SoCrates's Replies

When John Candy is telling Kate about leaving his kid at a funeral home. lol. Anything between JC and Catherine O'Hara is gold. "That Thing You Do" by The Oneders Perception of the Star Wars prequels has drastically changed BECAUSE of how bad the sequel trilogy was bungled. Don't get me wrong, H5 is flaming garbage, but at least it's still about the characters from Halloween 4. The idiot director didn't decide to make a Twilight-esque love story instead of continuing the story that was already setup. I'll tell ya what I'd do, man... Two chicks at the same time. Edit: Really? No "Office Space" fans?.... This board really sucks. God I miss IMDB. Watch "Halloween Ends" and you'll gain a new appreciation for part 5 and some of the others. The Monster Squad (1987) She "Big-League'd" them when all she had to do was say: "Hi, nice to meet you." It's a total dick move. "If you want Michael Myers killing people you have the two previous films." Yeah, that's not how trilogies work. I swear no one seems to understand that. "You wanted the same thing a third time?" I wanted to see more of the story they WERE telling. The story that was setup in 2018 and carried through 'Kills'. They expect us to buy that these characters are completely different people in a four year time jump, but it's unearned, especially after the events of the previous movies. Instead of the story being shaped around them, they are instead shaped around this new character. It's bad story telling. "You know what would you say then? That It was rubbish because It was the same all over again and It lacked imagination ( and that would be true)." Have never said that in my life and I've been a fan of this franchise since I was 10. It's like ordering a favorite dish from a restaurant. You don't need to look at a menu, you know why you are there, and what you want. "Toxic fans are never satisfied..." Toxic fans are the result of writers/directors/studios purposely making movies to antagonize them. They know that what they are making will cause an uproar and do it anyway. It's a stand alone movie that has the characters from this trilogy inserted into it. Take out the characters from the previous two entries and replace them with similar new characters, take out Michael, remove the tacked on ending, and you have this emo 'love story' that DGG, and the three other writers, wanted to tell. And it's very stupid because DGG knows full well why people go to see these franchise movies. Michael fucking Myers! It's like making a Batman movie and reducing him to a background character. Who wants to see that? Or pick any franchise you want. It's a "Saw" movie, but here's the twist: No one gets put into any killing devices. Wow, expectations subverted! It's a "Rocky" movie, but it has no boxing in it. It's a "Jaws" movie, but with no shark! Turns out, it was just a lot of boating accidents. And if you're an Indie film maker that wants to make horror movies that focus on themes and messages that mirror what is happening in today's world. Stick to Indie films!!! Do not sign up for a franchise trilogy! Intentionally making a film you know is gonna antagonize fans of a franchise is fucked up. You're purposely creating that 'toxic' fandom that always gets condemned by these actors and directors. I'm just really disappointed about this failure. I've been watching a horror movie every night, trying to get into the Halloween spirit, but watching this really bummed me out. I wasn't expecting anything great, but I was expecting some connective tissue between this and what was started in 2018. Making what is basically a stand alone film with a final lackluster fight tacked on the end was really disappointing, even to someone that didn't have really high expectations. I keep reading people saying that this was some homage to Halloween 3, but the problem is: H3 is a stand alone film, not part of a trilogy. I feel like people don't really understand what a trilogy means these days. To me, this is "The Last Jedi" all over again. Ever since that abomination hit theaters, there has been this disturbing new trend in film-making where studios, directors, writers, etc. intentionally make films/shows that they know fans will not like. DGG and JLC have stated that they knew that 'Ends' would piss a lot of fans off. My question is: why is that is an acceptable outcome? And if not to them, why is that acceptable to Jason Blum, head of the studio? I really doubt an 80% drop at the box office is all because of Peacock. I think word of mouth about how bad it is destroyed it. And it's a shame because it could've been avoided by not subscribing to this new way of thinking. I'm 100% convinced that DGG wanted nothing more to do with Michael Myers. I'm guessing he had the idea of a guy accidentally killing a little kid he was babysitting, and then the guy slowly is driven insane by the people of the town until he gets to the point where he wants to kill them all. He just shoehorned all the Halloween elements in it because he was under contract to finish the trilogy. I liked the cutting torch kill, but I wish it had actually been Michael, and I would've liked to see more of it. For sure. This movie gave me major "The Last Jedi" vibes. It's a huge insult to all the Halloween fans that have supported both this trilogy and the franchise. They had no idea what they were doing. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had turned in a script that doesn't have Michael in it at all. Then Blumhouse came back to them and made them shoehorn him in. So, they pouted and decided to ruin him. Yep. Plus, if he is a weak bitch when he's not killing, wouldn't he have been just a withering bag of bones in wheelchair when the journalists come to see him in H 2018? He hadn't killed anyone in 40 years at that time. Idiotic...