themightyperm's Replies

Isn't calling it a development issue just a euphemism treadmill? Also, after about 3 years old all bets are off on prenatal brain development to future brain development. Just because the brain developed a certain way in utero doesn't mean it's going to stay that way. There is too much neuroplasticity for that to play out that way. I think genders are constructs, but sexual dimorphism is a real thing. I think transgender itself is a cultural construct much like cisgenders. Had Page grown up in the middle of the Amazon forest not acculturated to western society Page might have adapted to different localized constructs. I wouldn't call Page's development a predetermined biological thing, it's more of a psychological thing related to adaptations to Page's nurturing and environment. After all it's only in recent history that we've had the technology to really manipulate people's physical forms with plastic surgery and pharmaceuticals. These current constructs in our society are only exist because the technology allows them to exist. That isn't to say Page will go the artificial route as opposed to maybe simply a non-material transcendental route. The fact is there were countless hundreds of interviews, several movies, where this actor used a different name. That is historical. We can't change the past. We can of course moving forward refer to the current incarnation as their desired current persona. Like if we go back in time there was a time when Prince used to be the Artist Formerly known as Prince, which was represented by a musical looking symbol. However, Prince decided to be Prince again. Mohammad Ali was once Cassius Clay. Sean Combs used to be Puff Daddy and P Diddy. His hollywood star says Sean Diddy Combs. Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas. Though, he'd rather have his real name, but Michael Douglas took it. This video is 4 years old. Think about how this video is 4 year old The worst major party candidate was Hillary Clinton. Then it was Donald Trump. We thought Hillary was corrupt but Trump showed the country that we hadn't seen anything yet. 250k Americans dead because Trump wanted to start a trade war with China and the ramifications left us vulnerable. George W Bush was a better Republican and was a better President than Trump ever was. What is trump doing about this situation? He's pretending like nothing is happening and he's angry tweeting at the election officials he installed. Remember that commission that Trump installed in 2017? Trump has people he put in place telling us how full of shit he is. The stupid fuck wanted to open back up when only 10,000 people were infected. Now millions of people have been infected. He knew it was contagious and he did nothing about it but put on a big ratings show to stroke his ego. I guess you're trying your hardest to pay that fee. The President can get away without paying taxes, why can't you? You could have got away with just not paying. If you paid though, probably too bad. It was passed in 2010 and didn't make it into effect until 2015. So you may have paid it in 2015 and 2016. But if you didn't what was the government going to do? Try to take your money in a way even though you could have easily won in a court case against? It was a one time fee of $325 in 2015. Way less than insurance. The typical range of health insurance was $286-$521 a month from a corporation. People treat the government like a socialist boogey man and forget corporations are blood sucking vampires. The fee was made 0 dollars in 2017. The only way you would have been forced to pay it is if you lived in Massachusetts, DC, and New Jersey. Further you could have filed a religious exemption. There were all sorts of ways to get out of it. Your options were pay a cheap fee to the government and get covered, pay a ridiculous fee to an insurance corporation and get covered, be overall poor and not have to pay, get a religious exemption, or not pay anyways and get away with it. Well, like anything when congress puts more money into it often becomes more effective. In the Clinton era when immigration was actually still a rampant problem they spent little money on border patrol or immigration enforcement until the last 2 years of the Clinton administration. When Bush came in the increased the budget even more. When Obama came they increased the budget even more. So, the budget went up from 917 million in 1999 to 3.8 billion in 2016. Tripling the amount of people they deported a year until it leveled out. You are delusional if you don't think that big government isn't heavily enforcing immigration. I live in a border state and whenever I'm out I see border patrol trucks everywhere. Everywhere. I live 7 miles from Mexico. There are check points that are inconvenient. Obama lowered Taxes. He passed a massive Tax cut bill because John Boehner pressured him into it. I don't know which narrative the right wants to convince you of. Is Obama a socialist or a Wall Street guy? I'm going to say Obama was ultimately a wall street guy. Also, very few people had to pay the individual mandate. It got struck down before it was ever really enforced and the exemptions made it so that most people didn't need it. If you made too little money you didn't have to pay for it. If you had a job it might be cheaper than your employer offered insurance. And you could have just not payed for it, but the fine didn't kick into affect until after the mandate was removed. The sad part is we could have much cheaper nationalized health care coverage but our politicians on both side are all bought off by the middle men who are highway robbing us with their shitty horizontal medical integration scams. Trump is not a republican. He only took the role of a republican because it was the path of least resistance. If he ran as a democrat in 2016 he would have lost the primaries. He's an actor and a grifter. He even collects a SAG pension. This was all just a show. He was a democrat all of his life. He's not even a conservative. He is playing the reactionary. This is the guy who said he would take citizens guns without going to court first. The only ones that are RINOs are Trumpists. And when 2024 comes actual conservatives are going to have to find a new candidate because they can't win with 75 million people up voting against a loser like Trump. He is too divisive. If you believed Trump you are really gullible. One of the things that a candidate shouldn't do is shit all over a local hero. Trump shat all over John McCain. A decent man which I've met and admire greatly. There was also that time Trump said he would take away guns from citizens without going to court first. Its also not good to shit on a local prominent ethnicity. These things don't sit well with Arizonans. As much as Arizona is supposed to be a red state, Arizona is also filled with independents and libertarians. Tucson is also a solid blue district too. It's a university town filled with hippies. It's also worth noting this is the second time Arizona went blue in two years. In 2018 voters voted in Krysten Sinema. Martha McSally was such an unlikable candidate that she is the first Senator to lose an election in Arizona to a democrat twice in two years. She lost the election to Sinema and then was appointed to John McCain's vacant seat, and then lost that seat to Mark Kelly in this election. Martha McSally was the grossest candidate. Nothing but attack adds with the flimsiest of premises. Get stunnered? I really couldn't tell the difference between Obama and George W Bush. Maybe Fox news told you so? But Obama cut your taxes, bombed terrorist, murdered Bin Laden, and deported record numbers illegal immigrants. From the presents point of view the future changes immediately. If Marty was worried about his kids he could have just went to the convenience store and bought some condoms. Problem solved. I just watched it. I knew the story and saw the 2011 German version of the film. I was curious about how they would adapt it to modern times. I think Richard Stanley did a good job. I'm glad to see him directing again. The movie felt like a throwback to 80s and 90s horror films, which was great for me. People gotta bang. I think you missed something because you're only looking at the episode from the surface level. The two characters are two different types of crazy. The characters are extremes. They're the type that scream drowning out the rational voices. One character represents the stereotype of a snowflake liberal with schizophrenic triggers, and the other person represents someone with borderline personality disorder who thrives on fear and gets off on sadism. They're the stereotypes of identity politics that we're fed. There is a gigantic group of people that didn't care who won one way or the other. The story is setting up the conflict between the two people. Now I don't know for sure, but if the episodes move fast along a timeline they could be two competing cults. Clowns vs Queen Bees. It could turn into a cross between The Purge/The Warriors/ and A Clockwork Orange. Though it is hard to say. The Promos were quite expressionistic while this seems grounded in some sort of realism. I'd love to see the show devolve into some Rwandan Genocide Esque American tribal war scenario. A surrogate. A machine womb. It takes place 100 years in the future. Maybe the android gives birth to it?