Jimmyt11111's Replies

Beagley? Shes not in the book. Looks like I stopped watching just in time! Was a pile of crap. You're right. I wonder what politicians think they are supporting when the huge majority of people know this is mental illness. The only way through this madness is to elect out all these politicians. I've just watched this on disney+. I think if they made it first there wouldn't have been any more made. Total crap. Bad sfx. Bad acting. The real actors were looking at a space above the CG cast. Awful That's what I like about this board. Two wankers arguing about fuck allπŸ‘πŸ‘ TV shows didnt have tits on them when I was a kid. I read on the internet that all the dancing in WSS was CGI and Spiderman swinging around New York was real life. You know nothing! Tranny=transvestite There were no transgender people in the 50s. The medical procedure wasnt possible. Any girl "Tranny" was a woman dressing up as a man. That's all. Snazzy! I ain't heard that since 1975 Jaden Smith So. If you are found guilty you did it. But if you are found not guilty you did it but they cant prove it? So according to that logic everyone always did it. Right? So an innocent man should be found guilty so aresoles dont burn down and demolish more business? American justice is a joke. White supremacist shooting white guys? Hows that a " thing"? So what's the fuss about? I thought that whites can kill whites but not blacks. Also wasnt it a despute over a black man being killed.? I thought only blacks were allowed to riot and burn anyway. Why were they there? Yea. But, surely they dont buy guns off the street to make westerns. I'm sure movie guns, though real will never have had real bullets anywhere near them. But this armourer allegedly loaded it and was taking potshots.and left live rounds in it. Btw. Was that the only live round? Or was it loaded up? It was a gold light bulb, wired to switch on when the lid was lifted. Sorry to spoil your illusions! So many posters giving away the why Craig is not coming back... " I let him go." (After dropping a guy off a cliff). Arnold Schwarzenegger, Commando Surely you wouldn't have to open the box to find out if the cat was in there. It would be jumping around trying to get out. Or did Schrodinger kill it first? No. He was always a man. Just one with a womb, vagina , periods and breasts.