waynesky777's Replies

She is not dynamic in this movie, I think it's miscast also. I appreciate her effort and applaud it. However it's not special nor engaging, pretty flat without much character. Yeah, Denis has long takes that pauses a little to long without moving or deepening the frame. For many viewers without the patience to overlook it, it will seem to drag on. I agree that many will not like it for that choice of style. I'm in conflict myself with whether that's a good move overall. For many viewers it will tune them out, because nothings really happening because the shot goes on too long. It's like viewing a painting, even though it's film. I certainly agree with you criticism, it won't match the marvel or star wars movies in action. Ah yeah, I think you're right. Which two did you think was right? I give the nod to Paul,Beast Rabban, the Baron. The addition of....... Aquaman! Imagine saying this in China, Japan, India , Russia, Poland....? I think we found the lowest IQ question on this forum. Another for Dune, TFA is a death star re-run. Well, they got aquaman, he's tall and has long hair! You mean when Luke was sucking on the alien udders? That intelligent? Okay...... There are story elements that are taken from Dune 1) Desert planet 2) Prophetic Hero to free the people 3) An enemy Empire 4) Religious warring sect 5) Sci-Fi 6) Hero has innate powers, required training 7) Sand worm Of course Lucas added his details that makes Starwars very unique in his interpretation of his universe. The various aliens , lightsabers, Death star, Vader, etc. Lucas definitely put his vision into it. It's a rich universe unto itself, even though there are shared themes. Lucas went the cliff hanger cowboy hero route for sure, and was rewarded his box office success. Where the two diverge is Dune is very dark , while Star Wars is very hero wins the day oriented. Now that I've seen Dune, I've completely abandoned star wars and its absurd treatment of it's canon stories. Long live the House of Atreides.....! You know what, our government after 60 years have ZERO reason to keep anything SECRET from the public about JFK's assassination. All the files should be released without being marked out for stupid & arbitrary reasons. They've had 60 years to get it right, and still to choose behave in a superior manner keeping "government secrets". It's bullshit. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jfk-assassination-files-release-delayed-white-house/ Yikes...! It's definitely filmable , as a long HBO series spanning several seasons...! LMAO, that's some bad writing there... LOL, that would insinuate good writing to foreshadow whats to come in the later movies. Nothing in the movies indicate this at all. That's actually a good twist, oh how I wish that were true. Sadly, you made a better plot element than the writers, oh well.... That about sums it up. It's literally the only reason I subscribe to disney+ I don't watch anything else, lol . Check rotten tomatoes Star Wars 1977 Critics 92% Public 96% much better barometer....! Didn't Boyega roast disney for using him as a token? And racially removing him form the story arc & posters to appease china? Didn't that happen? Yeah, the movie had too many cliches and predictable plots. Michael B's acting was not that great. Definitely the movie became too muddled and at the end, well, cliche ending. It's marvel after all. Any kind of armed conflict with Russia is a stupid move for sure. It'll only be sending the poor bastards to die for the 1%. Anyone left or right wants to fight Russia? Ok, be my guest, please fly to Syria and post your battles with the Russian army. We'll we waiting for your dead body to be sent back. That is complete nonsense, and you even suggesting that, well you must of heard it from an idiot on tv, makes your statements really off base. The FISA warrant that was renewed 3 times, produced NO EVIDENCE. Do you understand that? Strzok & Page are a clear indication of anti American corruption and bias, like you.