ak47wong's Replies

The same reason the First Order fleet in TLJ couldn't catch up with the fleeing Resistance ships? (whatever that reason is - something to do with microjumps or hyperspace lanes..) The Lamborghini then. Much more subtle. So Benny07 = Bender (1)? Anyway, three years later we are still enjoying your post :) I love reading these threads from years ago and seeing a post from just last week :) Anyway, you’re certainly correct about the miniatures. To add to your points, the other unfortunate decisions (or constraints) were the shallow focus and the use of water to add lakes in the city. There was no way you could make water look convincing. I don't have a huge problem with drinking water from the bathroom basin. After all, it's the same water that comes out of any other tap in the house. But Jennifer went into the bathroom empty-handed and came out holding a glass of water, which means she would have grabbed the same glass that David uses to brush his teeth. Now THAT'S weird behaviour. This is explained in a trivia item on IMDb: "Throughout the entire film, all German (even those in the operas) is translated to English. All Italian is left as Italian. This was done to help viewers better immerse themselves in the time that was Classical Era Austria." (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086879/trivia?item=tr2567445) Der Hölle Rache is actually sung in English in the film. Here are the lyrics: Mine own daughter never more Then be thou mine own daughter never more Rejected be forever, forsaken be forever, so sundered be forever All the bonds of kin and blood Rejected, forsaken and so sundered All the bonds of kin and blood If not through this, Sarastro's life be taken Hark, hark, hark! Gods of Vengeance Hear thy mother's curse! There's also another thread about this: https://moviechat.org/tt0086879/Amadeus/58c741256b51e905f66e71a5/The-Magic-Flute But they didn't bring back his hair :) Sadly, that's not actually Action Comics #1. The cover of Action Comics #1 shows Superman lifting a car, whereas the comic in the movie has a rocket ship and doesn't seem to match any real cover (there's a gallery here: https://superman.fandom.com/wiki/Action_Comics/cover_gallery). The real Action Comics #1 also doesn't have a picture of the Daily Planet in any of its panels, though I agree the dissolve from the comic Daily Planet to the real one is indeed genius. (The page of ads shown in the on-screen comic book is in the real Action Comics #1 though, which is a nice touch.) [quote]Coin-Up Arcade games with their authentic YM2151 chips[/quote] This is oddly specific. Sounds like someone got their hands on a cam rip ;) In modern parlance, a few politically incorrect tweets is enough to disqualify you for the job, never mind the assassinations and the terrorism. Infinity War showed us that Tony’s new nanotech suits can basically do *anything* the plot requires in an instant. To add to the other replies, another example is in *Rebecca*, when Maxim de Winter says to his new fiancée, "This isn't at all your idea of a proposal, is it? It should be in a conservatory, you in a white frock, with a red rose in your hand, and a violin playing in the distance, and I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree."