northpole81's Replies

Yet another man-child. 😴 There's even a scene with the brunette giving that book to Elizabeth. Congratulations on discovering gay couples aren't so different from straight ones! Yes. But you realize he was talking about the instrument that made music by burning people, don't you? Cause that was pretty obvious, but maybe the subtitles were bad in the version you watched. Just keep your hands to yourself and respect other people's right to their body and you won't have to whine about metoo. The rare moment when I actually laughed out loud. Well-known to whom? Not everyone reads that perv book. Adam Driver. Rawr. 🤤 Baby Damn. I'm watching BlacKkKlansman now and came here to see if anyone else thinks he's beautiful. 😂 "Stupid leftie" is an oxymoron. Yes ☝️This. Yet another man telling women what they should aspire to be. 😴 No problem! It was specified since the fires were shown. The nazi Florence saved killed that woman's (mrs. Rose) son. Mrs. Rose was right, they had no evidence so she wouldn't be convicted for that murder. They were all fond of Daphne and they knew what her father had done to her so they framed mrs. Rose for that murder instead. Some of them told little lies to frame her. Even the policeman was involved in it since he had seemed to feel sorry for Daphne few scenes before. Snake Gyllenhaal!