DarthRoger's Posts

Thor: Ragnarok out on Netflix now Deadpool's regenerative powers more like The Thing than Wolverine First movie I saw that starred Patrick Stewart! Best Spider-man movie villain through all six movies Still don't understand why this movie scores so low with so many fans I must be missing something Serious effort at reboot of TLS? Finally saw this movie Is there anyone who can't be given a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. ??? John Campea receiving hateful comments online because he likes Solo. This movie really doesn't deserve the hate Three actors who won't be back in the MCU again OMG, the movie summary on Metacritic is hilarious!! People keep saying that AOS gets substantially better by Season 4 It's being reported that someone stole the Iron Man Mark III movie suit Some viewers who watched this must really not understand it Really hoping this will be a good DC movie JK is excellent Can't seem to get into the second seaons of Jessica Jones I know they are both Disney properties now and yet...