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pbt's Replies

I interpreted it to mean that with today's politics, people might secretly be homophobic, but political correctness prohibits them expressing their opinion publicly, so they keep it to themselves or they lie about what they really feel. At the same time, there are people who aren't homophobic, but they're members of a religion that makes them feel obliged to express disapproval of gays even if they might not. The end result is that Charlie doesn't know how he should think about himself at a time when he feels like he's disgusting and an affront to God, and needs validation that he's not. He's searching for something that could redeem himself, which he ultimately finds in his daughter. Covid-19 isn't the "China virus". It's the America virus. The freedom flu. We knew this from day one. Covid was in the US the summer of 2019. What was thought to be the e-cigarette vaping illness (evali), which peaked in Sept 2019, was really the first covid wave in the world. E-cigarette users are 7 times more likely to contract covid-19 than non-e-cig users. They were the canaries in the coal mine. The CDC was aware of it and covered it up (vitamin e thickener was the cover story) after discovering it was one of Ralph Baric's creations. They hoped to hide the numbers as a severe flu season and hoped it would be gone in a year. When China detected it several months later, after it had worked its way to the other side of the globe infecting many countries along the way, the US decided to wash its hands of the now-pandemic and blame China. To be clear, the virus had been silently circulating and spreading in the US since at least the middle of 2019, and since we didn't take any action until early 2020, that long lead time is the reason why the US struggles with such high levels of it. With China, the virus didn't enter their country until late 2019. They detected it early and locked down early, allowing them to get it under control, which is why they had such low rates of it until Omicron showed up. There were so many asymptomatic cases in early 2020, the supposed beginning of the pandemic in the US, because they were of people who had contracted covid months earlier and recovered on their own. The US found every excuse in early 2020 to delay testing for this reason. It would have revealed the virus was already widespread in the US by the time China got their first cases. The World Health Organization also monitored the virus as it spread in the US. Unlike the CDC, the WHO is an independent body, and when it refused to obey Trump's order to blame China after they detected it, he cut off their funding. Whether or not GOF research was outsourced to WIV in cooperation with EcoHealth Alliance is irrelevant since there was never any leak from that lab. It's why Trump held his covid meetings in high-security meeting rooms, the so-called "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility" usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. This is the big secret the US is hiding about covid. Ordinary meth causes "meth mouth", where your teeth rots. Blue meth causes full-body rot, where your entire body rots, turning you into a zombie. If you're bitten by a late-stage blue meth user, the trace amount of blue meth in his saliva is enough to begin the body-rotting process in the bite victim, like how merely touching pure fentanyl powder can cause you to overdose. That's how the non-meth users are affected. The blue meth is what turned everyone into zombies. It was all Walt and Jesse's fault. Depends. Can she do that bouncy thing with her pecs? It's safe to say, no. Bill Murray has never been funny. The only joke here is how a guy like him managed to have a career in Hollywood. When he had a guest appearance years ago on the bike building show American Chopper, Paul Sr. and Jr. looked like they could barely tolerate him. When he left, they breathed a palpable sigh of relief. The movie can end with the women killing him by feeding him poisoned mushrooms, like with Clint Eastwood in The Beguiled. This movie would have worked better as a comedy, where he woke up only hot women, telling them their hibernation pods had malfunctioned. The women start to get suspicious why the only pods on the ship that ever malfunction are that of young, conventionally-attractive women. His wrestling pants looked awfully tight. I'm going to guess...ball soup? You mean like a gender-reversed "Shape of Water"? I don't know about the fish monster, but I can't imagine the guy doing the eating will ever have fresh breath for the rest of his life. I mean, that's got to be like fishiness squared. You can get oral cancer eating fish tacos. It's recommended that you get a HPV shot first.