MovieChat Forums > WandaVision (2021) Discussion > Holy cow, Episode 4! (maybe SPOILERS aft...

Holy cow, Episode 4! (maybe SPOILERS after the first post!)

That was awesome, but TOO EFFING SHORT!!!!!




Much better I will admit.


Story-vice this was an awesome episode, but Kat Dennings was so wooden in her acting! Annoyed me a lot. But yeah, this episode got me really interested in this series.


I enjoyed it, but not as much as the first three episodes. They were more entertaining and though-provoking, while this was more of an "okay, here's what's really been going on."

I did feel that episode 4 plodded a bit, as it kind of spelled out for the less-attentive what they should have picked up on already. Gaps were filled in, but nothing was surprising, and we didn't really need that episode, as we already knew all of what was "revealed," just in a bit less detail.


I agree this felt like an episode to help out the people not paying attention, to the detriment of those of us who did and wanted the mystery to play out more subtilely. Could have been something amazing that people debated and thought more deeply about. This would be like the 4th episode of Twin Peaks being Lynch popping in to explain everything.


Kat is the worst.


Its kind of annoying how short the episodes are. this one was so good!


And they trick ya, you look at the slider and see it's got a while yet, but that's all credits.. lol

ahh still.. good sunday arvo time wasting, enjoyed that ep.


Yeah those 10 minute+ of credits get you every single time lol.


quite enjoyed it

but yes...

These episodes are painfully too short.....Its almost infuriatingly too short....

This cant be by design, something must have went wrong in Production, Maybe They couldnt film as much as they wanted due to Covid....But The Plan couldnt have been for these episodes to be 22 to 24 mins long....

I wish they would have just made the series 6 episodes long and had each episode then be around 45 to 50 Mins long!


i suspect it's absolutely by design. i haven't heard any discussion of this from the producers or writers, but 24 minutes is the length of your classic three camera sitcom, & i don't think it's a mistake that this is what the series is roughly running so far.

as it 'breaks' from that format, maybe they'll stretch out a bit, but personally i hope they don't. like i said below, i've had my fill of 9 or 10 episode 1 hour shows. i think it's a genuine relief & pleasure to get something that's brief, pacey, never dawdles & leaves you wanting more rather than wishing it would stop droning on and on.

i love mike flanagan. i think he's the best horror director going. but those haunting series have proven that i will always prefer the imposed focus of a 90-120 minute film over 10 episodes that go on and on and on.

simplicity is a blessing, brevity is a gift. keep it short!


Most of the show was filmed before COVID, which was why it came out before Falcon and Winter Soldier. It is 30 minutes long to reflect standard sitcom length.


Most of the show was filmed before COVID, which was why it came out before Falcon and Winter Soldier. It is 30 minutes long to reflect standard sitcom length.


Ya thats why I said "Maybe" They couldnt film as much as they wanted due to Covid.

I remembered reading reports that Wandavision was finished filming and The Falcon and Winter Soldier had to stop filming due to covid...

But "Maybe"....they couldnt do re-shoots for Wandavision because of Covid, "Maybe" The Post Production was hampered because of Covid....

the episodes just seems ODDLY too short....If that was the plan from the start to "reflect standard sitcom length" then I'm clearly wrong...

But even The end credit seem ODD...

The Episodes usually say they 32 mintes long, Yet The actual Episode ends at like 24 Minutes and Then you get an 8 minute End Credit sequence....It just seems completely unnecessary and to me looks like They are trying to make the episodes seem longer than they really are....

The end credit sequence on E.1 is 8 Minutes long
The end credit sequence on E.1 is 7 Minutes and 40 seconds long
The end credit sequence on E.1 is 7 Minutes long
The end credit sequence on E.1 is 6 Minutes and 40 seconds long

The End credit sequence literally take up 20% of The Episodes Runtime

lol, IMO this absurd, I think Marvel knows the episodes FEEL too short and are trying to make them seem longer...

These End credit scenes could be done in literally 3 minutes

I may be completely off here, this isnt something I would defend to the end, But the episodes just seem too short....

Maybe you are right and these early episodes are intentionally made short to "reflect standard sitcom length" and maybe The Episodes will get longer in episodes 6 through 10 when They break away from The "sitcom format" and The series is more taking place in modern day MCU


there's no such thing as too short!

i love that these episodes are brief and pacey. i've waded through quite a few series recently, and i'm deeply, deeply tired out drawn out, needlessly bloated shows.

i'll take short and pacey over overly long every time.


I'd agree, but if it were an option. nothing worse than the 'LOST' fatigue... where they tease you and tease you and when they are about to finally do the reveal, move on to the next tease. Only for it to inevitably wind up as a dream or whatever the hell they were in... omg... I was on eztv for all of that, every new season they'd have to shut the IRC chat off because people, thousands, would ask when the new ep is out...

I played a game on them once, said eztv is a scam, here is the new episode, and liked them to Chocolate Rain feat. Flava Flav as a screen shot. ahhha.. ahh god, those were the days...


Aye !!! Now we're cooking with gas!! ;)
