FilmBuff's Replies

Doesn't everything nowadays? People stopped going to the movies after 2019, and nearly every film flops or bombs in terms of dollars earned at the box office. The new norm is that 2 or 3 films each year seem to capture the zeitgeist and become an event film that everyone sees, while the rest languish in streaming. Movies that are well-received, highly rated, and have great word of mouth still end up going unseen in theaters, as people wait to stream it at home. You referenced The Fall Guy, which is a perfect example. Nearly everyone who has seen it seems to have loved it. 87% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3 rating on IMDB, A- Cinema Score, but less than $50 million at the box office after 10 days in theaters. Pre-2020 that would be a widely discussed anomaly, but in 2024, it's the norm. You can list all the made-up reasons you want, and yours seem quite nonsensical, but if this film fails to fill theaters, it's not going to be because Chris Hemsworth is in it, or because Furiosa is the lead character, it's going to be because of the drastic change in audience behavior that has taken place post-Covid. You can see it referenced here: The film in question was made in the '90s, when Hong Kong was still a part of Great Britain. I thought Bullet Train was uneven, but had its moments. The Fall Guy is excellent, and the sort of movie I'd love to see Hollywood get back to making. Obi Wan must have lived a rough life on Tatooine to go from young-looking Ewan McGregor, who was 32, but looked about 25, at the time Revenge of the Sith was shot, to ancient-looking Alec Guiness, who was 63 but looked about 75. He aged at least 50 years in the 18 odd years he was there! He's talking about a plot whole, you're mistakenly assuming he's talking about a plot hole. They are two different concepts. That's a pretty terrible recasting. Florence Pugh as Rachel works, and John Boyega could pull off Ross' character, but the other four aren't remotely close. He played the Green Knight in the 2021 film, and he was excellent in the role. It's a role somewhat akin to what one expects from Galactus, so this is encouraging news. Because people are too lazy to go the movies anymore. They'd rather sit at home and "stream content." :( Just tonight at dinner my 5-year-old told me that bubo is the Latin word for owl. I should show him Clash of the Titans! Not according Eddie Egan, the real life police officer Popeye Doyle was based on. From an article about the film: The real detectives behind The French Connection's story [Eddie] Egan and [Sonny] Grosso acted as advisors to the production, including on this scene. "Picking your feet in Poughkeepsie" is a phrase that Egan would sometimes use during interrogations to disorient and confuse suspects during interrogations, with the aim of Grosso getting them to open up by asking more direct queries actually related to the case. Sure, but why move it at all? It had been safely hidden in a secure parking lot. Why not leave it in the lot until it was time to make the exchange? Fury Road is the best of the 4 Mad Max movies. You missed out not seeing it in a theater, let alone not watching it at all. He has two sons, and both sing. The older son, Julian, had a decent career going in the '80s, and is probably the better singer of the two. The same reason nearly every film has flopped for the past couple years: streaming. Most people are stupid. It's a simple fact of life. If you give stupid people a way to be lazy they'll take it, so being able to sit on their ass at home and watch a movie (that they think of as being "for free" despite paying to stream it), is going to become the new norm. I remember you! You conspiracy theorists really do have an answer for everything, don't you! My sense of it is that a lot of people hate Jews, but until recently it wasn't acceptable to express that hatred, so they kept it to themselves. In recent years, racism against white people has become normalized, and after the October 7th attacks, the usual pro-Palestine hate mongers came out to support their cause, and the rest of the anti-semites realized they no longer had to keep their hate to themselves. If it was okay to ridicule and hate white people, maybe it was okay to do the same to Jewish people, who are more or less white people anyway. They tested the waters, found that not only was there no pushback but instead there was support, and suddenly it was okay to be racist, as long as the object of your racism is Jewish people. I think Gadot is the hardest of the heroes to recast. She was born to play Wonder Woman. Batman, Superman, Flash and the rest are fairly interchangeable, and are more or less the suit first with most any actor underneath. I cant think of multiple actors who'd be fine in those roles, but not one that can replace Gadot. It's clever and funny, but the sort of movie that isn't made anymore, so it may feel foreign to younger viewers. This feels akin to some of the early Coen Bros. films, especially The Hudsucker Proxy, and in some ways like a Mel Brooks film. It's absurdist, surreal, and full of quick, witty banter. Wow, in today's Hollywood that's the equivalent to a pre-Covid $300 million opening.