GameOfSlaves's Posts

You get the legs, I'll get the nostrils...LOL Who is your favourite actor that you think makes the entire series? Who do you want or predict on the throne in the series finale? The dwarf is a traitor after all? How many times did you want to slap Brann? Why do they always say end you instead of kill you? Will Tyrion betray Danny to save Cersi's baby? What do you think of Cersi? Bad ass, like, dislike, just like her father? Who will give us our brothel fix? Mad King John's uncle or grandfather??? Caution, Leaked finale spoilers. Why did they kill you know? The show sucks.., Did anyone else notice Brann was watching Jon climb out of the water? What do you think of the new writing and new direction? How does Danny steer the Dragons? Rickon Dickon? Which NightKing actor do you like best?