SQLDave's Replies

"Kirk's" <snort> FWIW, I'm with you. The writing is great. I've only seen E1, but it seems a lot of the humor is embedded in unexpected or normally inappropriate words/phrases inserted in the the otherwise-normal-sounding documentary speech. Typical British subtlety. "One thing they did invent was fire, which allowed them to see at night and kept them warm, tragically prolonging their already tedious lives." "Because they'd also invented this, the fence, a high-tech wooden machine for containing animals." And of course there British absurdity: [After being told that 700 was never "the highest number"]: "No, no, I saw a thing on YouTube. After 700, numbers repeat. They just give them different names so you think they're still going up." "i didnt say 'let me explain why bella ramsay is ugly.' " Are you trying for a mention on www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth? You said "let me explain why the girl is ugly", and since "the girl" IS Bella Ramsay, you in effect did say exactly that. Nah. Nobody under the age of 65 knows who Marlon Brando even was. Which is exactly the attitude France wants them to have. /s Do... or do not. There is no think. Yes, I'm actually replying to a 7 year-old post. Shouting into the void, no doubt. Anyway, the word you're looking for is "cachet". I haven't seen the series yet, and have no idea if I will agree with whynotwriteme or not. But holy cow. How on earth do you go from A: "the makers of this miniseries want White people as a whole to be identified with Dahmer" to B: "Who are these white people who feel like they are identify with Dahmer" and C: "So you claimed that white people will feel guilty from watching this " A is saying the makers WANT whites to be identified with Dahmer. B and C are implying that whynotwriteme says/believes whites DO identify with him. Can you not see the difference? It does seem as if whynotwriteme is correct: You are willfully misrepresenting his statement. "Do you ever just try watching a movie and judging it for yourself?" Yeah!! Whaddya think this is, a place where people discuss and ask opinions on movies or somethin' ???? What a clod. Yes but barely (caveat, I'm only thru S1E10). "Yes" because (so far) it's an interesting premise and it moves at a reasonable pace. "Barely" because there's (lots of) times when it feels like a Hallmark Movie (not in terms of plot, but the dialog and acting). 100% agree. Some fairly ... meh ... story telling. The Tall Grass in particular reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMZONL8x8NE Guy's on a train. Train stops. Guy ignores conductor's not-at-all-strong-enough warnings not to wander. Gets attacked by... something... (who/what are they? what's their story? where are they from? so many questions) and is saved at the last minute by the conductor. The end. "And Freddie Fox is perfectly hateable as the priggish Officer Pope." I hadn't bothered to look at the IMDB listing until that comment. During the movie, I kept thinking that actor playing Pope looked familiar but I couldn't quite make out why. Then I saw your comment and wondered.... could it be? I scurried on over to IMDB and sure enough: That's the son of Edward Fox! How about now? 3 years later? Sometimes avenging ghosts/zombies play the long game. ...or something. He had to know what kind of mess that would make. He wanted a female, but a subservient one (like his friend had) who wanted to be there. But he'd rather stay there alone (with his son) and female-less than give up the land. I just now saw this, a year after your post, so IDK if you're still out there :-) My impression after just one watch is that it wasn't "suddenly". I think she spent some amount of time there. My only real support of this is that she dug through some obviously pre-dug-through things (bags, drawers, etc) to try to find any trace of food. But regardless of the duration, I'd say she's mentally coping with the immediacy & danger of her situation by suppressing whatever father-death-related feelings she has. Once she safe on another world, she might take time to grieve. Like Norsemen. Excellent response. I don't THINK so, but that's based solely on my zero years as an electrical engineer. I THINK the meters just represent the actual flow of electricity into the house, and if there's no flow, there's nothing registering on the meters. Mubblefluggie seemed to think that the speed the meter was moving represented a "pretty good draw" -- which may well be true but is probably presuming a level of realism that's not often found in Hollywood. Maybe it really was NOT moving but was Chuck's mental-breakdown-induced imagination LOL That's about what I thought. I wondered if we were supposed to tie it back to something that happened in a previous episode. The only thing I came up with is that Mike did something besides snap pictures when he posed as a contractor, but there's no evidence of that. Oh well, maybe we'll find out (or maybe we wont :-> )