MovieChat Forums > DiToA > Replies

DiToA's Replies

AGREED! They haven't explained precisely what Emily was doing. I think she was supposed to be doing more humanitarian type of work? Walker's father is clearly very old school but I think he may soften up over time. I LOVE his mom though. She can see clearly what's going on with both of her grandchildren. Good thing she spoke up for the boy otherwise he might get lost in the shuffle. And honestly, those kids have it just as bad when adjusting and could become worse than his sister. Yes, I actually enjoyed it! I love the fact that even though his parents knew he was grieving and allowed for the initial grace, they also held him accountable for abandoning his children during their most vulnerable time. Obviously his family helped to take care of them. I also like that they don't try to make him soft right away with his kids. Like he has to learn that he can't jump in after being gone for so long and expect that they listen. Aaaaaand, I'm Team Ramirez all the freaking way. Lady ain't playing around about her new position and how Walker could cost her what she worked so hard for. Man, I've been in shoes similar to hers so I get it. I'm ready for this week's episode to stream tomorrow. Also, I wasn't really a big fan of the original Walker, Texas Ranger so that might be why I am able to enjoy this one more. However, I can understand how fans of the original may not like it for various reasons. I say give it a try, see how you feel maybe after a month or so. WandaVision has been rather slow as well, but I know they are building up to something big. I can't believe I didn't recognize that Gerladine was Monica Rambeau! I knew she looked familiar though. I actually enjoyed this one as well. It was nice to see Sam and Dean enjoy some holidays. Even though Ms. Butters kind of went a little south, I liked how they turned that around, especially with Jack seemingly understanding her original plight. Kind of hoping they bring her back before the end of everything as I think she could be helpful. Who knows. I was on there, but not much. Ya, thay actually made me squirm a couple of times. Ketch was looking at her like a piece of meat, lol. I did enjoy Demon Jack last night! Good question! I'm actually not mad at some of the reboots overall these days, i.em Hawaii Five-O, Macgyver (minus the whole wrong guy for his dad thing), and even Magnum. Most of these still have the cheese factor, but like a modern spin. I'm hopeful for Jared on this one. I'm happy for him too :) I wonder what Jensen is up to next? Glad to see Adam coming back! Hopefully they give us a good story line for him. Also stoked to see Amara come back as I'm hoping that she exposes Chuck. I still have a feeling that he isn't "our" Chuck/God. This season's ending was like, what the Chuck happened here? He literally let all Hell break loose just because he didn't get another Abraham moment? Beginning to think Amara was onto something, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't like it. They reduced him to throwing a fit like a kid. I've been mostly okay with Jack's behavoir this season because he's really just a grown up toddler when I think about him. Sure, he looks like an adult and can mostly imitate adult behavoir, but he has no clue about consequences. He gets frustrated easily and that's understandable for someone who's only a couple of years old and knows how he came to be. Then you take his soul away? Come on, he was bound to mess up royally. What I'm bothered by is that Chuck doesn't want to actually fix it. Screw the fact that he's playing the "I'm a writer" card, this is so messy! And he was hoping for another Abraham story? Wasn't the one enough since we're clearly not going to bring Jesus into this whole story? I'm kind of hoping they bring Amara back and see what she does. I know that's kind of way out in left field but I can't help myself. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not gonna lie, I was kind of looking forward to seeing what would have happened if Rowena would have stayed that way for a while. But A: I was NOT expecting that and B: Jack, that's what I'm talking about! Way to step out of the shadows and handle that bad boy! So, now we wait to see what happens.... I think he would if he thought it was his only option. Seems to me like the writers made it clear that Lucifer is coming back in some way with the whole Terminator thing at the end of that one episode. But I wouldn't mind seeing Michael against Michael. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Excited to see how this plays out! Maybe the point here is that you can't just "kill evil" as easily as they thought. Sure, Michael and all of the monsters are 100% proof that evil still exists, but killing the Father of Lies appears to only happen on an Earthly plane in this sense. It looks like Lucifer was in the same place that Cas was at one point, so there is the potential for him to be brought back. I really was hoping that they would give him a much happier ending. But maybe what they are getting at is that when that kind of darkness takes a hold of you, it's hard to shake. Nick is definitely not as strong as Sam and Dean when it comes to fighting a demon possesion off, much less fighting off Lucifer. I would still like to see where this goes with Nick and not just for the sake of Mark sticking around. I think that I'll be okay with it as long as they can stay slightly more linear with this storyline I was thinking the same thing last night! Ugh, I really wanted Nick to do better, but I can see where they are going with this. It looks like both Dean and Nick were struggling, but now we know what Nick was dealing with. Dangit Nick! WHAT?! YASSSSSSSSSS! I'm kind of excited about this cause I really miss that dude on the show sometimes. "Jack (Alexander Calvert) turns to Dean (Jensen Ackles) for help enjoying the human experience." This could prove to be interesting............... I enjoyed it, campiness and all! I'm not a horror person either, but it was easy for me to put that aside knowing that they were poking fun at the horror flick genre.