MovieChat Forums > jmnf19 > Replies

jmnf19's Replies

That whole thing was confusing. I assumed the same thing when the cop said the line but then Moore didn’t seem as if he had been raped. He did say he didn’t remember anything, but I expected him to wince when he sat down or shift in his chair but he was sitting comfortably, chatting with his grandmother the same (or maybe next) day. Maybe the cop was just bragging, being tough but they actually only drugged him? I don’t have to like a character to think the actor is doing a good job. Although I don’t think he is unlikable, only flawed, as we all are. I get tired of perfect protagonists. I think everyone is excellent in this. I haven’t enjoyed a series so much in a long time. I didn’t read the book, however. Sometimes that is a big plus. I’m not comparing it to anything, just enjoying it as it is presented. I’m going to miss watching it with only one episode left now. Claire looks younger now than in 1968! They aged her there a little. She had a few wrinkles at least but came through the stones (out of the coach) all shiny faced. And Jamie looks exactly the same. I’m not crazy about Sam’s effeminate face to begin with. I was hoping when they aged him he’d have more of a rugged look like Jamie was supposed to have. Absolutely. [url][/url] After Bronn jumped off the crossbow, a white horse showed up in front of him (Bronn's horse had been brown and Dickon's horse was brown too), they made a point of showing Bronn looking at the white horse before the scene cut back to the dragon, and the man saving Jamie was on a white horse. So I'd say it was Bronn. [quote]It could have been Dickon who saved him, but it was probably Bronn..[/quote] Pretty sure it was Bronn. After the dragon lit Scorpion on fire, leaving Bronn lying on the ground, they made a point of showing a white horse in front of Bronn (both Bronn's and Dickon's horses were brown - remember Bronn's horse's leg was cut off by a Dothraki in the battle) and Bronn looking at the white horse with a purpose before they cut to the next scene. The man saving Jamie jumped off a white horse. Following the clues. lol I don't know how I caught that one, I'm usually not that astute. I sure hope Bronn survives. I agree with komrad, love it when Bronn's on screen. I was trying to remember if Littlefinger was on Arya's list too. Probably. That wasn't too friendly a look she gave him. I was actually referring to the first offer, of magistrate, to replace Ray Penvenen, of which Reverend Halse did warn Ross that if he declined, the position would go to George. But yes, now there are two positions he's all but handed to George! The MP position I can understand more, he didn't want to be a puppet. But Demelza was right in saying Ross has influence and could do a lot of good. To me he seems more stubborn than upstanding. So worried about his "soul" when he can have the chance to do so much for others. Sometimes you have to let go of your ideals somewhat for the greater good. He was probably kicking himself when the trouble with young Drake came about because of George's magistrate standing. It's airing on Universal Channel right now in the UK for anyone there that's interested. And it's airing in Canada too on Bravo. I was expecting more of a buildup to the end. That must have been the quickest tacked on ending ever! "... 21 years later. Whack!"