Sandman27's Replies

Spoken like a true indoctrinee. The hosts of The View would be proud. Must not deviate from the "Orange man bad" narrative. 🤣 Once again, you failed to condemn an organization that incites violence and denies 1st Amendment rights to citizens. 👍 Let's do another one shall we? We're the people that crashed planes on 9/11 terrorists, or did they just do "some things"? I condemn ALL acts of terror including the idiot that used the bear spray. The idiot that drove a car into a crowded street. The idiot that shot into a crowd in Vegas. And the anti-fa thugs that cowardly cover their faces violently protesting across the country and preventing an elderly lady from crossing the street just to hear a person speak. I asked you a simple question that should get a simple answer and as Robert DeNiro said, You blewwwwwwwwwwww it! You blew it! So let me give you another chance. Do you give Trump credit for eliminating Bagdadi? Yes or no? Another qualifier to your original post. Backpedal much? I'm sorry you failed to see the correlation. You want to talk about the show? Create a thread that talks about the show instead of a thread that YOU created to bitch and moan about viewers. How difficult is that? Why don't you show some responsibility for your own actions? What else is new? 🙄 What you stated was nothing more than an ass pull. You read the source material, right? You know what happened at the end, right? Now tell me how we got from there to here. Here's your second chance. Dazzle everybody with your feats of logic and creativity. Pray elaborate as detailed as possible. How much did that wind/solar system with batteries cost including the installation? So you are pro anti-fa. <blockquote>im saying by being predominately all white, watchmen by definition cannot be saying anything about race by virtue of there being no other races represented now that the show is doing that, ppl have a problem that its not sticking to the source material, an all white comic book and justifying that by saying the comic wasnt about race when it couldnt have been about race precisely because it was all white</blockquote> First of all, thank you for acknowledging that the source material had nothing to do with racism. <blockquote>so in other words, fans of the show wanted an all white tv show like they had with the movie</blockquote> Wow! Of all the things. Think of the ending of the novel. Of all the things the "writers" could've chosen as a starting point, they supremacy! Yeah. That's an organic transition from the novel. 🙄 Pray tell how this makes sense. So having read the source material, you cannot simply admit the fact that the graphic novel has nothing to do with racism? Why is that so difficult? So you condemn them as an organization and their actions, correct? Username, are you pro Anti-fa? Yes or no? Can I not be a bigot that chooses my words carefully in my posts? Thus, how are you really going to know a bigot from a post alone? It is okay for you to like the show for what it is and you are more than welcome to praise it for what it is. I don't know if you've read the source material and if you have, can you state for the record here that the source material has nothing to do with racism at all? If you haven't read the source material, which I hope you have, then you were criticizing others based off of ignorance. FYI, that's not a good thing. The reason why people are so "vehemently" against the subject matter in this instance, is that it has nothing to do with the source material. It is no different than labeling a movie a Star Wars story and inserting the subject matter of climate change. By inserting a political agenda into the source material that has nothing to do with the source material is a disservice to it and the integrity of the original creators. Dave Gibbons should be ashamed he associated with this show. The people that know the source material and watched the show expecting Watchmen and instead got what they got, is there disappointment not understandable to you, or must they all be bigots because of their disappointment? You said you can pick out true bigots and you are insulting them here on the boards. I'm questioning how you can pick out bigots based on their posts alone. If you are talking about a specific segment of the population, why don't you address that specific segment directly rather than give a generalized blanket statement? It is completely in your control to choose your words and direct them more specifically. How are you spotting bigots on these posts exactly? Perhaps I'm not as "informed" as you in regards to the history of America, but until I see some proof of your prowess on this board, I have no faith to take you for your word. Instead of addressing the argument specifically, you just make a generalized blanket statement which answers nothing. It's answers like this is why nothing ever gets done because instead of opening yourself up to a discussion, you just insult the other side and walk away. Very grown up of you. Wow! Zero Watchmen in that reply! Is Trump President in the show? No. It's Robert Redford. Your reply only gives further proof the show is Watchmen in name only. Thank you. They had to go with something a little more applicable today than the Cold War? That's your reason? Seriously??? As Maul said, the novel had NOTHING to do with racism, so does it make sense that this is an organic transition to the show? If you think so, pray elaborate. Did you even read the novel? Being that this is supposed to be a sequel to the graphic novel, pray tell how the ending of the novel translates organically to the beginning of this show?