MovieChat Forums > esshor

esshor (109)


Great core character in lead Animal mistreatment Zoller and Shosanna Hans Landa+Shosanna Opening Unsympathetic protagonist Utterly underdeveloped and subpar Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked Horrible moral message Offensive word View all posts >


Perfect. Agreed And I’ve never even seen one of the fast and the furious movies I just can’t help but find them pathetic and fucking stupid. but not all of them are actually unintelligent.. So what’s up? Cause Even if they do believe they’re in love with the guy. Are they really okay with a future of no longer having contact with their family, or their kids, or their friends? Or being trapped in their homes, being under constant surveillance and being abused physically or sexually? Is that okay for them just cause they love this guy? You leave the guy immediately. If you’re waiting till years later to leave the violent, threatening and unbalanced father of your children… then you’re fucked… and you somewhat deserve it Yes, you were a victim and yes, they were the aggressor. But you make the decisions for your life. You chose that man, you chose that life. So you’re somewhat to blame. It just makes me so angry when I hear about all the shit that these women allow these guys to get away with. I just couldn’t be swept away with grand delusions of romantic perfection by essentially a total stranger. I mean, that’s fucking stupid. But even if these women did get swept up in the good times, why do they fucking convince themselves when it starts going bad that it’s worth staying? It’s amazing how much that toxic relationship mirrors each other. Like he will become increasingly controlling and abusive. And yet she will become increasingly enabling, excusing and forgiving. I wouldn’t forgive the first time they hit you. No matter what they say. If they apologise, if they blame you, if they say it was due to stress from work. There’s no excuse. None of those excuses are reasons to physically assault you. That should immediately show theyre a violent person. And that would be the end of it for me. Preach buddy. Preach I’m female, but I swear to God, this shows episodes that cover the ex-girlfriend or ex-wife‘s perspective; the victim perspective on a relationship they had with a fucked up man who murdered or raped or did whatever the case was are driving me crazy. I just find them soooo pathetic. They just all do the same tell-tale lame behaviours that are basically taught as general knowledge for what to look out for and avoid these days. They CHOOSE to stay with a person that beats them, they CHOOSE to stay with a person that separates them from their family and friends, they CHOOSE to stay with a person who has becoming increasingly controlling and begun threatening to kill them. Then they have kids with them, and that just adds a further selfdeluded reason to stay. and only after YEARS do they finally decide to leave them, but by then his sense of spite and homicidal vengeance is so much greater and so much more potent, than had they left him earlier in the relationship. I just really find them annoying for being stupid and for basically leading themselves into this situation. I was thinking the other day that I should be somewhat grateful to my upbringing of kind of mixed good and bad, but plenty of shit experiences. Like I’ve never had a great relationship, Ive just kind of had average or real sucky ones. And so I’m naturally suspicious of any person who is trying to go above and beyond to impress me. Plus I grew up with 6 brothers who mistreated me, so I’m actually naturally suspicious of any person that even offers to do me a favour. I just find it odd. But yet these women get taken in by these guys who are in the beginning such saints to them. How they make them feel beautiful, make them feel like they have worth.. lavishing them with all their attention. It’s jus… who wouldn’t be suspicious of that. That’s not a substantive relationship. that sort of effort put in could never last long term. I just hate how gullible they are Political ideology or not. He’s still a guy. And a guy shouldn’t waste time on more effort involved chicks. When there’s easier prey to be caught He is mean to slaves in his presence. He intervenes to prevent Schultz from purchasing to save a slaves life. Doesn’t bat an eye while dogs tear that slave apart. While he doesn’t personally commit any depraved atrocities, he doesn’t use his new free and financially prosperous platform to aid other suffering African American slaves. Anything he does is purely selfishly driven. With such a crazed singleminded intensity, that everything he ends up doing and committing just leads he and his wife’s life to a hopeless, desperate, destitute, fearful and hunted state. I’ll agree on your first point. And Django still isn’t a good guy. I know that. But they personally hadn’t mistreated him. And the way their ignorance plays off, it’s almost like they’ve just been hired as transportation lackies. Not slaver enforcement muscle. So they might not have been irredeemable guys. Even so, Django just isn’t a good guy. I’d hope that even then I’d been able to retain some empathy and consideration for the welfare of others. Otherwise, human ambition for future greater morality is pointless View all replies >