CG23Sailor's Replies

CGSailor, not CSG, and yes. At least I hope I am related to myself. I was originally CG-23 Sailor on IMDb too when I first started but after a period of no internet access, and a forgotten password, they wanted to send my password reset to an email I no longer had. So I became CGSailor meaning I served on Cruisers (CGs) not that I was a Coast Guard Sailor which everyone kept mistaking. Then get you shit straight or don't act like an expert on a subject you are clueless about 5. Again, more hollywood BS, but not because of your reasoning which is just as wrong. You are confusing modern subs with old WW2 type subs. What you see on a modern sub is the pressure hull. The ballast tanks are internal. On old WW2 subs the ballast tanks were external in what was called saddle tanks along the side. Also there was an external superstructure deck with the pressure hull below that. Not the case with modern subs. Notwithstanding the hollywood BS of point 4 previously, a modern sub going past crush depth is not going to show incremental crinkling and dumpling prior to failure. It will be sudden and catastrophic failure. Over in an instant. 6. Not a technical point of the film, so no comment. The replies you've gotten so far are from people who don't know any more than you and you're asking the question. Thus they aren't qualified to answer. They're talking out their ass and don't know themselves. 1. It was quite clear what happened to the mystic crew. They were aboard Arkansas. They docked with Arkansas aft escape trunks, got the president and themselves aboard, then cut the Mystic loose from the Arkansas. It was then destroyed by a direct hit from an RBU mortar. I don't u know what your confusion was, the film was quite clear on this point. 2. The answer as to why, is because the movie is stupid. The DSRVs had a test depth much much greater, several times greater, than any US or Russian war submarine. USS Arkansas is a Virginia class SSN. The class has an acknowledged unclassified test depth of 800+ feet. The suspected actual classified depth is somewhere in the rough ballpark of 1500-1700 feet. The DSRV Mystic had a test depth of 5000+ feet. The reason it happened in the film is.... Hollywood bullshit. I keep saying had, past tense, when talking about mystic because that is another film fuckup. There is no Mystic. Both Avalon and Mystic were retired in 2008. 3. The Russian captain was not on the side of Durov's military coup. He thought he was acting on legitimate orders from proper authority. He still thought so even when Captain Andropov spoke on the radio addressing his crew. But when the Russian president began speaking, he learned what was what and his loyalty was to the President, Not Durov who is now exposed as the traitor. 4. Again, more hollywood bullshit, not reality. Polyarnyy is a deep water harbor. That does not mean the water is oceanic deep beyond the crush depth of subs, it mean it can handle deep draft vessels on the surface without grounding on the bottom. In fact even outside the harbor, the Barents Sea itself is rather shallow. Mystic was (it was retired in 2008) a DSRV. That stands for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle. The test depth if the mystic is in fact greater than any active naval warship submarine. It's test depth is 5000 ft. The unclassified test depth of the Virgina class is 800+ ft with the suspected actual test depth somewhere in the ballpark of 1500 to 1700 ft. No where near 5000. None of you guys trying to answer this man's question have a damned clue what you are talking about, you're just guessing at what sounds good to you. Oh for fucks sake... Hunter Killer is not some official class name for a specific sub. It's an informal general use category for a type of sub based on mission use. There are two primary types of subs (and a myriad of lesser variants) The two primary types are SSN and SSBN. These are Attack subs and Ballistic missile subs. The attack subs are those that are colloquially referred to as Hunter Killers Class names are official names for a class of a specific sub design. Los Angeles is one such class. So is Seawolf and Virginia classes. Ohio is a class of SSBN. SSBNs are colloquially referred to as "Boomers" in the same was Attack subs are called Hunter Killers What you referred to in your answer is Class Names vs Nato Reporting code names. None which has Fuck-all to do with "hunter killer". There's more than one way to become an officer. Annapolis is not the only route to a commission. One of our CNOs (Chief of Naval Operations and the highest military position in the entire Navy (everything higher is civilian), started his Navy career as an E1 Seaman Recruit. Michael Boorda dropped out of High School and enlisted in the Navy as an E1 Seaman Recruit at the age of 17. An outstanding enlisted sailor, he was selected to attend OCS (Officer Candidate School) at newport Rhode Island . Commissioned as an Ensign he rose through the ranks to Admiral and was the Chief of Naval Operations. Of course you'd think it great. Dunning-Kruger. You don't know enough about the topic to understand just how bad it was. It took a shit ton of liberties. Your post only indicates your lack of knowledge with which to adequately judge the film. The individual actors and their characters were all well done. But ALL of the combat action itself was PURE HOLLYWOOD BULLSHIT. and the film itself perpetuated several myths and falsehoods. From Yamamoto's fictional "sleeping giant" quote... to Fuchida's mythological 3rd wave... To the notion that swapping out the strike planes from attacking midway to attacking the carriers is what delayed them and got them caught unprepared. It wasn't. It was the almost continuous attacks that kept the Jap flight decks busy rearming and refueling the CAP fighters that prevented them from spotting the strike planes from the hanger to the flight deck. Fuchida completely invented from whole cloth the very idea of a third strike. The film actually doubles down on stupid by having Minoru Genda speaking with Admiral Yamamoto saying he urged Nagumo to send a third strike and then asking when Nagumo would be fired. It was Fuchida who claimed he urged Nagumo, and he never did. Genda was present and has actually denied Fuchida ever did any such thing. So the film had Genda doing what another claimed and which Genda denied even the other ever did. And The sleeping giant quote was made up for the film Tora Tora Tora, which was so accurate in many respects that most people have assumed the quote was real. And as far as the air combat action, I have never seen a more ridiculous and unrealistic bullshit portrayal of air combat since that idiotic shoot down scene in Behind Enemy Lines, or that other abomination if a real event film by Michael Bay... Pearl Harbor. If you thought the film was accurate, you only prove Dunning and Kruger are correct. You don't have a foundation to judge what is accurate. Yup! No it would not have worked. He would have some temporary thrust as his suit depressurized. But that thrust axis was not through his center of mass. It would have been rotational, not translational thrust and he would simply pinwheel in place. You've got to be fucking joking. The CGI in Pearl Harbor is part of why it is roundly panned by nearly every active serving and veteran sailor. Because it's complete bullshit. Oh it visually LOOKS realistic. Sorta. But it behaves cartoonishly. Coyote vs roadrunner cartoons have more realistic physics. Almost any movie with a decent budget can have pretty detailed and very hyper realistic CGI nowadays. The look of the CGI is not the problem. The problem is that CGI is not contained by real physics. That's fine when what you are needing to do is physically impossible, like in fantasy or sci-fi. But when you are creating a CGI version of something that is real, it HAS TO BEHAVE AS THOUGH AFFECT BY REAL PHYSICS. But Michael Bay went for the rule of cool rather than realism. Fine for transforming space robots. Not so fine for a historical battle. And if you still think that CGI was realistic... You are a fucking moron. No. Because your assertion that she was in space is false. She was in the airlock.Air was rushing out but the compartment had not fully depressurized. Once the Queen was blown out, she shut the hatch, air was still rushing out right up to when the hatch closed. She was never in vacuum. And space does not have a temperature. Space is a vacuum. Things in space can be heated from direct sunlight, and radiate it's heat away and freeze. But space itself is not cold or hot. The idea of instantly freezing when exposed to space is one of many false BS beliefs about exposure to space. The rate of fire for the Bofors was a tad fast. Other than that, your entire comment was utterly and laughably wrong. Subs did find themselves that close to surface warships on more than one occasion. USS Borie vs U-405 for example. And your understanding of what would or would not happen to the gunners... Comes from you who have never served. You don't have a basis for your opinion. In all of the fake hate crimes.. there was no hate crime. the crime is in the faking it. The News media put it out there as the covington boys harrassing the indian man, who they also put forth as a veteran. The truth was that the Covington boys were standing up to hate from a different group and the Indian guy (who is stolen Valor) chose to harass them. TDA, the Day After? OTB?? Yes I was on The Day After, and a great many other boards too. regularly posted on about 40+ boards back when this was the IMDb forums. Stupidest thing IMDb did, was get rid of the forums rather than fix the trolls. Mostly Military films, Hunt For Red October, etc... Yes I remember her. and here is the thing... "Rightwingers" condemned her for it. Thought her asinine and stupid. Secondly... other than her, can you come up with another case of "rightwingers" faking a crime against them? I am sure if you dig deep enough you may find one or two, but that is about it. I can come up with case after case of Leftwinger's faking crimes by rightwingers against them. MULTIPLE cases. So if you are looking for some moral equivalence of "oh but we do it too" you failed. 1. Anti-Muslim hate crime in Michigan turns out to be a hoax 2. Bisexual student fakes Trump-inspired hate crime 3. Gas station racism goes viral—then police debunk it 4. White men rob Muslim woman of her hijab and wallet–except it never happened 5. Church organist vandalizes own church 6. “Drunk white men” attack Muslim woman in story that also never happened 7. White guy sets his own car on fire, paints racial slur on his own garage 8. Prankster tricks liberal journalist into spreading anti-Trump hoax 9. Student writes anti-Muslim graffiti on his own door 10. Israeli man behind anti-Semitic bomb threats in the U.S. 11. Hoax at St. Olaf College 12. Fake hate at Air Force Academy 13. Kansas State fake hate crime 14. Racist graffiti carried out by nonwhite student 15. Waiter fakes note calling himself a terrorist 16. Waitress fakes racist note, blames law enforcement 17. New York woman’s hate crime that wasn’t 18. Drake U. student faked racist notes 19. The Covington incident with a fake veteran Indian. [url][/url] [url][/url] I only need 3 words... Olympus Has Fallen Same creators that brought us that bullshit is the same that is bringing us this. Already from the trailer it is rife with over-the-top unrealistic crap. While it is two separate chains of command with each being the top of each respective chain and the admiral above the first common denominator where the two chains become one... Minus the Admiral... the Carrier CO is the more senior authority and ultimately has responsibility for the Carrier and everyone and everything aboard said ship, to include the embarked Air Wing. Immediate?.. the CAG, or Air Wing Commander. CAG stands for Commander, Air Group... back when Air Wings were called Air Groups. They stuck with CAG even though they were now called Air Wings because CAW sounded more like something a Raven would say rather than a title. The CAG is the CO or Commanding Officer for the entire Air Wing. The Carrier CO is the Commanding Officer for the Carrier itself, but not the Air Wing. Above both of these men is the Carrier Strike Group Commander... an ADMIRAL. The Admiral is in command of all aircraft, ships, and personnel assigned to the Strike Group. this includes the Air Wing, the Carrier, and all the ships, escorts and replenishment/refueling ships assigned.