DirtyDozen's Replies

It looks really good! A step up from the first trailer and I'm really digging all the potential crazy fight elements this movie is going to throw at us. Just report this thread and move on. It's not even remotely hiding itself as concern trolling or related to Black Panther. You can pretty tell much tell who made the thread without even having to look at the OP. It's becoming that predictable. For arguments sakes though. [quote][–] QueenFanUSA (608) 3 days ago The 2.5× rule is when you include marketing expenses.[/quote] 'Black Panther' - $200M X 2.5 = $500M 'A Wrinkle in Time' - $103($120M to make you happy) X 2.5 = $257.5M ($300M) Black Panther will make a bare minimum of $1.2B. So $1.2B - $500M(budget/marketing) = $700M profit. $700M - $300M = $400M profit still there. That's me completely writing off 'A Wrinkle in Time' without considering whatever it earns at the box office. I don't even know why I bothered to reply. Disney is on top no matter what and they can't be stopped. Resistance is futile as they say. A lot of love and hard work went into this movie. The Korean casino scene looks crazy hectic. I really need to go see this a 2nd time. This thread is a gold mine. Queen and billbrown never fail to entertain. -48% at the moment which is better than the Avengers 1 drop(-50%). The drop is good. \o/ [quote]Bill? Are you there? Has the CAT got your tongue(no pun intended) because of this weekend's projected drop. A tiny bit fearful it may even get worse?[/quote] It's never a good idea to call someone out for not replying and then literally do the same thing in return. A truly incredible box office run that we're witnessing here. Always bet on black! Nobody really knows but Wakanda is looking to be a vital place in Infinity War. Black Panther is probably going to be out on Blu-Ray/download at the end of May/early June, so you could just wait before seeing Infinity War. Granted, I know that's pretty hard to do when everyone is going to be talking about it when it releases haha. Black Panther is faster, stronger, smarter, a better fighter and has more resources at his disposal. It's a no contest. Who knew that Moderators on a forum make for a much more pleasant environment :D I'm not talking about quality. Just how it performed at the box office. The only other MCU to make more than Thor Ragnorak overseas total is Avengers 1+2, Civil War, Iron Man 3 and Spider-man Homecoming which was fairly similar. It'll most likely be in that top 5, so that is impressive considering what it was initially expected to make overseas which is what I'm getting at. (BTW I think The Incredible Hulk movie is really the stepson of the family who everyone chooses to ignore) Simply incredible by Black Panther!!! It's actually outpacing Thor Ragnorak overseas at the moment and that ended up grossing $539M overseas. Plus that international total is only 3 days vs the 4 days from domestic, so it's not an accurate comparison. It's actually hitting through it's ceiling and the real reason why Black Panther is easily making over a billion dollars. Most people expected it to do well domestically and were a bit iffy on the international box office but once again smashed it's tracking overseas. [quote]mega-profitable Universal and Warner-owned DC offices Universal is the most profitable studio on earth bar none[/quote] 2017 ------------------- Disney (7 films) World Wide Box office gross - $6.22 billion Total production budgets - $1.35 billion Universal (14 films) World Wide Box office gross - $4.76 billion Total production budgets - $869 million Warner Bros - (18 films) World Wide Box office gross - $4.93 billion Total production budgets - $1.54 billion Even if you wanted to go for the profitable narrative and triple the budgets, then Disney still comes out on top. Warner Bros is actually far, far behind in terms of profitable for last year. [url]https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/custom/Meena/StudioProfitability2016.jpg[/url] Universal wasn't even in the discussion in 2016. This is Disney's 4th year as king if you just want to go by profitability. Absolutely amazing. I never thought that Black Panther would be the one to earn a billion without RDJ featured in the movie. Truly a momentous time we are living in! Not taking anything away from Deadpool's box office run. That was also amazing in itself. Just illustrating how big in comparison it is. Plus which film wouldn't want that extra buzz. They made it happen, so they should be credited :D Yup, definitely a perfect storm scenario. It's these type of box office runs that I love. One thing that is also overlooked is that the competition is extremely weak for the next month or so. The first blockbuster of 2018 and there's nothing to stop it's path. Scary to think where the box office total might end up being. Yeah, I prefer to group them into tiers as well A+ ---------------------------------------- Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Avengers Guardians of the Galaxy A ----------------------------------------- Black Panther Captain America: Civil War Thor: Ragnarok B+ ----------------------------------------- Iron Man (Could move this up a tier but never been that much of a Iron Man fan) Spider-Man: Homecoming Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 Doctor Strange B ------------------------------------------ Captain America: The First Avenger Thor Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron Man 3 Ant-Man C+ ------------------------------------------ Iron Man 2 The Incredible Hulk Thor: The Dark World HOLY CRAP! That is an INSANE number. That's literally the 4th highest Saturday if estimates hold true. It's a 33% increase from it's true Friday total. That's bigger than The Last Jedi's Saturday and that opened to $220M. This is going to be a crazy box office run. Warner Bros/DC and the other studios must be scratching their heads with jealousy on how to compete with Disney because there's no stopping this juggernaut. Haha. It's crazy to think that BP's opening day is only less than $20M than Justice Leagues opening week when it should be the other way around. I can already see the 'BP opens twice as much as Justice League opening week' thread being made once official estimates are released in over 12 hours time :D It's opening day is the 8th best opening day which is outrageously good for an origin Comic book movie. In fact Marvel itself has 4 of the top 10 opening days which is incredible. Disney and Marvel cannot be stopped! 6:30PM showing. 99% full except for a few single seats in the front. Laughed at the funny parts. Good vibes throughout the movie. Audiences over here don't typically clap throughout the movies or at the end. I've seen it a few times and can't help but laugh. About 30% left before the 1st ending credits and probably about 60% left before the 2nd ending credit. People are just too impatient. Trailers were Avengers Infinity War, Pacific Rim and Tomb Raider. For once I didn't have to sit through so many ads. You might want to quickly spoiler tag that properly. I believe they filmed multiple cameos for Stan Lee in preparation for his eventual passing.