual prediction, however, takes place ahead of time in a place called Gobbler's Knob, a small hill just outside of the town, and has done so each year since 1887." -- Again, the article and comment above answers these things... What Groundhog Day is Where it's held How often it's held How long it's been being held The purpose of the prediction -- What it does NOT answer is... HOW DO THEY DETERMINE WHAT A GROUNDHOG SEES?!?!?! Which was my original question!!! Somehow you don't understand the difference between what the article states and what I was asking with my question. Luckily, it's been answered by an adult already, so I'm good now. I still have it on my History tab. If you're so certain, let's place a bet. I'll give you 5 to 1 odds that I can prove that I read that article on Saturday morning. My $50,000 to your $10,000. We'll take it to court. Whaddya say? (Let me guess...you don't even have $10, much less 10K!) That article didn't address diddly-poo about specifically what I was asking. You not thinking I read that article makes me think you STILL don't understand what I was asking! Because it's not in there, at all. Seriously, you're about 13 years old right? How's my aim? Thank you! Dear God, that was like pulling teeth. I think I was talking to two 3-year-olds there. Thank you. Dear God, that was like pulling teeth. I think I was talking to two 3-year-olds there. Yep, I read the article yesterday, way before you guys posted it...it doesn't answer specifically what I'm asking. Things I already know/things that you guys keep repeating: What Groundhog Day is Where it's held How often it's held How long it's been being held The purpose of the prediction The link to the article Etc, etc, etc. Things I still don't understand: HOW DO THEY DETERMINE WHAT A GROUNDHOG SEES?!?!?! You can't ask it. Who's making the determination of who sees what? What if his shadow is east but he looks west? I don't get it. Does a groundhog react to his shadow and I'm just not aware of it?! How is the determination made whether or not an animal seen something in particular, in this case a shadow?? I know what it is, I know what it's about. I'm asking how they determine whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow? They can't ask him. So how do they know? That link didn't answer my question whatsoever. Have trouble with reading comprehension? Haaaa! To say S1 had "paranormal elements" is quite a stretch. There was a sadistic killer who left odd clues that perhaps could have been conceived as paranormal, but it was all reality-based, nobody seen a ghost or anything, and the detectives knew there weren't spirits running around town. The killer was a human being. There were no ghosts. It didn't feel like the X-Files, like S4 does. Comparing these two seasons in regards to the paranormal is like comparing apples and pumpkins! My Kubranking Top 5: The Shining Eyes Wide Shut 2001 Dr. Strangelove A Clockwork Yellow Nice...never heard of that one.