MovieChat Forums > stevaside

stevaside (6)



What are you talking about? Do you live in a cave? Baggy jeans have been very out of style this entire decade, skinny & slim have been back in & all over the place, therefore Donovan's jeans fit right in again nowadays This post is 5 years old, sure but what i said for sure still applied then, bagginess was still long gone in 2013...and on top of everything else MANY 80's fashion items have came back in...I for one have been thrilled about this, so I just don't get it, you must be in some alternate dimension lol I was just wondering why we kept seeing all the baggy pants midway into the 2010s. I get that the show came out in 2008, but not too much later baggy jeans majorly fell out of style & him still wearing them in 2014 was kinda dumb. Loved this show, but look at Breaking Bad..the older episodes Jesse still had the silly oversized thug look of the 2000's, but as the show entered the new decade his wardrobe evolved into more fitted clothing "Intel" Couldn't count how many times I heard "While he gets us some intel"..."I got some intel".."We need to get some intel", etc 😀 I was actually rooting for him to blow his brains out after that....Karate chopping your baby in the crib? No excuse for that That scene was tough to watch, but yeah, it was super tense not knowing what he was going to do next He was the worst part of the movie to me..I barely made it past the beginning due to his ridiculous out of place NYC mobster accent...he was in Twin Peaks too & played a similar lowlife, annoying's like the guy just has a scumbag aura to him lol was ridiculous...Here is this upper class white family in the suburbs somewhere yet the "brother" of the GF somehow has the accent & demeanor of some mobster from NYC. lol Very cringey & Yep blatantly obvious Windows product placement bothered me as well View all replies >