MadmanZ's Replies

Lol at overweight betamales who act tough behind a screen but are the biggest pussies ever In real life. Try talking to a woman in the real world before you talk shit on the internet I said when I was a kid. And I would have killed to have a venom movie come out back then as opposed to now that I’m an adult. You’re not too bright are ya? I didn’t know retards could use computers good for you. Enjoy your basement and hot pockets Yeah the symbiote calling himself a loser really bothered me. I’ll have to give it another watch Yeah I noticed that too he dressed like a thug during TV interviews. Thought it was dumb how his boss literally tells him don’t pull any crap and then the next thing that’s exactly what he does and gets fired. As a kid you don’t notice those kind of things but now I’m like come on act like an adult lol Same reason they had “intelligent scientists” immediately take their protective helmets off and almost instantly breathe in poisonous spores: Lazy shitty writing. Where do you get your weed yo? Really it’s just shitty writing. There were plenty of other ways to kill off the marines and have the drop ship crash other than sheer incompetence. In my own little avp script I had the drop ship airborne circling the base during the first battle with the the Xenos. When the marines call it for evac it gets shot down by a Predator. I know there’s no preds in Aliens but my point is come up with something other than your characters being incompetent/careless They probably asked her to get naked but she probably asked for a bunch of money for it i this was the compromise Christ I forgot I even watched this movie let alone it even existed. No one in my theater laughed until at least like 15 mins in...and believe me there was a lot of “jokes” I’d tap it