tersmantoll's Replies

Yes! Exactly that. There is always a good premise but for some reason they really fumble with the closing act. Thankful for this one. Plus the world needs more good sci fi flicks. It seems the "indie" ones are the good ones: Moon, Ex Machina and this (prob forgot a few) best answer Smart. Did not think of that. Of course he kept paying for the family plan. Probably sentimental. But wasn't he traveling the world killing baddies? Anywho, forgot about the family plan. It is not a thing in Sweden. Like this answer the best. Yes! That's what I thought. Thanks for aknowledging that. Lets do the dutch rudder some day! ❤️🤘 That's what I thought as well. If the captain gave the order a milisecond later ... Like, if he had a studder or had to swallow some saliva in between words - they would have died I guess. Or does a ship in warp gather so much mass x velocity that they would pierce the object like a bullet? So many questions :) Good review. Managed 30 min. Oh. I think I have misconceived this completely. Didn't know T-rump was some sort of derogatory term. Just thought it was some lame attempt to not have their opinion crawled by bots. Stupid me. English is not my first language, so I did not quite get what t-rump might mean. Thanks for all the answers. I see that it is heating up here. You are right. And to be clear, I did not say it is in good taste or funny. I do believe however that it is far worse if this young keyboard warrior is a real bigot than just a bad joker / "edgelord". We should be careful not to get too ofended by these things. They are a symtom of a culture rather than some pure evil. Sorry for the philosophy. Just woke up and sort of still dreaming. Have a great day ❤️🤘 pretty sure op is joking The future seems dope I believe you might be overthinking it. I think it sounds cool and gives a futuristic feel to it. The same as an "asian" captain with a romanian name. Like everything is mixed up in the future. Probably a feministic take but the effect is pretty cool anyhow :) I hope it was to foreshadow that the rocket actually ended up taking him away, by a nice mouth tackle from an alien. Agree. Hope he gets bigger roles. Butler actually acted hard in this too. They seem to be sort of newborn. He is obviously a newly built being and she is kind of altered/infected. So, motivation wise, he is empty I guess and she has all her memories and experience. What happens next? I guess she will spend the rest of her life studying all the data from the event (and her own body), writing reports and being famous. He will likely be studied as well. What wont happen is some evil Mickey and Mallory type murder spree across the world – like reviewers think and the last shots of the movie conveys with the shimmering eyes. I go on moviechat.org. Click on the first movie I see. Look at the top thread...and it is another "PC gone too far"-post. Are there any grown up movielovers left on this forum, that don't get offended all the god damn time? That doesn't feel the need to clank down or whine on every movie or show on here? Rant over. Let's hug it out. probably so. conclusion: god method acting and not chewing scenery then. terry gilliam! Hahahaha. Yes yes yes. You nailed it. They are making me go to mosque now. I am living in a nightmare hahaha. jeezus Hahaha. This is hilarious. Thanks for the article :)