chilone's Replies

Gee, it says Insta-left removed the page. I wonder why... Yeah, but it's freaking cold! Hey Lige, Are you even able to make a post without calling names? Name calling on your first post, Lige? Well that's surprising... Biden's whole world is his echo chamber. He's completely insulated from anything unbiased. Why are you so afraid of punctuation and writing coherently? And... name calling right out of the gate. Real compelling when you have to resort to that. Aw, you poor thing! Okeedokee. You are obviously very ignorant of something you don't believe in. In time you may mature and I hope so, for your sake. Ah, another one who is "too smart for God". Good luck with that. Yes. Millions upon millions, but you know better, right? I love science but it can't explain a lot more than it can. Jerusalem, Judea, etc., etc., etc. All ancient cities of the Israelites. Israel (named after Israel who was Jacob previously) is where they lived for thousands of years. Don't play semantics. Do some research. "The land of Israel" was used in the old testament, such as: [quote]And David commanded to gather together the strangers that were in the land of Israel; and he set masons to hew wrought stones to build the house of God.[/quote] 1 Chronicles 22:2 There's already plenty of things consider fact. No need to wait for aliens. 100% Great movie! "Israel's "history" is fake since it's based on the Bible. There was no King Solomon nor King David. Nor a kingdom called Israel whose name first appeared in the Christian Bible. "Canaan was never conquered by Jews nor was there an exodus from Egypt." There are literally millions of people more qualified than you, who know what you say are lies, which is no surprise since you are MA's proven liar in chief. "Israel's "history" is fake since it's based on the Bible. There was no King Solomon nor King David. Nor a kingdom called Israel whose name first appeared in the Christian Bible." At least be somewhat factual. The "final Torah" was compiled from many ANCIENT writings, as long as 500 years before Christianity even existed so no, those names didn't first appear in the Christian Bible. Excellent rebuttal, leftist. I like her, but the smoking is starting to catch up. That's rich. You have no sense of humor. When they were in the diner and he says "I'm going to kill myself, then her!"