MovieChat Forums > chubacheeba

chubacheeba (59)


How dumb can one be? horrible acting removing the helemt thing is so silly why are Chloe angry? Great drama, but the kid is acting very ilogical the riots View all posts >


Exactly. Weird to think that royals are white. There are more corrupt royals in non western countries. All royal families? man you guys are so fucking dumb! hahaha Jim Jarmunch's Ghost Dog The way of the samurai was an interesting take. The Killer reminded me of Collateral. Tom Cruise is surprisingly good at portraying a psycopath That would be unsettling. I think DiCaprio could have been interesting, as well as a young Ralph Fiennes! Absolutely! Best villain of the 90s. What ever happened to that guy? He would make an awesome bond villain. The show isnt diverse. Where are the Asians? 40% of the worlds population? This show is seeped in US contemporary political conflict. It's a shame. If anything, more Asians is needed considering how the easterlings are written in his books. To be fair. It's not hollywood who made this show. And the creator of the source materials is the one who changed certain characters. So your complaint should be taken with the creator of The Sandman graphic novels, Neil Gaiman. Who based her on the original Lady Johanna Constantine the first ancestor of that line. Hmmm. perhaps its some nostalgia on my part as well. It's funny how both the 89 version, the 05 reboot and this new reboot, where all promoted as a darker and grittier Batman movie. How dark and gritty is the next reboot going to be? View all replies >