oubrioko's Replies

<blockquote>$20,000,000 for Ford and $10,500,000 for Michelle. That means <i>64,500,000</i> available for the rest of the movie</blockquote> math is hard 🤦‍♀️ Hackman plays a compulsive philandering adulterer in <i><b>The Firm</b> (1993)</i> It's actress <b>Soseh Kevorkian.</b> The character is credited as <i>Evelyn,</i> although her name is never spoken in the movie. She only has a single word of dialog: After Paul Shannon (Morgan Freeman) steps off the elevator shortly arriving at C-Systems, he asks her, "Is everybody here," and she responds, "Yes." Very likely contrived dialog solely to ensure that she explicitly got credited as an actor. tbf, I said, "over / <i>mis</i> use the term" ...and [he] clearly misused it here <b>Exactly</b>. It's just the latest of the multitude of keyboard commandos that have the annoying compulsion to over/mis-use the term <i>plot hole</i> It's over, Johnny. It's OVER! <b>NOTHING IS OVER! ...<i>NOTHING ! ! !</i></b> <b>Galagatron</b> already mentioned that line two comments <i>above</i> yours... 9 years <i>before</i> you did [Doug on a bullhorn outside the Agrestic polling place]: <i><b>"Don't you just hate Celia Hodes?!? Celia Hodes has Chlamydia!"</b></i> <blockquote>all they saw on the screen was that it said the ex-cop had a girlfriend and they automatically assumed it was the secretary</blockquote> They didn't <i>assume</i> it was the secretary. Her <b>first</b> and <b>last name,</b> <i>relationship, home address, work address, work phone number,</i> etc, are <i>all</i> displayed on the screen. Not sure how you could miss it: https://youtu.be/-Y3x8bRLOyA?t=46 <blockquote>Then he makes 10 of them with the remark "to be continued"...</blockquote> 😆 Indeed. Dude actually replied to his <i>own</i> OP in this thread: <i>"As another sidenote..."</i> Limit him to <b>one</b> post per thread... <i>and</i> 300 characters He spaced out... <i>for about an hour</h> Wish they would <i>fix the glitch</i> in moviechat.org and limit <b>avortac4</b>'s posts to 300 characters well played I blew it. Why didn't I concur? <b>Komarov</b> is the navigator on Red October and is played by actor <i>Michael Weldon</i> in the movie. The Kamorov character is featured most prominently as Red October initiates its run of the Reykjanes Ridge (Red Route One) and particularly during the torpedo evasion sequence within the underwater canyons. He is the character who calculates and calls out each turning point during the canyon run. Kamorov: <i>"Passing Thor's Twins."</i> Borodin: <i>"Passing the twins now, captain."</i> Ramius: <i>"Very well. You may commence your run. Call me at the first turn."</i> Borodin: <i>"Aye, captain.</i> Borodin: <i>"Mr. <b>Kamarov</b>, you may commence your run."</i> "Simply Red, standing buy" (with appropriate British accent) Just watch this. It may help you to understand: https://youtu.be/TvAueVn6Fzo <blockquote>...Come to Chris Rock's Defence</blockquote> He doesn't need defending <blockquote>pause it when the desired scene appeared on the screen</blockquote> Your 'friend' was pulling your leg. There was no pause feature. If film stock stops moving while inside a projector with a Xenon bulb, the frame would melt in short order, like this: https://youtu.be/lnQRXfjI664?t=71 High resolution photo stills were likely taken from film prints in a laboratory, not from pausing movies in theaters.