rnmboon's Replies

It is a surname and not a first name. Her parents were at least very confused when they named her. Only 14 (!) years later there is an announcement: https://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/announcement/cage-and-scorseses-bringing-out-the-dead-rescues-a-paramount-presents-4k-uhd-bluray-release-917/49488 It took a while but they made up for it with a very extensive release also in 4K. This film certainly supports my theory that in this day and age films that fail to be coherent are seen as "smart" or "creative". This is an almost impossible choice. I used to prefer Mononoke over Nausicaa because I felt that the former was the more refined telling of a similar story. But in recent years I have changed my mind a bit on that: Nausicaa has some very definite qualities over Mononoke that makes it unique. Nowadays I wouldn't be able to state a preference. Interesting tidbit is that the framed original posters of both films are hanging in my living room. Loved the ending. Very elegant yet very emotional. It is very low key but at the same time so significant and ties the story together wonderfully. You are right. Not sure why but I was thinking about his role in A Beautiful Mind thinking that it was in Field of Dreams. Well it is her real name. She only goes by "Emma" because another Emily Stone registered the name with the SAG first. And SAG won't accept multiple registrations with the same name. He certainly played in a lot of favorite films of mine. The Right Stuff, The Abyss, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Hours, Nixon and Field of Dreams are all very high on my list of favorites. And he has made some very popular films next to it like Apollo 13, The Rock, A Beautiful Mind, The Truman Show and Top Gun Maverick. His career choices have been excellent indeed. Not sure how much the "in love with someone else" is worth when apparently he not only married someone "out of love" before that and also made her pregnant. The relationship with Ellen may just as well have been a fling: who knows. And the enduring nature of his marriage to May shows that there was a lasting love for her. Maybe not as fiery as with Ellen but love none the less. A very interesting retrospective interview with the main actors and crew can be found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b00rvxzc [quote]Every civilian death in Gaza is tragic. But Israel is not targeting civilians.[/quote] I stopped reading there. The fact that Israel is killing so many civilians is the main reason why it is getting so much criticism. We have been seeing the proof of it every day for the last couple of months. But somehow some people (like Rapaport and Messing) still seem to be capable to deny it which is just really beyond me. edit: I thought this was the "non-political" board of moviechat.org btw. Agreed. They could have cut that storyline and it would have been a much better film. There was so much interesting stuff that could have been told about the Manhattan project that they did not touch. Or so many other aspects of Oppenheimer's life. Very disappointing film in that sense. And obviously they <b>still</b> shower it with Oscar's because in 2024 "hypes must be hyped". <blockquote>Jeremy Irons said while making the series, "Is the audience going to be bored with this character? He bores the pants off of me."</blockquote> He certainly plays him as a very boring character. Having not yet read the book I do wonder if that really does the character justice though. I agree: it is too much a "Brian Cox advertisement". Either that or the series was made as an excuse to have him travel the world. The series is also structured very poorly and often seems like a collection of "did you know?" quotes strung together. I watched the first few episodes but was too bored to finish the whole series. There are lots of great documentaries about the subject matter out there but series doesn't belong in that category. Not recommended. yes He or she is not claiming that the books are any good. True. And I liked his part in this movie, even though the scene with him trying to storm the plane of the senator was somewhat ridiculous. Much of it I really liked. Loved the ghost story parts early on. But around two thirds in, when the senator comes into play, it very much drops off and turns into a more regular thriller with some horror elements tacked on. The later part of the movie was very disappointing. A 7.3 is actually an appropriate rating. But it could have been a lot higher. I wouldn't mind him directing drama's if they were able to grab my attention. The time that his films were must see's is long gone. Never heard of her before. And does this kind of story really pass for "controversy" in this day and age? I am also not sure if it is wise to be this critical of the production of a movie that you are in. Especially when it is not doing so well commercially anyway.