Brent212's Replies

Literally everything you wrote here is backwards. This level of delusion is actually impressive as fuck. Yeah the girl who had an abortion -- who all the radical religious retards are yelling about -- is the "republican" figure. What flat planet are you living on? ha ha, exactly. It is amusing, at least, the way pubs never get that everyone's laughing at them, not with them although slow as sloths, they are finally starting to catch on. Not completely, but still, it's progress. Can't expect the delusional sheep to ever fully wake up to reality. keep drinking that kool aid Lol, there are a lot of dumb righty retards in here. None of you have anything close to a clue. aw, are you gonna be all right? You gonna make it? what are you, retarded? pay the fuck attention Is "rape" a word the puritans are saying shouldn't be seen written now? Thank god I only have to know the implied word while reading it, say it in my head, but not actually see it with my eyes. I took it more as "hardcore fictional supernatural character-worshipping dorks are evil degenerates!" propaganda... which isn't really propaganda, since it's true. found the snowflake! Come on, you have to have realized by now that "woke" is simply a word for anything outdated boomer repulicunts don't like. Which is basically everything, because all they live for is to cry about shit like soft triggered bitches. Bye, Felicia. "All these right winger's have is culture wars because they certainly have no policy ideas or any ideas at all for that matter." NAILED IT All these little snowflakes do is cry about being triggered day in, day out. Fuck their feelings. While I do agree it's a bit of stretch to buy that the brother isn't catching the grabber wearing his mask sitting in the kitchen all the time, the thing that makes the whole thing a *little* more believable is that the brother doesn't come to live with him until after he gets Finn in the basement. The first scene down there the grabber has basically just got the news that his bro is coming to live with him. At least, that's what I got from it. Grabber: "I gotta be upstairs for awhile, something's come up" ... "It's not the police" Finn: "Someone though? Someone's coming. I'll scream. If someone's upstairs they'll hear me" Grabber: "No he won't, not with the door shut." Finn: "He?" Then the grabber changes his mood a bit because Finn's "he" is accurate and referring to his brother. "I'll scratch your face, and whoever's coming will see and ask why" so, a child you sure are obsessed with this hand holding thing. where did this movie hold my hand? so woke that 9 out of 10 radical religious righty's heads explode within the first 10 minutes. the other one runs to the internet to cry about it like the predictable pussy he is. ha ha, clearly a 3 out of 4 people here don't spend enough time on pornhub. I'm actually surprised. I mean, they're all self absorbed and obnoxious. They're absolute garbage humans, but that's why it's funny. Bye felicia. Enjoy the fairy tales from your weekly world news.