How dumb can one be?

I just. I cant wrap my mind around how people in the west can turn to cults like this? How weak willed and dumb are they? Its just unbelivable. There is something wrong with conntempoirary times. The kids seem obbssessed with looking good, cool, dancing and become rich and famous quick. This has nothing to do with christianity. Most of the people interviewd come off as rather unread, dumb and easly manipulated. What a strange watch.


I’ve watched all the cult docs - Wild Wild Country, The Vow, Synanon, Bikram, Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate, etc etc. There’s a few things they have in common: they lure in people who are at a lost or weak point in their lives, they shower them with love, community and a family-type setting, then they persuade them to cut their ties with their own family and friends. It’s a psychological process, almost like a slow hypnosis. I still have no idea how people get sucked into these weirdo communities but find it a fascinating phenomenon.


I’ve been fascinated by cults for a long time. You are right. Cults look for certain types of people. Such as Manson looked for girls who were teen runaways or young adult girls who were on their own & had no family.


Don't forget MAGA!
