MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > This show is nothing but a liberal wetdr...

This show is nothing but a liberal wetdream at this point

There isn't even much of a story or attempt to entertain anymore, it's just one big allegory for how much Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen to remind you how much they hate Trump and how all his supporters are nazi's


Honestly it always was, they are just not being subtle about it at this point.


It was more anti-Christian than just Trump bashing during the first season


CI completely agree. Homelander, as the covert narcissist, is actually more of a liberal figure than a Republican one. Conversely, Butcher is much closer to a Christian Republican family person, akin to Trump.

That's why it doesn't work in season 3 to reverse the roles and depict the sociopath as a Republican, since it has always been the other camp that embodied the Christian, family-loving side.

What's more intriguing to me is the introduction of a black character who is supposedly the smartest person on earth, yet is portrayed in a typical far-left manner (narcissistic, manipulative, antisocial). It's perplexing; it's as if the left has become so oblivious to sinful behavior that they fail to realize they are depicting a minority character in such a negative light.

But who knows, perhaps she is merely feigning allegiance and will ultimately save the day.


“Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels

Also called mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or a mirror argument) is a technique often used in the context of hate speech incitement, where one falsely attributes one's own motives and/or intentions to one's adversaries.


In psychology we call that projection, and it is a defense mechanism used by narcissists to protect their ego by deflecting and defusing attacks on their own character by dishing out those attacks in reverse. In social studies, there is actually a correlation between narcissism and far left Woke extremism.

As a victim of a sociopath myself, I find that kind of attitude insufferable and I combat and expose it everywhere. I am tired of a sincere, warm family man like Trump, who unlike Biden has not raised criminals for children, being portrayed in the negative light that the other camp so deserves.

What is even more annoying to me is how vulnerable to narcissistic manipulation most people are, especially compassionate people are so easily fooled by their own emotions, and become useful ndiots in barely veiled agendas. I am always so baffled by humanity's receptivity and vulnerability to perpetual ideological programming by the media. It is low key infuriating.


You are projecting the negative motives of the Right onto the Left and I'm pretty sure you know that. If you don't there is no point in talking to you because you are too far gone.

Both sides are jam packed full of narcissist and sociopaths. Trying to make out one party as good and the other is evil is just embarrassingly naive and dishonest.

A sincere, warm family man like Trump?! That is so absurd. Especially when Trump has just been convicted by a jury of raping a woman. It's also been proven in court that he cheated on his wife while she was home with his baby with a porn star. How many wives has he had and cheated on? Some Family man!

His children funneled cancer charity money to Trump businesses. If you actually care about being manipulated, you should be careful to make sure that you aren't the one being manipulated by a narcissist.

The biggest narcissist is the person who doesn't ask for forgiveness and claims that everything he does is the greatest thing anyone has ever done in the history of ever!


I almost agreed with you but then you said Trump was convicted for raping a woman.

Really? Are you just misinformed or dishonest? Anyway you just proved his point with that ;)


Educate yourself.


Indeed, educate yourself, from your articles:

"This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings"

"The verdict was split: Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse."

So he was NOT "Especially when Trump has just been convicted by a jury of raping a woman". The jury convicted him for sexual abuse, NOT rape.

You're not only lying but you double down on your lie, like a good leftist that doesn't like the truth.

And to make sure you understand, even if the judge says "He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood." the jurora actually decided that it was NOT rape.

Of course washington post would get a leftist judge to say something stupid, it's not the first time, but that's just an opinion (and a leftist one at that).

So basically you are a liar, juror's decision was "not rape but sexual abuse" and that's what he was actually convicted of.


Look at yourself. Oh, it was just sexual assault! That makes it okay. Jesus Christ.

Trump was convicted of sexual assault sound soooo much better.



No, it doesn't make it ok. But yes, sexual assault is different than rape and a lower felony.

But it DOES make you a liar.

Why did you chose rape if rape is not worse than sexual assault? Because IT IS WORSE.

And you like a lie.


I didn't even pay attention to that case, I don't even care about all of the court cases against Trump there are so many at this point and I have better things to do. All I knew is that he lost the case with the woman claiming he raped her.

So it was sexual assault, I was wrong, let me change it to:

A sincere, warm family man like Trump?! That is so absurd. Especially when Trump has just been convicted by a jury of SEXUALLY ASSAULTING a woman. It's also been proven in court that he cheated on his wife while she was home with his baby with a porn star. How many wives has he had and cheated on? Some Family man!

That doesn't make it any better. Semantics is all you have? That must be humbling.


oh, you misunderstood me, i don't give a shit about Trump, I'm just pointing at how you and all the left lies about everything. And that's a the problem, you are not interested in providing the information, the facts but in creating a strong reaction, as strong as possible.

And yes, sexual assault is less worse than rape. Which I guess it would make it "better"?


Trump has been convicted for sexual assault.


How naive are you to believe that those judgements were not orchestrated? You know a man by looking at his children. All of his children are well educated, happy, polite, and they have an amazing relationship with their father.

And then of course Trump is a nazi and a racist, a homophobe, right? Tell me, wasn't Trump the first one to endorse a black politician? Wasn't Trump already in the 80's showing tolerance for homosexuals in camera, so much so that you can still see those archives today? Why do you think the media lie about him and come after him so hard, even digging out trash that is 12 years old just before an election?
Didn't he pass pro Black and pro homosexual bills? Just because he doesn't trumpet his virtue doesn't mean that he is not virtuous. Any normally constituted human being can see that he cares very much for his wife and family.

Maybe pre-X I would have forgiven you for being fooled by those banana republic tactics of orchestrated lawsuits with corrupt judges. But today, when all of the information about their corruption is out in the open, seriously? It is not that hard to open your eyes, and it is not too late.

But anyways, it is obvious that the Woke mob got to the showrunner because the show, before that time, was essentially a criticism of the smear tactics and mass propaganda methods of the left. Let me lay it out for you:
Vaught = totalitarian big media corporation with a hidden agenda, gaslighting the public to assume power, disguising sociopathy as fake compassion? Ring a bell?

That's right, it has all of the hallmarks of Woke Marxism (and every maxiist ideology that came before from Hitler, to Mussolini, to Stalline, always in the name of compassion!!

Just because the showrunner got scared of being canceled and decided to do PR work to show that no, no I swear it wasn't a Woke criticism, look, Homelander is a Republican, and wait, let me sprinkle some gender ideology on top for good effect.

Seriously? Man the strings are so thick, don't tell me you believe that kind of obvious backpedaling! You're too influenceable.


I want PROOF for your accusations. I don't believe things I read on the internet if they aren't backed up by actual facts.


For a moderate and balanced view on those trials:

Documents case (politically motivated):

Hush money case (politically motivated): (also contains a very good explanation on the legal theory)

Russia collusion hoax (politically motivated):

Fanny Williams conflict of interest

NY Business Fraud lawsuit (where no one was even harmed):

Meanwhile there is more than enough evidence against the Biden family:

I am not a Trump supporter, but I am a big supporter of impartiality and free media, and I think there is an imbalanced treatment of these issues, with many lies and manipulations happening around all of those cases, or just about Trump's persona, whereas the media (via FBI interference) tend to protect the Biden family to a large extent.

I just dislike it when people have hemiplegic indignation. Variable geometry indignation is cancer.

But are you surprised? Trump publicly proclaimed that he would drain the swamp and the FBI...


Thanks for the links, have you actually read these?
The first two links under (Documents case) What do you think they say?


Yes I did. The evidence was tampered with and the FBI admitted it on the stand. They changed the page orders despite initially saying someone was seeing to nothing being changed in any way.

I would put it past them to actually tamper with the evidence if there wasn't a history of the FBI trying their best to get at Trump (Russia collusion hoax, some would even say organizing J6 riot, which lead to the tragic imprisonment of people who never had any trouble with the justice, including one person who committed suicide as a result!)


But if you really want a demonstration that there is a hemiplegic, unfair treatment and political motivation in the documents case, it is very plain to see:

For Biden:
The 30 classified documents included intelligence material and briefing memos on Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom. In coordination with the Justice Department (DOJ), Biden’s attorneys discovered additional documents at his home in December 2022 and January 2023. Some of these documents contained classification markings and dated to his tenure in the Senate.

On November 14, 2022, Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned U.S. Attorney John R. Lausch Jr. to conduct an initial investigation.
On January 12, 2023, Garland appointed Robert K. Hur as special counsel to investigate the “possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records.”
The House Judiciary Committee also opened a separate investigation into the documents.

On February 8, 2024, the Justice Department released the report by special counsel Hur.

President Biden was not required to testify in the classified documents case due to his age and cognitive decline.
The report concluded that the “evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” and therefore, “no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.”
For the classified documents found in the Penn Biden Center and the University of Delaware, Hur judged that they “could plausibly have been brought to these locations by mistake

Regarding Trump:
32 documents instead of 30.

The case marks the first federal indictment of a former U.S. president.
He is charged separately for each of 32 documents under the Espionage Act.
The most serious charges against Trump and Nauta carry a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, with no mandatory minimum penalties.

Without the Supreme Court's intervention, you would no doubt have seen a destruction of the US justice system due to the different treatment. It's really bad for your democracy.


"Durham only secured one conviction: the guilty plea of a low-level FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who avoided jail after admitting to doctoring an email about a surveillance warrant. Durham’s other two prosecutions – against a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer and the primary source for the Trump-Russia dossier – ended with embarrassing acquittals.

In a statement Monday, the FBI said its leadership has “already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time,” in response to the conduct examined by Durham. “Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented,” the statement adds."

Again, I am not a Trump supporter, but I find injustice and double standards really incredibly dangerous in a democracy, those are fascist tendencies by people who appear virtuous on the surface on in reality are full blown psychopaths.

Did you know that the NY judge's judgements were overturned 4 times in the past? Those convenience judges that get paid to deliver politically motivated judgements don't belong in the justice system.

It is all very tedious and shameful to be honest, I sincerely think it will not end well for the US if they don't bring back order, equal treatment in front of the law and authority to the country. I think the American people understand what is happening, which explains the polls.

In my country, France, we have had the same thing happening with the RN party with many fake investigations and the full force of the media against them. But now years later, their leader Bardella is about to be elected prime minister.

In the EU our elites are also corrupt, for example commission head Van der Leyen was taking money from the pharma lobbies to over-purchase vaccines, and she is the reason why vaccine propaganda was pushed to the public requiring even immune people to get 3xvaccinated.

I think it is very important that democracies hold their leaders accountable for corruption.


Did you watch the Dr Phil interview? It was very different from every other interaction of Trump with the media. If you will watch it, you will realize how far away Trump is from the image that the media give of him. He is very humane, empathetic and sincere in that interview.

I found this comment in the comment section of the video:
"I've heard people say that Trump is against migrants, but I can attest otherwise. I was one of the 1,000 people who received citizenship on the day President Trump signed my certificate. He's not against immigrants like me, who followed the legal process. He's against those who enter the country without proper documentation. I fully support his stance. Just as I wouldn't want someone to enter my home without permission, I believe countries have the right to regulate who enters their borders. Other countries have similar laws and regulations in place. Those who enter a country without following the proper procedures should face consequences, including deportation."


Trump's been an infamous cruel boorish asshole in the public eye for FORTY FUCKING YEARS. But yeah one softball interview with Dr. Drip undoes all of that, sure.


Wrong, he was best pal with Oprah until he ran for presidency. You really have no clue of who he really is, do you? You only know of him from when the media started bashing him?
Trump was the first business man to support a black politician. To this day you can find him being friendly to a gay collaborator on video in the 80's, at a time when homosexuality was not accepted and Biden was anti-gay. He has always been loved by the media and by all democrats. They completely changed the script on him to prevent him from being elected, and they still do to this day.

How do you even dare post online that you dislike this man? Are you not ashamed of yourself for presenting as a gullible, influenceable, naive bore?

Trump places value on loyalty, true friends, sincerity. Everything the media hate. They expect you to bend to virtue signaling and moral grandstanding. He never did. What an admirable man. Today anyone who still believes in the lies is guilty for lack of watching!

On the other hand, there is more than enough material on Biden saying horrible things, but since he has been the top choice of the media, you never get to see those videos. Just look it up for yourself, all of his racist and anti gay stuff is in Biden's past, whereas Trump has a pristine track record of being a black and gay ally.

As a gay man, I could not be more proud of him for refusing to judge people by the group they belong to, unlike what the Woke left has done for the last 10 years! Only individual merit counts!


It's OK, I understand you're probably too young to remember the 1980s when Trump was constantly in the news for his NYC real estate exploits, screwing people out of their property, screwing poor people out of housing, refusing to preserve old architecture literally out of spite, constantly getting dragged into court but always winning because he was always careful only to screw people who were poor and couldn't afford the sleaziest, slimiest lawyers like he could. He always made the national news, not just NY local news. HUGE amounts of people across the US have always thought he was greedy tasteless piece of shit. But by all means, continue trying to gaslight to the contrary. And continue licking his hairy orange ass.


Wrong assumption, I lived in France at the time.
I don't care about Trump being criticized for opinions he actually holds. But I don't accept people portraying him as a nazi, homophobe, racist or anything unjustified, as was the topic in this thread.

Insulting someone on the color of their skin as you do now, on the other hand, doesn't reflect well on you. I find you very vulgar, especially for someone of your age.

He has always been a business man, though, and always placed winning deals over everything else, that much is true! This is why he has been a great president, not weak like Biden. Those kinds of skills you criticize are exactly the skills required to be successful to strike geopolitical deals on the global stage!


No, you just want your predetermined outcome to be confirmed. That is all.



You honestly think that the writers of this series sat down and delibrately used identity politics when creating the characters?




No, I think it was initially a satyre of Woke ideology, of narcissistic compassion and sociopathic gaslighting, suppression of freedom, free speech, mass gaslighting aka a criticism of the left. The show has been a Republican's wet dream, to see a fascist organization that gaslights and manipulates from the shadows become exposed. I for one, can't want to see those leftist-acting crazies get what they deserve. To me the analogy with Trump just doesn't work, it is so contrived, almost as contrived as FBI agents inviting people to the capitol and calling that a riot, or tampering with evidence to get Trump convicted. They admitted on the stand to tampering evidence regarding the classified documents. By now no one believes in their lies anymore, that's why Trump is winning in the polls. Many people who were fooled by the leftist propaganda are now realizing their mistake, especially since the left don't control all of social media anymore, people see behind their little game.

The showrunner probably got pressured by the Woke mob for his critique of current day wokism, and just window-dressed it at the last minute as a criticism of Trump. "look, Homelander is Republican, and let me sprinkle some gender ideology on top to be sure!).

The strings are too thick. Definitely not planned, it feels like a complete U turn and role reversal and it is just doesn't work. As a Republican I am always going to be on the side of Hewie and Butcher, because they embody rough, genuine kindness rather than the fake virtue signaling and morale grandstanding of the left (which we find in the female supe politicians and the PR girl). Just artificially changing the label to Republican at the last minute won't do anything to make me support the other camp. I am consistent in my values.


For some reason I didn't see all of that you're saying when I watch the series.


Interesting. Maybe you haven't been sensitized to the left's suppression of freedoms during the pandemic, and window dressing big pharma profits as compassionate measures to protect people. The left have been actively indoctrinating people through big tech narrative control and ideological programming, using the compassion of kind people and misinformation to get people canceled or even just de-emphasized on social media. Tampering with public opinion through mass propaganda is schools, universities, and the media.

The best example of this ideological manipulation is that they manage to get the more naive LGBTQ people to support Palestine (the equivalent of a "Chickens for KFC" rally) without nurance (I insist on this because to me Ukraine Russia and Palestine Isreal is exactly the same thing, there is one side that shows grandiose narcissism (Hamas, Russia) and one side (NATO camp) that shows covert narcissism, but at the end of the day, not one side is better than the other! People have become too polarized, the media prevent people from having modulated opinions, it is just if you know their opinion on one topic (DEI, Palestine, Ukraine, gender ideology, immigration, the police, feminism, etc.) then you know their opinion on everything.

I consider myself a moderate but right now I see the fascist risk from lobby-manipulated media, suppression of freedoms, mass indoctrination, cancel culture and narcissistic-totalitarian compassion.

Because of this I am very sensitive to the Vaught imagery, it is the same fake compassion and image manipulation we find in every totalitarian regime (Nazi Germany, Mussolinian Italy, Stallinian Russia). Fascism always finds its justification in compassion and the Woke movement has some of the same traits, instrumentalizing socialist themes and compassion for big lobby and military interests, a tactic that Hitler would be proud of, having used some of the same tricks.

So, I honestly think the producers got pressured and that's why they flipped the script and went to the press with artificial PR narratives, like MTG supposedly inspired that Super politician, when in reality there is no one more anti-lobby and anti-establishment than MTG.

I wouldn't mind a fair critique of Republicans, after all MTG, Vivek and Trump have all been very critical of Republicans with good reason! But The Boys is anything but a critique of Republican values.


I'm not following you at all. Are you saying that The Boys is trying to brainwash their audience?


No I am saying that the way Vaught gaslights and manipulates with PR work is akin to the far left fascism we currently see in US democracy, where freedom of speech and bodily autonomy are being suppressed ("to protect democracy" or to "protect your grandmother", always in the name of fake compassion), where false narratives and ideological programming are being pushed through censure and information suppression, where the media collude with lobby and military agendas.


I need an example. Could you provide a scene in one of the episodes of The Boys where all of your accusations happen?


Sure, every time it is about Vaught, it is about suppressing the truth and window dressing it as something else.

(1) The PR lady keeps spinning the stories of each Super to make them look good. When she selects new supes, all she cares about is marketability. She completely changed Starlights personna avec recruiting her so that she would be more popular. However, these supes are often manipulated or silenced when their actions conflict with Vought’s interests.

(2) Vought creates, trains, and manages supes using their Compound V formulas. They market these supes as symbols of hope and protection, appealing to people’s desire for safety and heroism. Vought presents itself as a caring organization, emphasizing its support for orphaned supes when in reality The Red River Institute, their orphanage, is a front for experimenting on young supes, exploiting their powers for military goals!

(2) Vought uses PR campaigns to portray supes as celebrities and role models. They emphasize their philanthropic efforts, charity work, and community engagement. This masks their darker intentions and military applications. They tell fake stories about supes saving people (for example A-Train) and window dress Ryan's murder as a save, hiding the information from the press or giving fake news in order to indoctrinate people into supporting supes, when in reality those saves were not real and only PR stunts.

(3) In seasons 2, Homelander is a cover narcissist who pretends to be a super hero while acting like a sociopath. In season 3 he continues on that trend except he justifies his actions with fake compassion (yes I killed him but he was a pedophile)

(4) You can see the media colluding with Vaught to cover up what is really happening several times throughout the show. The way starlight is portrayed in the media is disconnected from reality.

Overall, the Vaught organization co-opts social themes and uses compassion, social themes, and manipulation to further their military agenda!


Hmm...teach me how you connected real life politics to a tv series about superheros.


I believe that initially, people must grasp the workings of political systems and the media, gaining experience to avoid naivety and skepticism towards the narratives presented on various topics such as Ukraine, Nordstream 2, and Covid treatments. Encountering sociopaths can enlighten one to the callousness potential of those in power, making it easier to spot covert psychopathic traits and behaviors in others once you're familiar with the indicators.

In my twenties, I was more impressionable, viewing the world through an idealistic lens, which I now see as unrealistic. Nowadays, I consider the pursuit of fake virtue futile if it results in more harm than good. Being pragmatic and effective has become more vital to me than mere symbols and eloquent speeches. This realization brings frustration when witnessing how the compassion of the masses is exploited by those with nefarious intentions to further military objectives or lobbying agendas. It's disheartening to see people emotionally charged, imparting lessons based on misinformation or censored facts, and how easily the public can be manipulated by the media into adopting pre-packaged narratives and ideological programming to ridiculous extents. Exposing the deceit of manipulative individuals is challenging; they excel at obscuring their actions and discrediting their detractors by labeling them as "conspiracy theorists" or similar derogatory terms, effectively deflecting attention from their own authoritarian tactics.

Once you've witnessed such manipulation in real life, it becomes impossible to ignore, and you begin to recognize it even in satirical content, which is far from amusing.


Well episode 5 confirmed it all with their new Woke campaign for virtue signaling on race. The show is definitely a parody of Woke America. Even the name Vought is meant to remind people of "Woke".


t the way Vaught gaslights and manipulates with PR work is akin to the far left fascism

man you are nuts.
you need help .
the other guy was spot on with that mirror politics thing,
I've seen it time and again on this site but you got it bad.

time and again when the right are called out on their real Ugliest polices and actions the posters on this site say "oh thats a left thing"
OR if there is definitive picture proof of them doing whtever wearing their maga hats the say "false Flag!"

To think that that homelander's narcissim and the fox news like total bullshit propaganda tv vought put out on the show is
"more like butcher"
is fuckling insane
you need help


You don't seem to be able to see the forest behind the trees.

The right never uses fake compassion to manipulate people, it is the complete opposite!

Left = covert narcissism - pretending to do good on the surface, while acting psychopathic and callous from the shadows. Using moral grandstanding and virtue signaling is the epitome of the Woke left
Right = grandiose narcissism - saying exactly the things they will do, no matter how grandiose.

Vaught is clearly in the covert narcissism camp. Covering up, gaslighting and manipulating while practicing moral grandstanding and virtue signaling, everything that Republicans hate, which easily explains why they root for Hewie (the fact that he is toxic masculine on the verge of redemption only adds to his charm)

1. Vought uses PR campaigns to portray supes as celebrities and role models.
2. They emphasize their philanthropic efforts, charity work, and community engagement. This masks their darker intentions and military applications.
3. They tell fake stories about supes saving people (for example A-Train) and window dress Ryan's murder as a save, hiding the information from the press or giving fake news in order to indoctrinate people into supporting supes, when in reality those saves were not real and only PR stunts.

Those are tactics of the left.

Why do you think Woke leftists hate Trump? It is because he talks plainly, speaks his mind with complete disregard for perceptions or political correctness. There is no Vaught figure that even remotely acts like Trump (speaking plainly instead of trying to please public opinion and signaling virtue). Vaught figures are the polar opposite of Trump. They want to stand on merits they don't have, whereas Trump would rather be judged for what he truly thinks than loved for what he does not! The show clearly say that Homelander wants to be loved, he is insecure and needy, clearly the opposite of Trump. Gosh he is so in need of being admired and loved that he developed a split personality! The complete opposite of Trump who will rather risk offending and antagonizing others than hiding his opinions. He has a much more secure ego.

Now that you know this, your point falls apart.

Note that it would have been interesting to see a show where all of the Vaught Supes act like Trump and never even try to please the press or window-dress their military plans and just go tell the truth about what they really think and try to debunk the lies of the press.

I would totally be up for a show like this with the supes acting like Trump then I would support Vaught. But it is not this show! In this show I am team Butcher and Hewie!


CI completely agree. Homelander, as the covert narcissist, is actually more of a liberal figure than a Republican one. Conversely, Butcher is much closer to a Christian Republican family person, akin to Trump.

The show has never been anti-Christian. It targets _hypocritical Christians,_ yes, but has never targeted the religion itself. And Homelander was always Trump, from day one. Kripke has even said as much. It's just that from Season 3 he had to make it obvious, because it hadn't been sinking in with people like you.

That's why it doesn't work in season 3 to reverse the roles and depict the sociopath as a Republican, since it has always been the other camp that embodied the Christian, family-loving side.

Nothing was reversed. You were just too thick to get it in the first two seasons, so they had to spell it out for you. And Republicans have never embodied "the Christian, family-loving side" - they have only ever preached it. But since they have never embodied it any more than anyone else, they are the bigger hypocrites for it.


Why do you think the showrunner had to come out and do PR work about the parallels? The strings are way too thick, laying it on stick won't convince anyone.

Let me lay it out for you:
Vaught = big lobby propaganda and lies fascist regime that pushes false narratives, gaslights and manipulates opinion though the media?

Using progressive values and fake compassion as a means to feed lobby interests?

Ring a bell yet?

The Woke movement is using the same Hitlerian tricks (manipulation, distortion and ultimately perversion of socialist ideals and compassion, while agitating hate towards certain people, co-opting social issues and fake compassion to promote lobby interests and militarism, suppressing information, censuring of the scientific community as the modern day equivalent of burning books, free speech or using intimidation, encouraging denunciation or cancelation to quash dissent, etc.)

Vaught embodies everything Republicans hate, and Starlight, Hewie and Butcher, everything they believe in - exposing big tech lies, fake news, mass propaganda, censure, and suppression of individual freedoms.

That's why the showrunners had to come out and defend themselves! Because without the sleight of hand relabeling, they would get canceled for essentially depicting and criticizing the far left with pin-point accuracy. The showrunners got pressured and sprinkling a dose of gender ideology on top of Vaught = Woke and Resistance = Republicans and adding a couple fake parallels with Trump is too little too late. The harm is already done, people who see the show can only hate the big tech, big pharma and big war manipulation and manufactured crises more because of the parallels with Vaught. No good Republican is going to switch sides and suddenly start supporting Vaught because they have added gender ideology to the mix.

If the show really intended to be Woke from the beginning, I don't think they would bring in a black female sociopath into the show! Or make a toxic masculine man like Butcher a hero. From the get go the show injected Republican values into the minds of people: Truth, freedom, courage, bravery, self-determination, family bonds, etc., and Season 4 is no different. Gender ideology is neither here not there. Many republicans are happy supporting actual gay and trans people who don't use the "I identify" or more than 3 pronouns instead of a nick name as a narcissistic release and or a way to impose their needs on other people. Republicans believe in freedom, diversity of opinion and equity as opposed to the far left (Woke) vision, which is all about conformity, equality of outcomes, and forcing everyone to think (and be) the same (the very definition of fascism). LGBTQIA+ represents a tiny but vocal minority of the gay population, the silent majority of gays and gender non-conforming people is not narcissistic and not trying to impose their world view and needs on others, they just ask for tolerance, they don't demand special treatment and privileges beyond normal human decency.


told you so, episode 5 was a satire of Woke corporations, with their new "Black at it" Woke initiative.
Vought = Woke, I called it from the beginning!


All they do now is mock the far right at this point.. But it is very entertaining.. Let's be real. MAGA gives the show runners way too much material..


..... how? If we're being real, there's way more material from the Left than MAGA.


No, just... no. The left could never hope to provide more than a small fraction of the sheer inanity that comes out of MAGA.


Oh buddy... the Left and "insanity" are synonymous at this point. Whenever you think they can't stoop any lower, they find a way. They have no standards, no moral compass, and no filter for anything they say or do. If you don't 100% agree with them on everything, they will destroy your life, or at the very least least blacklist you.

The MAGA crowd might be rowdy at times, but they're far from insane. Hell, many of them would've been called moderates or centrists 10+ years ago, before the Left went batshit under Obama. Now, anyone right of Marx is "alt-right", just look at how they treated far-leftist JK Rowling.


They have no standards, no moral compass, and no filter for anything they say or do.

I really don't see how it is possible to be so stupid as to believe toss like that. That's such a propaganda line that it should be obvious to an infant.

If you don't 100% agree with them on whatever's hip on any given day, they will destroy your life, and if they can't do that, they'll at least blacklist you. South Park can barely even keep up with them anymore.

Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. The insanity you describe exists on both sides. The main difference here is that it is becoming far more mainstream on the right than on the left.

The MAGA crowd might be rowdy at times, but they're far from insane.

If you're a representative, then yes - they are positively certifiable. My god, man, you believe the most insipid lies, and fall hook, line and sinker for the codswallop that Trump is pedalling. Remember, YOUR side is the one that sides with someone who tried to overturn an election. YOUR side is the one that believed WITHOUT QUESTION that the election was "stolen" because... no, not because of evidence, because there was none, but because Trump said so. Remember, Trump told those absurdities while the votes were being counted, before there could even be an investigation. And you believed him! Or worse: you knew it was complete BS, like his own staff are on record saying, and you still side with him! After 8-9 years of utterly inexcusable, and at times downright insane behaviour from Trump, there is simply no excuse for backing him.

Hell, many of them would've been called moderates or centrists 10+ years ago, before the Left went batshit under Obama.

The RIGHT went batshit under Obama. Don't be dishonest.

Now, anyone right of Marx is "alt-right"

Another absolutely insane propaganda item, one that makes it impossible to view you as a normal person. Again, Trump says something, and you simply believe it without question. That makes you a dope.

just look at how they treated far-leftist JK Rowling

That's everyone on the left, is it? I, for one, have nothing against JKR. Those who do belong to a small but vocal group of trans activists. These are typically found in the liberal camp, yes, but that's like saying a conservative is someone who watches Fox News. All herrings are fish, but not all fish are herrings.


I am not rightwing. I've only been labelled that by the Left because I didn't conform to every crazy thing they believe in. Only by banishment was I defaulted to "rightwing" because it's an "us vs them" game with the Left.
Last I heard, there actually was evidence supporting Trump's claims, but they were dismissed on a technicality. Feel free to look it up.

Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

Dude, the entire kitchen is calling the kettle out on its bullshit, that's how bad it's gotten. You can accuse everyone else of being black pots spreading pot-paganda all you want, at some point you gotta face the facts.

Obama didn't tell the Right to get into their family and friends' faces and argue with them, he told the Left that, and they've been doing it ever since.

The Left rioted, looted, assaulted, and killed for months if not years when their candidate didn't win; the Right, at worst, complained on social media.

The Left can't define what a woman is, the Right can.

The Left thinks the "ok" symbol and milk are symbols of white supremacy, the Right has no such delusions. The Left also called to remove POCs from food packaging, despite calling for more representation for POCs. Make that make sense.

The Left needs entire months to coddle certain groups, the Right only uses days to celebrate people with actual accomplishments.

The Left proudly and openly promotes racism, sexism, and bigotry against certain groups not deemed "divrese" enough; the Right does not condone such actions. Depending on where you live, unless you tick enough boxes, you're not likely getting into that school or job you want, no matter how good your report card/resume looks.

I repeat: the Left has gone INSANE. The Right, which these days is really just anyone that's not a radical leftist, are normal reasonable people. You'd have to dig to the bottom of the barrel to find a genuine crazy alt-right person. That's because the Right doesn't push and reward crazy behavior, the Left does.


Dude, the entire kitchen is calling the kettle out on its bullshit, that's how bad it's gotten. Now, you can accuse everyone else of being black pots spreading pot-paganda all you want, at some point you gotta face the facts.

You don't get to say that to anyone until you take your own advice.

Obama didn't tell the right to get into their family and friends' faces and argue with them, he told the left that, and they've been doing it ever since.

Have you been drinking paint? First of all, I tried googling that claim, couldn't find a thing. At least Obama never called anyone on the other side "vermin". Second, Obama did not make people argue with their family members. That's what happens as a matter of course when family members disagree on something, and you have to be a special kind of idiot to think they'd do it because "the president told them to".

The left rioted, looted, assaulted, and killed for months if not years when their candidate didn't win; the right, at worst, complained on social media.

Liar, liar, pants on fire. There were the Portland riots, which lasted 3 days. 116 were arrested. 4 were injured - no one was killed. And that was it. When Trump lost in 2020, however, you guys went apeshit. In Detroit, a a polling station was stormed by lunatics chanting "stop the count" (a chant which was later reversed to "count the votes"), and do you really need a reminder what happened on Jan. 6? You guys STORMED THE EFFIN CAPITOL. That's a first in US history. "At worst complained on social media", yeah right. At this point I am convinced your brain is missing an essential component.

The left can't define what a woman is, the right can.

This is an excellent opportunity to prove you're full of shit: WHO says the left can't define what a woman is?

The left thinks the "ok" symbol and milk are symbols of white supremacy, the right has no such delusions. The left also called to remove POCs from food packaging, despite calling for more representation for POCs. Make that make sense.

First of all, "the left" has done no such thing. Certain black interest groups have. Second, it's stereotypical depictions of ethnic people that are being removed. The fact that you don't see the difference between ethnic people and stereotypical representations of those people demonstrates quite clearly that you lack the basic comprehension skills to partake in this debate. Personally, I think some of the depictions in question are fine, and there was no reason to remove them.

The left needs entire months to coddle certain groups, the right only uses days to celebrate people with actual accomplishments.

Take that up with the groups in question. This is not a left/right issue.

The left proudly and openly promotes racism, sexism, and bigotry against certain groups not deemed "divrese" enough;

No, that's a load of bull. I challenge you to provide a single example of such.

the right does not condone such actions.

No, you just suddenly get allergic to Bud Light when they dare feature a transgendered person in an ad.

Depending on where you live, unless you tick enough boxes, you're not likely getting into that school or job you want, no matter how good your report card/resume looks.

Like you went to school.

I repeat: the left has gone INSANE.

An opinion you base purely on propaganda. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

The right, which these days is really just anyone that's not a radical leftist,

This proves my point exactly. When you claim that "the left" are radical leftists (in your previous post you even wrote Marxist), you deny the existence of moderates. This makes you factually an idiot.

are normal reasonable people.

Plenty of conservatives are normal, reasonable people, yes. But the MAGA movement has gotten more and more extreme, and today you'd be hard pressed to find a single reasonable person among them. That is not to say that they can't be normal, reasonable people in other aspects of life - you can be completely brainwashed in one area and yet perfectly capable of critical thinking in others. So I am absolutely sure that the majority within the MAGA crowd can appear as normal, friendly, sweet, reasonable etc. outside the field of politics. But when it does come to politics, they are at best deluded.

You'd have to dig to the bottom of the barrel to find a genuine crazy alt-right person.

And yet I found you without much trouble at all. By the way, the alt-right movement is a neo-nazi movement. The term "alt-right" was coined by flagrant nazi Richard Spencer simply to avoid the nazi label. Be careful the company you keep.


And yet I found you without much trouble at all.

Thanks for proving my point, looks like you'll only ever see black pots. If I'm not one of you, I'm one of them, there's no moderates with you people.

By the way, the Nazis were leftists, specifically they were German-flavored communists, so they wouldn't get along with anyone on the right. You should take your own advice and be careful of the company you keep.


Thanks for proving my point, looks like you'll only ever see black pots. If I'm not one of you, I'm one of them, there's no moderates with you people.

The hell is the matter with you? Now you're just repeating what I accused you of with slightly different wording. The difference is, though, that I was able to justify my accusation. You, on the other hand, are not.

By the way, the Nazis were leftists, specifically they were German-flavored communists, so they wouldn't get along with anyone on the right. You should take your own advice and be careful of the company you keep.

Oooooooh brother. I should have known your indoctrination would have extended to that ridiculous lie. No no no NO: the nazies were never leftist. They were very clearly on the right. They were not remotely communist, they were extremely outspoken ANTI communist. They called themselves "national socialists", because they wanted to appropriate the term and steal votes from the socialists. Hitler claimed that the nazis were the "real" socialists, and everyone else who called themselves socialists were swine. Hitler's definition of socialism, however, was nothing at all like socialism. The name change to Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei was not Hitler's idea initially, and by all accounts he opposed it, but at this time Hitler was not yet leader. And once the name was settled, he had to justify it somehow. You see, there were genuine socialists in the party at the time Hitler joined, but these were all done away with in the Night of the Long Knives. The reds were always Hitler's enemy numero uno, even more than the Jews - whom he blamed for Marxism in the first place, for some reason. I could write at length on this topic, but I have a feeling you are immune to facts that do not conform to your preconceived world view.


lol You’re one to talk about indoctrination. You’ve gone so far to the left that even Nazis look right wing to you.

Oh well, if and when the day comes when you slip, and be branded “alt-right” just like the rest of us, don’t worry, I’ll be nice about it. Maybe I’ll politely say “I told you so”. Until then, good luck in that echo chamber, that toxicity isn’t good for your health.


You know, you could just have refrained from replying, and I would have thought better of you. The above, however, is weak sauce, even for you. This time, you haven't even convinced me that you're convinced of what you're saying.


"Weak sauce"? Are you a middle-schooler? That would explain a lot. Regardless, in your current state, you thinking better of me isn't worth anything, not that I ever needed it anyway.


That's rich, coming from someone who writes "lol" in his posts. And it must mean something, or you wouldn't be replying.


Thanks for putting LanceDance in his place. I truly loved seeing you dismantle that clown.


Be quiet buddy. You got educated and it was wonderful.


You're late to the party, kid. If you're gonna stalk me, keep up. Otherwise, you're still grounded.


Nah I thought I'd look at you for a laugh. Thanks for the laugh.


Same as the current Democrats, they use compassion and Woke ideology as a tool and window dressing to support lobby (especially big pharma, big energy, big tech) and military agendas (big war). Same as Vaught. All fascism always starts with fake compassion and co-opting socialist themes and ideas and then slowly devolves into an extremism so harsh that people desert their ideology. By utilizing progressive ideas to manipulate people, suppress freedom, cancel anyone who does not love the regime's uni-ideology, the far left is taking pages out of Hitler's book.


can you give an example of one of the suppressed freedoms?


Seriously, you think men can be women and have a meltdown when misgendered.


Neuman is a parody of Kamila Harris and Nacy Pelosi
Vaught is a critique of Woke ideology, it represents big lobby propaganda and lies, fascist regime that pushes false narratives, gaslights and manipulates opinion though the media, window dresses lobby and military interests as compassion.

All they do is mock the far left. I think anyone who is moderate left or moderate right can see that.

I think the showrunner got pressured because of that Woke parody, that's why they had to come to the press and do a PR realignment, like suddenly Neuman is inspired by MTG (the most anti lobby of all Republicans, no one believes in it 😂).

If the show was Woke they would not portray a black woman as a psychopath or a toxic masculine guy like Butcher as the hero. Just drawing the parallel with Trump is too little too late, the harm is already done, people can't unsee the critique of big pharma in how the show portrays fake compassion being co-opted to serve lobby interests.

No matter whether it criticizes the far left or the far right, at the end of the day, it shows a deep disdain for the left's mass manipulation through the media that only serves big pharma, big war and big energy with the enabling complicity of big tech.


Wow.. If you think this show is mocking the left, then you are not watching it.. Vaught is a representation of corporate America; and all corporations lean to the right.. All big lobby's such as the NRA, big Pharma, etc. regularly throw money at right leaning candidates. The false narratives and gaslighting that you get from places like Fox News and Newsmax is constantly being mocked on the show.. Who do you really think that Firecracker is supposed to represent.. She is the Qanon, conspiracy theorist, and bigot who is against a woman's right to choose. Fits the right to a "T".. Then of course there is the star of the show Homelander, who hates Muslims, LGBT and the handicapped.. The man hides behind fake patriotism while by a ruthless, fascist dictator behind the scenes. This show definitely is meant to mock the far right no matter how you spin it..


I don't know what world you live in if you genuinely think "all corporations lean to the right". America is in pride month right now and many corporations are obnoxiously supporting the LGBT, and they do the same thing during Black History Month. They spend entire months coddling groups of people who aren't oppressed, while those people whine about how oppressed they are.
Many corporations also support and push affirmative action and diversity quotas, both of which the Right are against due to how bigoted and segregate they are. Any corporation that doesn't tow the party line is met with death threats and bad PR.

And the Right doesn't hate Muslims, the LGBT, the handicapped, or any minorities. Your media invented a straw man, or should I say boogeyman, to keep you all hateful and fearful of anyone that even slightly disagrees with you.


There is no one more anti muslim than the Woke left. Woke universities are the first ones who have issues with muslim parents who complain about gender ideology.

Trump's views on Islam and LGBTQ on the other hand are nuanced.
(1) He once said, “I think Islam hates us,” but at other times, he expressed more measured sentiments, distinguishing between the faith and “bad and dangerous people” who happened to be Muslims.
(2) Trump has been a strong LGB ally since the 80's. His track record is much better than Biden's but the media have decided they want to portray the opposite. It is their prerogative, not the truth, though.
(3) Trump was the first white businessman to officially endorse a black political candidate in the 90's. Again Biden's track record on the other hand is racist.

Trump is just very pragmatic, he doesn't judge groups based on race or orientation, he judges them based on their individual merits. And the laws he passes are to protect the country.

This is very different from figures on the left, who are actually much more bigoted but have since covered it up for political reasons. In this world you don't get bonus points for honesty, it is the fakers who rake up media support.

The right is generally more pragmatic and doesn't care about perceptions. Caring about perceptions is what the left (and Vought!) does. This is an issue with Woke shows that they paint stories based on perceptions, and they don't match the actual psychology or motivations of the characters, which is why they all end up unrealistic and weak. I think this is also why the left can't see the forest before the trees and are happy that the show is anti-Republican whereas at the psychological truth level, it is extremely anti left. The lack of realism has only started in season 4 but I haven't lost hope.

I am very curious about what they will do about the black female sociopath. Whether they will exalt her. Probably the window-dressing and PR nonsense about parallels republicans is to deflect from the critique that they are now portraying a black woman as a sociopath. 😂


Most corporate heads in this country donate to and support right wingers.. For instance you won't find one bank CEO who routinely supports the left as in donating money to left leaning candidates.. It was most corporations behind getting rid of affirmative action and quotas, which aren't racist at all, they are meant to level the playing field after over a century of racist policies.. As far as hatred of Muslims and LGBT it is the right who boycotted Bud Light because they had a promotion with a transgender person. In the same mess that you wrote you call LGBT woke and denounce corporations for promoting pride month.. But then say that the right doesn't hate them...get real. And don't get me started on the racism that the right has shown towards Muslims especially in the last eight months.. Fox News has completely blinded you. The right is built on hate.


Claiming banks don't support the left doesn't support your argument that "all corporations" are rightwing. There's countless small and large businesses that openly support leftist causes. Affirmative Action and diversity quotas don't level the playing field, they give certain groups advantages over others. It's called segregation, and that's why the Right is against them. Anyone with a brain and common sense would be.

In the same mess that you wrote you call LGBT woke and denounce corporations for promoting pride month.. But then say that the right doesn't hate them...get real.

I said the right doesn't hate minorities, and I also said corporations spend entire months coddling minorities who like to pretend they're oppressed. Those statements aren't mutually exclusive. There are plenty of minorities like myself who don't play the oppression olympics, nor do we support having entire months devoted to us.

The Right's boycott of budlight was becasuse
a) what does transgenderism have to do with beer?
b) it's not a sexuality, it's a mental condition that should be treated, not celebrated.
c) it actually hurts women's rights since it reduces womanhood to nothing more than a mask that anyone can wear, it's "woman-face" if you will. It's does the same to men, but the Left hates men, so they don't care about that.

Fox News has completely blinded you.

I don't even watch Fox News. It is the Left that's built on hate, they've made it very clear that anyone who doesn't agree with them is an enemy. The Right doesn't care about your views as long as you're respectful of others. And what’s this Muslim-hatred you’re talking about?


There are absolutely oppressed groups in this country.. Do you even know what that term means? As far The Rights boycott of Bud Light:
A. Transgenders drink beer like everyone else that is what they have to do with it.. If the beer had a straight father on the can would the right have boycotted? No they would not have.

B. There is not a doctor in this country that calls transgendrism a mental disorder. That is something that the right comes up with to disquise their hate. It is like saying that you can pray the gay away. That is just none sense..

C. There are some instances where transgenders do try to take the place of women such as in sports.. But other than that they aren't just trying to become the new women in society and replace the natural ones.

You may not watch Fox News, but you are getting this far right gibberish from somebody. The left doesn't preach hate at all. The left teaches to live and let live. Learn to except people the way that they are. It is the right who wants to pretend that people with different races, religions and sexualities don't exist. We see examples of this every single day.


A. Oh there are oppressed groups in America, just not the ones you're thinking of. If bud light just had some handsome dude or pretty chick, nobody would care, or better yet more people would buy it. If they're gonna promote someone with a mental illness, of course people will fight back.

B. There are plenty of doctors who acknowledge transgenderism as a mental disorder, but unfortunately their jobs and lives would be threatened if they publicly said so. That's the dystopian times we live in.

C. At the rate we're going, trans women will take over and become the "new woman", because anybody who speaks up against them are treated as enemies and are ostracized. Like I said, dystopian times.

Nobody's telling me gibberish, I have eyes and ears, I can see and hear the insanity around me, as do hundreds of millions of other people. We all came to the same conclusion. If you wanna sit in a burning room and pretend everything is fine, that's on you.


You are really not paying attention.

You are a truly lost individual.


The right never uses fake compassion to manipulate people, it is the complete opposite!

Left = covert narcissism - pretending to do good on the surface, while acting psychopathic and callous from the shadows. Using moral grandstanding and virtue signaling is the epitome of the Woke left
Right = grandiose narcissism - saying exactly the things they will do, no matter how grandiose.

Vaught is clearly in the covert narcissism camp. Covering up, gaslighting and manipulating while practicing moral grandstanding and virtue signaling, everything that Republicans hate, which easily explains why they root for Butcher.

1. Vought uses PR campaigns to portray supes as celebrities and role models.
2. Like Bill Gates and Big Pharma they emphasize their philanthropic efforts, charity work, and community engagement. This masks their darker intentions and military applications.
3. They tell fake stories about supes saving people (for example A-Train) and window dress Ryan's murder as a save, hiding the information from the press or giving fake news in order to indoctrinate people into supporting supes, when in reality those saves were not real and only PR stunts.

Those are tactics of the left.

Why do you think Woke leftists hate Trump? It is because he talks plainly, speaks his mind with complete disregard for perceptions or political correctness. There is no Vaught figure that even remotely acts like Trump (speaking plainly instead of trying to please public opinion and signaling virtue). Vaught figures are the polar opposite of Trump. They want to stand on merits they don't have, whereas Trump would rather risk offending people and be judged for what he truly thinks than loved for what he does not! The show clearly says that Homelander wants to be loved, he is insecure and needy, clearly the opposite of Trump.

You make some very good points that confirm that the show is dishonest and artificial in their critique of Trump. They are only now doing a lazy caricature by adding a thin veneer on top of the initial premise of the show but the harm is already done, the show is criticizing covert narcissism, gaslighting and manipulation, not people being plain and trumpeting their opinion. I could not applaud more, and I don*t really care about the labels, I only look at how people act, and I am team Butcher!


Donald Trump craves attention in pretty much the same way that Homelander does.. Why do you think he is always calling himself a genius and claiming that he reads the bible even though he can't even name a verse that he likes.. Honestly, I just don't see the attraction that the right has with the man.. Trump has no merit.. The man has been sued for sexual assault as well as been convicted of 34 crimes; with more still to come if he doesn't win the presidency..


I just explained it to you - people on the right tend to prefer people who are plain, don't play mind games, speak their mind rather than moral grandstanding and virtue signaling. As a voter, it is more comfortable. It doesn't have to be Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy has the exact same approach to politics, they are hell bent on unmasking the hypocrisy, gaslighting,, censure, cancelation and freedom suppressions oof the left. As a voter it is more reassuring to vote for a side that favors democratic truth finding instead of lobby, media and FBI narratives that present only one opinion and one authority on "truthful speech". This is because when you don't have those elements, then politics do the bidding of the lobbies and militaro-industrial complex (expensive Covid treatments, war, world inflation) instead of caring about what the people want (cheap, effective, proven treatments, peace and no inflation/preserved purchasing power)

Regarding Trump, what you write about lawsuits is precisely why he leads in the polls, the more people try to interfere with democratic truthfinding and try to manipulate the opinion with lawsuits, the more people value Trump's campaign, which doesn't weaponize the legal system to imprison political opponents. Republicans care a lot about democracy and the US legal system, they don't want to see it perverted with hemopelgic indignation (e.g., documents case of Biden vs. Trump). They want a fair legal system and no corruption of judges, no collusion with the media, no collusion of the White house with the NY DA office. It is very important for the future of the country.
Your message is a perfect example how the media has manipulated you and lied about Trump being convicted of 34 crimes.
(1) It was a felony based on the testimony of a pathological liar, and only in New York
(2) Each of the 34 charges against Trump corresponded to a check, invoice and voucher generated to reimburse Cohen, there is only one conviction, not 34.

Where Trump was robbed is that it should not have been a felony because Trump did not do this with an intention to defraud the American public. In other words, a legal loophole was used to obtain a minor felony (after how many failed impeachments and indictments). It is obvious that there is an obsessive compulsive persecution from the left.

You want proof? Why do you think the verdict will be given on 11th July just before the Democratic convention? It is all planned and paid for.'s%20conviction,days%20before%20the%202016%20election.

The judgement won't hold in appeal. It is just an electoral tactic of the left, like every other impeachment and indictment before.


Did you watch the Dr Phil interview? It was very different from every other interaction of Trump with the media. If you will watch it, you will realize how far away Trump is from the image that you have of him.
It is a very humane, empathetic and sincere interview.


They mock the far left. Vought = Woke with their Woke Black at it initiative. The show is an entire satire of Woke corporations who gaslight and window dress reality through moral grandstanding and virtue signaling. As a Republican, I approve of the show!


This show was downhill after the first season.


Awful show.


I love how all you Woke bitchers and MAGA Cult members are incapable of reading or interpretation much at all - the creator has clearly stated that this was a right-wing/fascist parody FROM THE START and goofs like you seem to be just discovering this suddenly right now??!?!?


He had to start laying it on thick from Season 3 because MAGAts were actually thinking the show was anti-woke, and they were treating Homelander like the hero of the show.


Well the show does depict a world governed by propaganda. The entire Vaught enterprise is akin to the current government, with its fake narrative pushing and mass propaganda.

Then comes Starlight who exposes the false narratives and lies and the removal of freedom of speech. As far as I am concerned, she is a republican hero similar to many Republican figures who combat big pharma, big war and big energy lobbies. The tables have turned, you can't just ignore that unlike 60 years ago with the California movement, today it is not the left anymore that carries the torch of fighting lobbies and orchestrated lies. If you think about it, who has been most vocal about government of donors and mass propaganda? It has been centre right (Musk), moderate left (RJK) and far right (Marjory Taylor-Green).

Republicans identify with the good guys, like Starlight, Butcher, Hewie. And they see a lot of the far left manipulation at work in how Vaught is essentially an entire media-orchestrated lie, covering up their sociopathic tendencies with fake compassion. As family people, they want to see Ryan go back to the people who actually love them instead of the manipulative Homelander. Republicans have had enough of lies and false narratives pushed by mainstream media, and the suppression of free speech, so of course they are going to oppose Vaught.

This is why season 4 feels like some leftist was trying to absolve his sins by deflecting all of the flaws of his camp, and projecting them on the other camp. It just doesn't work.

To be honest, the only thing Woke in the show (gender ideology) is not even worth mentioning. It seems the showrunners try to use it as a polarizing stick, but to 95% of Republicans the bigger issue is the suppression of freedoms, media orchestrated lies to support fascist regimes that take away your bodily autonomy and freedom.


Literally everything you wrote here is backwards. This level of delusion is actually impressive as fuck.
Yeah the girl who had an abortion -- who all the radical religious retards are yelling about -- is the "republican" figure. What flat planet are you living on?


Right and depicting a black woman as a sociopath and a toxic masculine Butcher as the hero is Woke af.

You still don't get it, right? The showrunner got pressured because the show looked too much like a critique of modern day far left fascism. Why do you think he had to go to the press to do some PR work? "no, no I swear I was not criticizing the left, look, Homelander is Republican! And let me spray a dose of gender ideology and an abortion to window dress it as a critique of Republicans. It is too little too late. The harm is already done. I mean, he even went as far as to say the Neuman supe was not inspired by figures on the left like Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi, he said it was inspired by MTG, even though she is the most anti lobby politician on the right you could ever find. It is pretty obvious they are grasping at straws to avoid being canceled!

The only result of the show is that people are going to oppose government of donors, mass manipulation through FBI interference in big tech (narrative control, censure), weaponization of the judicial system, removal of free speech. It is exalting all Republican values of truth, courage, family, genuine compassion.

Even Woke people will be forced to support anti lobby, anti big pharma views, anti big war, etc. after seeing the show!

So who cares what labels they put. The viewers are not dumb, what matters is that in the end Republican ideals win. They don't pay attention to the names, they only pay attention to the ideas. But hay, why not? If changing labels can finally allow the left to see the light and change their view on mass indoctrination through big tech, fake compassion, gaslighting and window dressing sociopathy as compassion!

What the show demonstrated with brilliance is how social ideals are being co-opted and perverted to support lobby agendas, geopolitical goals and militarism, exactly what is happening in US society today, and what happened in Nazi Germany - the regime never cared about "socialism", it only used compassion and empathy to mislead people into doing evil.


ha ha, exactly. It is amusing, at least, the way pubs never get that everyone's laughing at them, not with them


It was much more subtle in the first 3 seasons


Fascist and nazi regimes were on the left (Mussolini, Hitler, Stalline), so of course Republicans are going to oppose them and support the good guys, like Hewie and Butcher.

That'S why Republicans generally support the narrative and even welcome it. They have had enough of totalitarian Wokism, suppression of freedom of speech and mass propaganda, big pharma and big war lobbies, so of course to a Republican, Vaught is the enemy.

I think where some Republicans get irritated is because the showrunners try to appropriate Republican virtues of combatting false narratives, big lobbies and big tech propaganda, and give themselves that role it an almost comical twist.

I am sure being able to depict their ennemies as possessing the flaws that they themselves possess (fasict tendencies) is a far-left wet dream, but it just doesn't work in the context of the show because Republicans are already viewing Vaught as a leftist manipulation factory that serves lobby interests.

Sprinkling a bit of gender ideology and putting a "republican" label on Vaught is just not going to cut it.

I think US society has become way too polarized.

The fact that the showrunners don't realize MTG is actually an anti-lobby figure is very funny. She would be the first one to combat Vaught and expose their lies. She is also a family woman. Trying to make her pass as that fraud of a character in the show, it just so far remote from reality, it just doesn't work. It feels like a manipulative attempt at mischaracterizing her.

I think the showrunners are just very confused as to what they actually support. Perhaps they intended this as a critique of Republicans, but in reality it makes people hate the left and all that they embody even more.

I think this sleight of hand Houdini act is an insult to the viewer's intelligence. Cheap tricks like these won't work. My guess is it became too obvious that the show was a critique of Wokism, and they were pressured into putting Republican labels on everything. But that kind of a cover up is too contrived and far from reality to even work. But hay, if it can make leftist viewers suddenly hate censure and media-orchestrated narratives in favor of big lobbies, why not? Perhaps it will make it easier for people to understand each other and rally behind common ennemies, instead of being polarized in such an artificial way along the lines of Palestine + Gender ideology?


although slow as sloths, they are finally starting to catch on. Not completely, but still, it's progress. Can't expect the delusional sheep to ever fully wake up to reality.


The creator and producers are jewish, which explains every single thing with this show.


It was quite amusing how Sage explained how she engineered all the hate on Starlight. Exactly what happened with Trump. I wonder how many Trump haters woke up and realized they'd been had lol.


Exactly my friend! This show is actually portraying exactly what the left is doing (mass censure, pushing false narrative, narcissistic compassion hiding sociopathic behavior, gaslighting the public, totalitarianism destroying anyone who doesn't think 100% like they down down to the t, smear campaign against political opponents, trying to portray them as the villain...

Every republican will of course support Hewie, Butcher, Startlight because they fight that Woke clusterfuck!

So imagine how funny it is now in season 4, when the showrunner, who probably was getting under pressure for his pinpoint accurate depiction of Woke totalitarianism, suddenly decided to put Republicain labels on everything, sprinkled with gender ideology, all with the hope of fooling the viewer. Nah...The show remains a critique of the totalitarian left, no matter how hard they try to backpedal and windowdress it as a critique of the left. 😂

I think they underestimate the intelligence of the viewers. Viewers don't stop at labels, they care more about ideas or ideals, just swapping labels won't make them renounce their moral compass.

I think the relabeling is in large part trying to protect the left wing viewership as the themes and criticism was hitting a little too close to home!


keep drinking that kool aid


Well the show has a clear message, no matter how you label each camp, the narrative remains the same - the totalitarian tactics of the left are evil (censure, gaslighting, manipulation and false narratives, gossip, innuendo, reputation destruction to win elections, co-opting social themes and compassion to serve military interests or big lobby agendas).

It is not about the labels, it is about criticizing those tactics, and by extention, everything that the left represents.


Lol, there are a lot of dumb righty retards in here. None of you have anything close to a clue.


(1) The PR lady keeps spinning the stories of each Supe to make them look good. When she selects new supes, all she cares about is marketability. She completely changed Starlights persona after recruiting her so that she would be more popular. However, these supes are often manipulated or silenced when their actions conflict with Vought’s interests.

(2) Vought creates, trains, and manages supes using their Compound V formulas. They market these supes as symbols of hope and protection, appealing to people’s desire for safety and heroism, a clear parralel to how the current US administration handled the pandemic. Vought presents itself as a caring organization, emphasizing its support for orphaned supes when in reality The Red River Institute, their orphanage, is a front for experimenting on young supes, exploiting their powers for military goals (a symbol for the gain of function research)!

(2) Vought uses PR campaigns to portray supes as celebrities and role models. They emphasize their philanthropic efforts, charity work, and community engagement. This masks their darker intentions and military applications. They tell fake stories about supes saving people (for example A-Train) and window dress Ryan's murder as a save, hiding the information from the press or giving fake news in order to indoctrinate people into supporting supes, when in reality those saves were not real and only PR stunts. This is a clear allusion to the media manipulation, information suppression and FBI spewed false narratives (Russia collusion hoax, tampering with document evidence).

(3) In seasons 2, Homelander is a cover narcissist who pretends to be a super hero while acting like a sociopath. In season 3 he continues on that trend except he justifies his actions with fake compassion ("yes I killed him but he was a pedophile")

(4) You can see the media colluding with Vaught to cover up what is really happening several times throughout the show. Sage admits to manipulating the opinion against Starlight.

Overall, the Vaught organization co-opts social themes and uses compassion, and manipulation to further their military agenda!

I am sure being able to depict their ennemies as possessing the flaws that they themselves possess (fascist tendencies) is a far-left wet dream, but it just doesn't work in the context of the show because Republicans are already viewing Vaught as a leftist manipulation factory that serves lobby interests and military interests, just like the current US administration, and are rooting for the toxic masculine hero (Butcher)

Sprinkling a bit of gender ideology and putting a "republican" label on Vaught is just not going to cut it. Maybe it will aggravate the alt-right but the majority of moderate left and moderate right people will agree with the critique of modern day US fascism, where the media manipulate you to support lobby and military agendas!

I think the showrunners caved under pressure and window dressed their critique of the current administration with lazy parallels. Like the fact that the showrunners don't realize Marjorie Taylor Greene is actually an anti-lobby figure...very funny. As the most-anti lobby Republican, she would be the first one to combat Vaught and expose their lies. Nancy Pelosi however...

I think this sleight of hand Houdini act of the 4th season is an insult to the viewer's intelligence. Too little too late. Cheap tricks like these won't work. My guess is it became too obvious that the show was a critique of modern day liberalism, and they were pressured into putting Republican labels on everything in the 4th season to scramble the cards, as the parallels with the current US government were too damaging.


Is it wrong that I refuse to apply real-world parallels and enjoy the show at face value?


No, be lucky you don't have those reading grids in your brain. Once you do, you can't help be see the parallels between Vaught and the current US government, where compassion and lofty ideals are just a front and manipulative, obscuring window-dressing for lobby interests, power grabbing and a military agenda.


Oh I can see it- I just won't.


Ah well, I bet you are not autistic then. When you're on the spectrum you can't stand window dressing, especially when it fools the majority of people, it feels so absurd and you can't just stay quiet about it!


That's how I normally am- check the record, but not in this case. I guess I just refuse to give them that victory.
