particles's Replies

I believe people watched it looking out for anything negative, and that is all they were able to see. I also thought this movie was good. I even thought genisys was pretty good. I liked dark fate, although it went back exactly to the exact original formula. Salvation was the only one I didn't like, but I should rewatch it sometime, maybe it was ok. blackcoat's daughter the void the visitor the witch I just realized after watching this again that he ditched the bonds purposely so the police wouldn't catch him with the stolen $22 million. They had him earlier on the movie mention "felony kidnapping". So he was constantly thinking about what charges might be brought on him. If he was found with nothing the charge would probably be significantly less than having $22 million on him. Anyway this made me like the movie and that scene a lot more. I used to hate that scene, and had no idea why he had them on his hand, but now I realize he was throwing them away on purpose, cos at that point he can't keep it anyway, even if the family inside don't identify him as one of the robbers as a favor. i would say this makes more sense than what seems to be the official explanation that it's mother nature i mean, she is a literal mother in the movie i saw it opening day and i forget what trailers were played except for "a quiet place" which was an awesome trailer, except there was a baby making noise during it and the whole point of the trailer was to be quiet to survive... it made it comical the baby made noise throughout justice league, but no one said anything as soon as star wars comes out, people will start seeing justice league i thought the opening was one of the best things in the movie, it was some little kids running up to superman right after some heroic deed and interviewing superman on their phone, it was like found footage. when that was the opening to the movie i was like wow this is going to be good, but it wasn't too good... yea it's not worth seeing for $12, but it's worth seeing for $0 when star wars comes out i think justice league will get a bump from people who don't like sci fi i liked blade runner 2049, but i loved A.I. some of what you wrote reminded me of A.I. even tho it's nothing like what you wrote, in A.I. human's die off at the end but the robots are still around and wonder about humanity, and are curious about the main boy robot that they dig up. anyway, i am not really going anywhere with this post, but felt like writing it. from what i remember, everyone hated A.I. critics and audiences... i feel like blade runner 2049 doesn't deserve all the praise it's getting from critics and audiences, even tho it looks great... and there's a couple things i liked in it i found blade runner 2049 storywise to be about as good as babylon ad which was universally hated also, but i liked he's saying that it should be twice as more, since it was in twice as many markets but it is less than twice as more i don't know if that's a valid argument or not, i think all of this is nonsense in general, box office stuff in this movie the dad plays the same role as in terminator 2, the scientist doing secret research in the lab, so cyborg supposed to be the little kid from terminator 2 if so this must be an alternate timeline where he didn't get shot and have to blow up inside the lab i dunno if this is offtopic, but i've seen it brought up before that rotten tomatoes score makes no sense, because they count a bad review as a 0, and a good review as 100. based on this logic a 50 should be a fresh rating, but they arbitrarily picked 60 anyway that wouldn't help justice league's 39 but the rotten tomatoes rating system is just like IMDB users if they hate a movie it's 0/10 if they love a movie it's 10/10 that's exactly how rotten tomatoes aggregates critics reviews, and i don't know how accurate it is compared to if they used actual values between 0 and 100 metacritic uses the most sensible system, but i don't know how they decide what number to assign the review... so maybe rotten tomatoes has value, as does IMDB they purposely don't show it either way, i am leaving the internet now in this movie it's as if they are created completely from the DNA starting as an embryo i don't know how ridley scott intended it, i feel like not much thought was put into it, he just wanted to make a situation for the movie to be in without the details of it anyway it's purposely not explained in the movies, so neither one of us can be correct ever they can be thought of as robots, like you're saying but like the person who started this reply, i think of them now as more like clones (not clones, i'm saying like clones) genetically engineered humans they have DNA not if they are created from DNA the parts they swap out would be the faux leather it's cos' rotten tomatoes only counts a review as good or bad... so if it's on the fence but slightly positive, it counts as 100% and bad reviews count as 0%... it really is a terrible system the movie is good tho, but i'm just saying rotten tomatoes is absurd yea, until this movie and the prequel anime where none of the replicants were killed by the EMP blast, i thought replicants were basically robots but now i realize replicants are basically clones (although clones of no one, so there's probably a better word) but it's the same idea, although i don't know if that was the intention for the original movie so all of the philosophical questions about AI don't really apply, which is what blade runner seems to be about for a lot of people even film scholars (although who cares what they think) the questions that come up are more like clone movies like sixth day or the island (i actually like those movies), except those questions don't get explored because it seems like the both scott and villanueve are actually treating them as robots most of the time, and i think probably 95% of the audience thinks of them as robots oh well in it they introduce the story as a freshman girl at an all girl's boarding school having a nightmare about her parents dying, and then she and an older student get stuck at the school over break. then they introduce a girl at a bus stop, who gets picked up by someone's parents and they are heading for the school. they switch back and forth, until you figure out that the parents are visiting the deathsite of the older student which is the school. (although come to think of this it makes no sense, they would just visit her grave wherever it was) but it turns out the girl at the bus stop is the freshman 9 years later, and she broke out of a mental institution, because she killed the older girl and 2 other teacher/nun type people who were at the school during break, and brings their severed heads to the furnace room to pray. but i don't think you look that different after 9 years, and she did nothing to change her appearance, so the movie doesn't really work, but i liked it. the movie even has titlecards for each of the 3 characters, as if you're seeing their view of the same timeline, like other movies have done. but this is just a trick. are you talking about blackcoat's daughter? that's one i just watched, but i'm sure a lot of movies have done it but i can't remember